Butterflies Everywhere! Spring Inspiration for DIY Jewelry

The butterflies are visiting my garden more and more these days. As a little girl they seemed somehow magical and I must admit that as an adult they still do. It's something about how they float around and gently touch down with grace and beauty. They are so fragile yet so strong. 

As a design element, butterflies can bring some magic and whimsy to your creations. You can choose to allude to butterflies by incorporating dagger beads with an etched wing design or wing beads. These are more of a subtle nod to butterflies. You can also layer butterfly charms together in a single design and have a plethora of dancing butterflies grace your work. Whatever you choose, butterflies are a fantastic design element, especially for spring and summer projects. 

Here are some of my favorite butterflies elements from Beadaholique! 

And although these are not technically butterflies, they are still really cool! 

Check our entire butterfly and insect charm collection as well as our and our PRESTIGE crystal butterfly beads. Visit our special Spring Inspiration collection for even more springtime jewelry inspiration.
Previous article Garden Inspiration for DIY Springtime Jewelry

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