March 14th: National Learn About Butterflies Day!

March 14th is National Learn About Butterflies Day. In honor of this day, I thought it would be fun to share some butterfly facts and then look at some of the lovely butterfly charms and beads at Beadaholique.

I personally have so many fond memories of butterflies. I remember them in my garden growing up, going to butterfly enclosures with my own kids, and even a year in Los Angeles where there was a butterfly migration from Mexico and thousands of butterflies were everywhere! Butterflies have a special way of bringing a smile to one’s face, regardless of their age. There is just something so happy an beautiful about them, it’s nice to take a moment to appreciate these beautiful creatures.

5 Fun Butterfly Facts

 Butterflies have four wings (not two like is commonly thought)

Butterflies taste with their feet

There are approximately 165,000 different species of butterflies

Butterflies can see colors that humans can’t

Butterflies can fly very fast – some up to 40 miles per hour!

If you love butterflies and want to incorporate them into your jewelry designs, you have lots of options to do so. PRESTIGE Crystal has a pretty (and sparkly) Austrian crystal butterfly bead that comes in several sizes, Jesse James Beads has several bead mixes that are butterfly themed, and TierraCast has wonderfully detailed butterfly charms (just to name a few of the butterfly options available). Below are some of my favorite butterfly items at Beadaholique: 

Happy National Learn About Butterflies Day!
Previous article Design Tips for DIY Jewelry with the Birthstone for May: Emerald


Hailey - March 20, 2023

It is very appropriate that March has a “National Learn About Butterflies Day”! March is also “Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month”, and it so happens that the MONARCH butterfly IS the INTERNATIONAL symbol for those of us who are fighting this disease. With MS, an autoimmune disease, our own immune system is attacking our Central Nervous System (CNS), which is composed of our Optic nerves, brain, and spine. With so many nerves in our CNS, everyone who has MS may have different symptoms from others who MS – it all depends on where and what specific nerves the MS lesions are impacting. There are drugs and certain things people with MS can take to slow the disease progression down, or put it into remission for a bit- but there is NO cure. Many people are unaware of MS. Just thought I would also mention it since I do have MS, and how it relates to the MONARCH butterfly.

I also "raise monarch caterpillars (they ONLY eat milk weed) to become butterflies (eat milk weed as well as sector from certain flowering plants), “raise” swallow tail butterflies (look like bird poop as caterpillars, but become beautiful butterflies!), make jewelry (when I am feeling well enough) and buy supplies (and learn from the awesome videos from this site!), and because this site mentioned about butterflies and “National Learn About Butterfly Day”!

Just sone more tidbits to to the learning of butterflies! I learned that they can see colors that we cannot – I would love to see those colors (maybe one day)!

Megs Mom - March 14, 2023

The butterfly is very important to an entire group of people that most people aren’t aware of. We lost our son just 5 days short of his 23rd birthday. We were fortunate enough to be referred to The Compassionate Friends, a world wide organization of, by and for bereaved parents (and grandparents). We were shown a couplet that says so much about the children we have lost. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over; they became a butterfly.” The imagery of the transition our loved ones have made truly touched our hearts. When someone comments about a butterfly pin (one of quite a few) I am wearing, I can tell them it is in memory of our son, share a little bit about him and the organization helping so many bereaved parents, grandparents and even siblings who have suffered this loss. We treasure our beautiful butterflies.

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