New Facebook Live Events with Julie Bean

Hello Everyone!

Julie Bean This is Julie Bean and I am so excited to share that I am back beading and making videos with Beadaholique! I joined Beadaholique in 2011 and had the pure joy of making hundreds of videos and projects over the years. I am thrilled to be designing and creating videos once again, and this time, I am doing it from my new home in Portugal! My family is on a wonderful adventure, and I hope to share that adventure with all of you. Some of my first videos will be where I show what jewelry making supplies I brought with me in my suitcase (we moved half way around the world with only 8 checked bags and 4 carry-ons for a family of 4!). Here are some photos of our airport trip and the the architecture here.

Moving Portugal with Julie Bean Portugal with Julie Bean 

In addition to new videos on our YouTube channel and website, please join me live each week on Facebook for the following events: 

  • Quick Tip Tuesday - 12pm PT every Tuesday. Learn fun beading tricks and simple techniques that will help you on your learning journey. Lots of “Ah ha!!” moments coming your way. 
  • Beading Table Wednesday – 12pm PT every Wednesday. I will share exactly what’s on my beading mat and I hope everyone will post photos of what they are working on too. 
  • Sneak Peak Thursday – 12pm PT every Thursday. Be the first to learn about new beading supplies and fun things happening at Beadaholique. You will get insiders' access a full day before it’s announced on the Beadaholique website! 
  • Find Out Friday – 12pm PT every Friday. Each week on Friday we will put up a new blog post at with a theme such as stringing, peyote stitch, etc. In the comments section you can ask any question you may have. Then the following Friday, I will be answering the questions that were left in the comments! I will try to get to as many of the questions as possible. 

If you don't have Facebook, the videos will be available here at within about a week after the live airing. Make sure you're signed up to our newsletter list to find out when new videos are up (the signup form is also at the bottom of every page here at In the meantime, you can view all of my existing how-to videos and beading projects.

For our first Find Out Friday next week, I would love to know, if you were to move to another country and could only pack a few supplies, what would you bring? Share your thoughts in the comments below and we'll be talking all about it Friday, May 20th, at 12pm PT live on the Beadaholique Facebook page.

Happy Beading,

Portugal with Julie Bean


Previous article Design Tips for DIY Jewelry with the Birthstone for May: Emerald


Judith - June 2, 2022

Julie. I have enjoyed your teaching videos. Your voice is clear and pleasant. I am happy to hear you will be part of the new Beadaholique. If I were going abroad, I’d probably bring my favorite wire, a tool if allowed, and a tiny sketch book. Thank you and best wishes.

Anonymous - May 18, 2022

You have a unique way of explaining things that makes it easy to understand. So glad you’re back.
I wish you and your family the best adventure there.
Have been to Portugal & know why it called to you

Deanna Hume - May 16, 2022

How do I get on the Friday Facebook page?
Thank you, Deanna

Li - May 14, 2022

Glad to see you back, and looking forward to seeing what you took to Portugal! I would bring my Bead Buddy case and gold and silvery seed beads, with some fireline and needles. It would be fun to see what bead supplies are available in different countries!

Sandra_D - May 13, 2022

That’s so exciting to make the move with your family and happy to see you’re back. New experiences, new food, new music, new colors, new language, new ways of thinking, new inspirations! I would swoon over the architecture. Happy for you.
I would have to have beads with me for a big move, lots of needles, thread & stringing material, thick kumi discs, a small loom, and of course, a few certain tools, a bead board, a sketch notebook, colored pencils to capture inspiration.
Please keep in mind we’re not all on FB. Thank you and good luck.🌸

Jo - May 13, 2022

So glad you’re back at Beadaholique Julie! Your videos are the best and helped me so much with the beginnings of my jewellery journey. I have lived in other countries but not since I started beading. I would pack my collection of printed patterns and designs, my kumihimo disks (loaded and ready to go for the flight and the start of my new adventure), and maybe some of my tools. How exciting to source new supplies!

Ari - May 13, 2022

I would bring my tools. I feel like some are hard to find in other countries, and expensive to buy online and have shipped! I don’t think I would bring beads for the excitement of discovering local beads.

Linda - May 13, 2022

What a neat trip and to awesome Portugal. I have never been but am now learning to knit Portuguese way. Julie, I always enjoyed and learn so much on your videos for beading, especially Kumihimo. Glad to hear your back!

Rhet - May 13, 2022

What a cool adventure. I am with Carol, seed beads thread and needle. Easy to carry.

LINDA WOLF - May 13, 2022

Just to make sure you know, Kat, you inspire me always. I look forward to your videos too. It’s just exciting to have Julie back❣️

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