Video Suggestion List is Open!

I love my job, I truly do! I feel so fortunate to be able to say that and to work with so many friends here at Beadaholique. I started in 2011 and since then have taken time off here and there to have my kiddos (and move to Portugal) but have always come back to Beadaholique because I love what I do here. A big part of that joy comes from teaching. Both my parents are retired schoolteachers, as are two of my uncles and my great grandmother. I so enjoy teaching techniques and projects in both video and written form. I also really enjoy puzzles and problem solving, if there is something I don’t know how to do, it’s fun to figure it out.

As I look ahead to this fall and winter season, I would like to invite everyone to send me their video suggestions. Is there a technique or stitch you have been wanting to learn? Some special knot or macrame technique? Or is there a type of design you would like to see more of? Please write in the comments section your ideas and wish list items! I can’t promise that I will be able to get to them all right away, but I would love to hear what you are wanting and looking for and I will see what I can do!
Thank you everyone!
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