Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
- Cut a 18 inch length of 24 gauge silver plated wire. Using your fingers, wrap one end of the wire 3 times around an end tooth of the comb, up at the top, as close to the crossbar as you can get. When you finish your wrapping, tug it slightly to make sure it holds.
- You want the wire to be sticking out the back concave side of the comb. If it is not currently sticking out the back, just wrap it around the nearest side of the comb to make it do so. Thread onto your wire:
- 1 silver plated 2.5mm round bead
- 1 bead cap
- 1 pearl
- another bead cap
- 1 2.5mm silver plated bead
- 1 Austrian crystal 4mm bicone
Repeat 2 more times but on the last one, leave off the Austrian crystal Bicone. With your wire positioned downward in front of your comb crossbar, hold the beads so that they don't slip under the crossbar, and pull the wire through the space between the 3rd and 4th tooth. Pull to the back side. Loop the wire one more time up and over the crossbar and back down under the same space and through to the back (this will help stabilize your beads). - Take your wire which is now sticking out the back side of the comb and wrap it around the top part of the 5th tooth of the comb. Make a complete wrap so that your wire is now sticking out the front side. Thread onto the wire:
- 1 2.5mm silver plated bead
- 1 Austrian crystal 4mm bicone
- another silver plated bead
- 1 bead cap
- 1 pearl
- 1 bead cap
Repeat this same pattern 3 times. Next, thread onto the wire: - 1 silver bead
- 1 Austrian crystal bicone
- and 1 silver bead
With your wire positioned downward in front of your comb crossbar, hold the beads so that they don't slip under the crossbar, and pull the wire through the space between the 11th and 12th tooth. Pull to the back side. Loop the wire one more time up and over the crossbar and back down under the same space and through to the back. - Take your wire which is now sticking out the back side of the comb and wrap it around the top part of the 12th tooth of the comb. Make a complete wrap so that your wire is now sticking out the front side. Thread onto the wire:
- 1 silver plated 2.5mm round bead
- 1 bead cap
- 1 pearl
- another bead cap
- 1 2.5mm silver plated bead
- 1 Austrian crystal 4mm bicone
Repeat 2 more times but on the last one, leave off the Austrian crystal Bicone. With your wire positioned downward in front of your comb crossbar, hold the beads so that they don't slip under the crossbar, and pull the wire through the space between the 15th and 16th tooth. Pull to the back side. Loop the wire one more time up and over the crossbar and back down under the same space and through to the back.- Now twist the end of your wire once around the 16th tooth of the hair comb. Loop your wire up and over and around the crossbar several times at discrete places, pulling tight, until you reach the space between the 8th and 9th teeth. Wrap the wire up and over the crossbar once in this area and then pull the wire so that it is sticking upright, away from your teeth. Thread onto your wire:
- 1 silver plated 2.5mm round bead
- 1 bead cap
- 1 pearl
- another bead cap
- 1 2.5mm silver plated bead
- 1 Austrian crystal 4mm bicone
Repeat 2 more times but on the last one, leave off the Austrian crystal Bicone. With your wire positioned downward in front of your comb crossbar, hold the beads so that they don't slip under the crossbar, and pull the wire through the same space between the 8th and 9th tooth. Pull to the back side. Loop the wire one more time up and over the crossbar and back down under the same space and through to the back.Pull the wire back down towards the teeth and wrap it 3 times around the top part of the 8th or 9th tooth. Cut off excess wire with flush cutters. - Cut a 12 inch length of 24 gauge silver plated wire. Using your fingers, wrap one end of the wire 3 times around an end tooth of the comb, up at the top, as close to the crossbar as you can get. When you finish your wrapping, tug it slightly to make sure it holds. Pull the wire so that it is sticking out of the back side, up and away from the teeth. Pull up and over the crossbar so that it comes to the front.
- Thread onto the wire: 1 bead cap. Next thread the following sequence 6 times:
- 1 2.5mm silver plated round bead
- 1 bead cap
- 1 pearl
- 1 bead cap
When finished, thread one more silver plated round bead and another bead cap. Position your beaded strand directly in front of the crossbar. At the every end of the crossbar, pull your wire over the edge and around the backside of the end beaded loop. This is on top of the crossbar. Pull your wire through the looped archway, over the beaded strand that is in front of the crossbar, down through a space between two teeth, under the crossbar, and pulled to the backside. Repeat this same action 3 or 4 more times along the length of the crossbar so that you are securing your front beaded strand to the comb. When you get to the end, wrap your wire 3 times around the top part of the end tooth. Cut off excess wire.
WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- FCO-9011 - Silver Plated Fancy Hair Combs - Fun Craft Beading Project 2 1/2 Inches (2)
Project uses 2 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- WCR-2430 - Artistic Wire, Silver Plated Craft Wire 24 Gauge Thick, 10 Yard Spool, Tarnish Resistant Silver
Project uses 18 inches. You will need 1 package.
- BMB-6453 - Bright Silver Plated Open Petal Flower Bead Caps 7mm (50)
Project uses 76 pieces. You will need 2 packages.
- PEW-1015 - White Freshwater Cultured Nugget Pearls 7-9mm / 16 Inch Strand
Project uses 38 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- BMB-5125 - Silver Plated Round Beads 2.5mm (1000)
Project uses 76 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- SWBI-1409 - Austrian Crystal, 5328 Bicone Beads 4mm, 24 Pieces, Crystal Moonlight
Project uses 20 pieces. You will need 1 package.
RECOMMENDED TOOLS:- XTL-5600 - Xuron Sharp Flush Cutter Pliers - Wire/Soft Flex