Meet the Furry Family of Beadaholique!

As the summer of 2022 flew by, I remember thinking on International Cat Day (August 8th) and International Dog Day (August 26th) that I needed to share our furry friends with all our beading friends and community. Then vacations happened, back-to-school happened, and life just kept whizzing by. Now as fall has officially arrived, I am happy to finally be writing this post and sharing with everyone some of the wonderful companions to the team members at Beadaholique. 

First off, meet Cassiopeia, AKA Cassi. She is a Husky-Collie mix and she is 9 years old.

  1. Favorite Activity: Car Rides!
  2. Favorite Toy: Napkins and paper towels (I love shredding them to pieces).
  3. Favorite Treat: Bell peppers.
  4. What I do best: Convince humans to give me treats!
  5. One word to describe me: Cuddly.

    Next up is Pedro. He is a short-hair black cat and is 7 years old. He and Cassi were raised together and rescued from a shelter together in 2020.

    1. Favorite Activity: Running around my house at 3am.
    2. Favorite Toy: Sushi plushies.
    3. Favorite Treat: Anything cat nip flavored!
    4. What I do best: Take naps in sunbeams.
    5. One word to describe me: Hungry.

      Please meet Baxter. Baxter is 1.5 years old and is a Treeing Walker Coonhound.

      1. Favorite Activity: Howling and going to the dog park.
      2. Favorite Toy: Anything with stuffing that I can rip out, squishy inside things belong on the outside! The humans will only give me hard chewy toys nowadays.
      3. Favorite Treat: Water Buffalo Ears and Beef Knees
      4. What I do best: I am the best jumper, I can jump really high! I am also the best tugger! Please tug!
      5. One word to describe me: Rascal

      Now please meet Jake. He's 11 and is an American Eskimo/Chihuahua/Miniature Pinscher mix. He was found hiding under a car in Los Angeles, CA, when he was about a year old.
      1. Favorite Activity: Eating. Is this even a question?
      2. Favorite Toy: Anything with stuffing I can de-stuff.
      3. Favorite Treat: Ice cream drives me crazy.
      4. What I do best: I’m very good at finding one tiny, dropped piece of kibble no matter where it is. Obsessively pacing by the oven? There’s a piece of kibble you dropped under it the other day and I’m not going to stop until you fish it out for me.
      5. One word to describe me: Stubborn.

      Last but definitely not least, please meet 3 year old Ember! Jake is her older brother. Ember was one of the many kittens captured as part of a TNR campaign (trap-neuter-release) of a feral cat colony. She and all her littermates found homes.

      1. Favorite Activity: Sleeping.
      2. Favorite Toy: Insects.
      3. Favorite Treat: I also like ice cream. The dog is copying me.
      4. What I do best: I’m very good at jumping and finding high places and then being too scared to make my way down and instead crying and crying until I’m rescued.
      5. One word to describe me: Curious.

      Do you have a furry friend that keeps you company (or distracts you) when you're beading? Have any of them inspired your designs? For more animal-related fun, be sure to check our our free beading projects and patterns featuring animals.

      Previous article Quick and Easy Gifts for Moms


      Eileen White - September 28, 2022

      Julie, all members of your furry family are exquisite, but Jake spoke to my heart immediately.

      And thank you so much for returning to Beadaholique!

      Jean - September 28, 2022

      Wonderful fur family, handsome, beautiful and adorbs. A family or people alone need an animal. I be leave we were meant to be together. May they thrive for many years!

      Stephanie Mangan - September 27, 2022

      I love hearing about other peoples children "of the furry persuasion”. They bring such joy and have a calming effect. Thanks for sharing.

      Missy Clark - September 27, 2022

      Thank you for sharing your fur-babies and their personalities! Love it!

      RP - September 27, 2022

      Thank you for sharing your fur-babies…made my day. 😊

      Martha Baker - September 27, 2022

      So nice to read about and see the furry companions of your beading hostesses. I have three dogs, a golden retriever and two schipperkes, and an 18 yo odd-eyed polydactyl cat.

      Sabrina Rupp - September 27, 2022

      My 25 lb tuxedo boy, Skooch, loves to help with my beading. He especially likes to lie under my magnifying lighted lamp. We say he’s just getting a tan!

      Margie King - September 27, 2022

      What a delightful email to read this morning. Thanks for introducing us to your sweeties. Bud, my lab-terrier mix, enjoyed it, too.

      Joanna Davis - September 27, 2022

      These fur babies are just more reason I love Beadaholique. Rescues are just the best animals. I have had them all my life, I am 78. Adopted Charlie three years ago. He is a German Shepard, bull terrier mix who is loyal, loving and so sweet! Just loved this article!

      Libby Dearing - September 27, 2022

      Loved this! As I read it, my calico rescue from Africa (brought back to the US with me) is sleeping on my lap. Love these fur babies!

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