Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
Cut 2 pieces of Soft Touch (XCR-5443) wire 24 inches long. Secure one end of the first strand so that your beads don't slide off. We recommend using a Bead Stopper (XTL-3001).On the first strand of wire, thread a pearl (PEW-1013) and a charlotte (BCS-2160) to your soft touch wire. Repeat until you have 87 pearls and 85 charlottes on the soft touch wire. Thread on a 2x2 crimp bead (FCR-1122). Thread the strand through the loop hole on the circle part of the toggle clasp. Now thread the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp with your crimping pliers (XTL-5200). Trim off excess wire. Cover the crimp with one of the corrugated crimp covers (FCR-1030), gently squeezing closed with chain nose pliers.Take off the Bead Stopper at the other end of the Soft Touch wire. Thread on a 2x2 crimp bead. Thread wire back through the loop hole on the T-bar part of the toggle clasp. Now thread the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp with your crimping pliers. Trim off excess wire. Cover the crimp with one of the corrugated crimp covers (FCR-1030), as before.On the second strand of wire place the bead stopper on first. Now thread on 5 charlottes. Next thread 7 pearls, and a spacer on to the wire. Repeat this pattern 15 times. Now thread 5 more charlottes on to the wire. Thread on a 2x2 crimp bead (FCR-1122). Thread the strand through the loop hole on the circle part of the toggle clasp. Now thread the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp with your crimping pliers (XTL-5200). Trim off excess wire. Cover the crimp with one of the corrugated crimp covers (FCR-1030), as before.Take off the Bead Stopper at the other end of the Soft Touch wire. Thread on a 2x2 crimp bead. Thread wire back through the loop hole on the T-bar part of the toggle clasp. Now thread the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp with your crimping pliers. Trim off excess wire. Cover the crimp with one of the corrugated crimp covers (FCR-1030), as before.Cut 5 pieces of 24 gauge Sterling wire (WSS-22431) 3 inches long.Make your dangles as follows: Dangle 1. Cut off a piece of chain, 3 links long (CHA-1809). Cut off a piece of chain, 2 links long and set aside. Make the beginning of a wire wrap loop and add to the first hole of the 3 links of chain, close the loop. Now add a pearl onto the wire and make another beginning wire wrapped loop. Add to one of the holes of 2 links of chain and close loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Dangle 2. Cut off a piece of chain, 8 links long. Thread a pearl onto one of the headpins (FHP-3217). Make the beginning wire wrap loop with the head pin and attach one end of the 8 links of chain. Close the loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Dangle 3. Cut off a piece of chain, 5 links long. Thread a pearl onto one of the headpins (FHP-3217). Make the beginning wire wrap loop with the head pin and attach one end of the 8 links of chain. Close the loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Dangle 4. Cut off a piece of chain, 7 links long. Thread a pearl onto one of the headpins (FHP-3217). Make the beginning wire wrap loop with the head pin and attach one end of the 8 links of chain. Close the loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Dangle 5. Cut off a piece of chain, 4 links long. Thread a pearl onto one of the headpins (FHP-3217). Make the beginning wire wrap loop with the head pin and attach one end of the 8 links of chain. Close the loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Dangle 6. Cut off 1 link of chain. Cut off another piece of chain, 3 links long. Take one of the 3 inch pieces of Sterling wire you cut earlier. Make the beginning of a wrapped wire loop and add to the first hole of the 3 links of chain, close the loop. Now add a pearl onto the wire and start another wire wrapped loop. Add to one of the holes of 1 link of chain and close loop. Trim off excess wire. Set aside.Take one of the 3 inch pieces of wire you cut earlier. Make the beginning of a wire wrapped loop and thread onto the circle part of the toggle clasp (see photo). Close loop. Add a pearl onto the wire and make another beginning wire wrapped loop. Thread on both dangles 1 & 2 and close loop. Trim off excess wire.Take another one of the 3 inch pieces of wire you cut earlier. Make the beginning of a wire wrapped loop and thread onto the circle part of the toggle clasp (see photo). Close loop. Add a pearl onto the wire and start another beginning wire wrapped loop. Thread on both dangles 3 & 4 and close loop. Trim off excess wire.Take the last piece of Sterling wire you cut earlier. Make the beginning of a wire wrapped loop and thread onto the circle part of the toggle clasp (see photo). Close loop. Add a pearl onto the wire and start another beginning wire wrapped loop. Thread on both dangles 5 & 6 and close loop. Trim off excess wire. You are finished.Please refer to photo for more detailed information about this project.
Keywords: btq-bridal
WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- CHA-1808 - Sterling Silver Cable Chain 2.75mm Textured Bulk By The Foot
Project uses 1 foot. You will need 1 package.
- FHP-3217 - Fancy Sterling Silver 1.5mm Ball Head pins 24 Gauge 1.5 Inch (10)
Project uses 6 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- PEW-6053 - Cultured Round Potato Creamy White Pearls 4-5mm (15 Inch Strand)
Project uses 203 pieces. You will need 2 packages.
- BCS-2160 - Czech Charlotte Seed Beads 13/0 Metallic Silver 1/2 Hank
Project uses 95 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- FCL-03123 -
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- FCR-01030 - Sterling Silver Corrugated Crimp Bead Covers 3mm (10)
Project uses 4 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- FCR-01122 - Sterling Silver Crimp Beads 2 x 2mm (20)
Project uses 4 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-5443 - Soft Flex, Soft Touch 21 Strand Fine Beading Wire .014 Inch Thick, 30 Feet, Satin Silver
Project uses 4 feet. You will need 1 package.
- WSS-22431 - 1 Oz. (48 Ft.) Sterling Silver Wire 24 Gauge - Round-Half Hard
Project uses 18 inches. You will need 1 package.