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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com cat and i want to show you how to do it in video form so what you're going to need to do this is you're going to need a tube of diamond duos now if you're going to use one tube I do want to show you how long this bracelet will be because this uses almost entire tube so it will be about seven inches just a little shy of that so on my wrist that's okay I do have a really small wrist though so if you need a bracelet that's a little bit larger you're going to want to buy a second tube you're also going to need some seed beads so we've just got pretty eleven o gold seed beads a tube clasp some thread I've got fireline and smoke and needle and a pair of scissors and that's all you're going to need now I like doing variations of bracelets where I just change out the main focal bead so I'm going to be using this pretty pretty purple but I'm going to keep the gold beads and also the gold tube clasp just like you see here in the example so I'm going to just line this up with some of the other colors of super duos available and show you that all you really need sometimes is to just switch out that focal bead so lots of different pretty colors to choose from so let's go ahead and begin I'm separating out my clasp to begin with and I've already placed a stopper bead on the end of my thread and I'm using about six feet of thread that's a comfortable level for me we're going to start by just picking up one of the diamond duo's and these do have two holes in them they're very pretty czech glass bead so we're just going to pull our thread down until it rests on the stopper bead now we're going to pick up three of the gold seed beads let's slide those guys down as well and we're actually going to be starting by attaching our clasp which is something that we don't normally do so now we're going to go through the hole and to help keep it nice and in place I'm actually going to loop back around and through that hole again so I've just looped around the outside loop and then I'm going to pull that all the way down to my beads and now I'm going to pick up three more seed beads and go through another die module and then pick up three more seed beads and slide those guys down and now I want to go through the second hole or I should say the second loop and I'm going to loop through it again there we go and now I'm going to pick up three more seed beads and another diamond duo so we have attached one half of our clasp and we have done the first row of our diamond duos so now we're going to go ahead and jump over to the second hole and try to do this flat so be a little easier to see where the thread is going okay so you're just creating a thread bridge on top of that diamond duo and now I'm going to pick up a seed bead and another diamond duo now at this point I want to make sure my diamond duo's are going in the right direction so I'll go down this way and then another seed bead and then go through this hole here now can be a little Wiggly to start with so I want on these diamond duo's you'll notice that there is a flat side right here which is the back and a pointed side which the top so for this particular bracelet I want to make sure that all the pointed sides are facing up right so now if you look at the pattern here we're going to pick out another seed bead another diamond duo and another seed bead and we're going to go through this guy right here so now we've got our second row now we're going to pick up a seed bead another diamond duo and I am paying attention to where I'm picking up the diamond dough's so now we need to go ahead and start up along this way and to do that we're going to create another thread bridge so we're just going to jump over to that second hole and we're going to pick up a seed bead and a diamond do and it can be easier if you want to just line up these diamond duo's at this point so you see where you want to pick them up you can even if you want go ahead and put some seed beads right here and just go like this that can be a little easier to getting ahead of myself so you're staggering the diamond duo's so you're connecting each new one basically to an old one via that little seed bead all right so we've just exited right here now you could in theory just go ahead and make another thread bridge over and go down and go back and forth and that would work your bracelet is going to look a little different from the example that Kat made because if you notice what Kat did here she has three diamond duos and then she's got four three four so it makes it wider and also makes it go up down up down up down so we're going to recreate what she did so to get that look what you're going to do right here is you need another diamond duo up top and to add that you're going to add a seed bead add the diamond duo and slide that down and now you're going to jump over the diamond duo right here so you have a little thread bridge on top and I am using smoke thread here you could for this color palette really get away with crystal I just knew that it wasn't going to show up in video form so I chose to use a darker color so now I'm adding another seed bead and sliding it down again I'll try to do this on the table as much as possible so it's a little easier to see and so I'm going to go back through this super duo the seed bead next to it and the diamond duo so I'm going to go back through this diamond duo the seed bead next to it and the diamond duo below it and pull so now we've got that three diamonds oohs four and three so to get back over here which is where we want to be we're just going to jump over and when I say jump over I just mean go to the second hole and we're working our thread and needle back to here now we're going to do a thread bridge again and now we're ready to add our next segment our next row so we've got a seed bead diamond do a seed bead and then we're going to do the same thing again seed bead diamond duo seed bead you see there's a lot less wobbly at this point so now we're going to do another seed bead and another diamond duo and I am noting where I'm picking up the diamond duo's so I make sure I've got that nice pointed side up top okay so now we just want to jump over and now we need to add seed bead diamond do a seed bead and go up and then a seedbead diamond do seedbead okay and then a seed bead diamond duo let me show you what you got this point so if you'll note we need to add another fourth one right up here again so we're going to do the same thing we did back here we're going to add that seed bead and a diamond duo pull that down now we need to go over the top of it and then connect it to the other diamond duo that's there waiting just via a seed bead and now we need to again work our thread back to this point here and to do that we will just go through that seed bead through the diamond duo and work our needle over to here so just creating that thread bridge on the underside of the diamond duo okay jump over and you're ready to go on to the next row so you're just going to continue doing this until you have the length you want and then you're going to attach the other half of your clasp I'm just going to continue beating and when I get to that point where it comes time to attach the clasp I'll come back on here and show you how to do that and finish up your bracelet so we finished our last row you can see that we've got all these pretty diamond duo's so we did the turnaround right here and now we're exiting this bead just as if we're going to go down and start a new row but instead of picking up a seed bead and another diamond duo we're going to pick up three seed beads and we're now going to attach our clasp and before you actually string it on look at the position of the other half of your clasp and make sure that you're attaching the second part in a way that is going to go ahead and close and fit together so you wouldn't want to attach both of them like this because then when you put your bracelet around you're going to be stuck so make sure it's properly oriented and now you're going to go ahead go through that loop and I like to loop around it make sure the loop stays on the right side and then pull it down we're going to add three more seed beads go through the diamond duo next to it and pull add three more seed beads pull those guys down go through the second loop and go through it again and I'm making that little repeat loop through the loop just to add a little bit of extra security and to help with my tension with these seed beads it just helps them to stay where I want them to stay now we're just going to go through that last end diamond duo and pull at this point tug on your thread a little bit make sure that's pulled nice and tight so now we're going to go back up through our beadwork and we're going to start to tie some discrete little knots to secure our beading and I have some extra thread here so to make my life a little bit easier I'm going to trim off some of it at this point I'm not going to need all of it and I'm just retracing my thread path PACA and I'm trying to tie my knot between the diamond duo's and the seed beads not on the thread bridges because there'd be a lot more parent I tied them up they're here they can hide within the seed beads those three knots it feels really nice and secure and now I'm just going to trim my tail so you go back and you remove your bead stopper I'll show you how to remove it I'm not going to show you how to weave this one in because it's the exact same process we just did but when you want to remove your bead stopper you just grab it and you just pull it off and that's all there is to it and then you would rethread your needle and weave in your tail and tie it some little discreet knots and that is how you make the fish scales bracelet using diamond duo seed beads but I will not one last thing is I want to show you how this looks closed because it's a really pretty tapered effect and I can also show it to you on so you can see what it would look like if you're wearing it you can find all the supplies for this project as well as many others featuring two whole beads at beadaholique.com you
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