How to Use the Crystal FX Pickup Artist Crystal Positioning Tool

SKU VID-1737
Designer: Kat Silvia
In this video you will see how to work with the BeadSmith Crystal FX Pickup Artist Crystal Positioning Tool. You will see how to place flatbacks on to a surface. This tool also works with Chatons and other small items. For this type of project we recommend using GS Hypo Cement Glue.
Audio Transcript
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hi this is kat with and let me talk about a few of the features on this tool first so this black part here this is actually a waxed tip so that's gonna help us pick up our flat backs and place them onto our surface and then these two little arms out here you can see that they're different sizes so we have our small little tip and our large tip and these are positioning tools so these are going to be great to kind of help move around our flat backs if we need to sort of adjust them without getting the sticky end involved which could pick it up from the glue so you're gonna be able to use these positioning tools once you've placed your flat back onto your glue now another neat little thing is it actually comes with this little scoop and I've been using this just to kind of like push things around on my table but it's also really great to scoop up those flat backs when you're done working with them alright so I have a little project here on my table and this is the peppermint candy earring so this I've actually completed so let me just kind of show you what it looks like there so it was really easy to place those flat backs and those nice little straight lines there and I was using some GS hypo cement which I'm gonna show you how to do this today and I'm just gonna place mine in a little bit more of a random order today so you can place them however you want and this is a great little tool to kind of figure out how you want them to place and as I was doing this particular one I could use this back edge to kind of nudge them a little bit as well to make sure that line was nice and straight so there's a lot to be said for this particular tool and it's actually really easy to work with so I'm going to show you alright so I have some Jesus hypo cement like I said this is probably going to be one of the better clues I suggest using it's not as sort of sticky and tacky as like an e 6000 might be that you might have a lot of string attached to it so what I'm gonna do here is just take a little bit and the other great thing about Gia's hypo cement is you'll see when I open it it has a little pin point which is going to be great for precision work all right so I'm going to set that aside so all you need to do is just figure out where I want my glue to land or where I want my flat back to be and I'm just gonna place a little dab of glue right there and now I can kind of set that aside and I recommend kind of setting it on a piece of paper because that will sort of dribble as it as it sits there so now we're gonna take our pickup artist and again that is a waxed little tip so you can just go and just pick it up and place it on to where the glue is just kind of hold it for a second and you can just sort of rotate it off and just pick it up but then you can use your little positioning tool to kind of get it where you want it to be your kind of smoosh it down in there or just kind of place it right on top and you kind of see from the side I can do it that you just sort of place it and just make sure that it's nice and secure and then as you're working you can just sort of place your glue and then place your flat back so it makes it really nice and super super easy to do and then just again just kind of move that around or place it as you need alright so that is how to use the Crystal FX pickup artist I hope you enjoyed this video you can get all of these supplies and see even more tutorial videos by heading over to

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