How to Use Bejeweler Pro

SKU VID-0278
Designer: Kathy Mannix
Use the Bejeweler to apply hotfix rhinestones to just about anything! Most porous surfaces and many non-porous surfaces can be blinged out with a Bejeweler, some hotfix rhinestones, and your imagination. Put them on t-shirts, purses, jeans, picture frames, coffee cups and more!
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Today we're going to be using the Bejeweler Pro to learn how to apply hotfix rhinestones on pretty much all porous surfaces and some non porous surfaces. Allow the Bejeweler Pro to heat for about three or four minutes. When you're not using it make sure you put it back on the support stand. It comes with six, the eight, the ten, the sixteen is what I'm using, the twenty, the thirty, the thirty four and this is the hot spot tip. You can use this the other hotfix items. You place this tip on top of it. Included in the kit is a wire brush that you're going to use to remove any excess glue from the tip. Make sure the tip is still hot when you use the brush. You can embellish nearly any porous item: jeans, accessaries, scraftbooks, gifts, costumes, crafts, cards, wedding embellishments, pet accessaries. I have a few items here that I'm going to show you. You have to go straight up and down when you pick up the crystal and then you turn it up so that the crystal does not fall back out. Wait until the glue starts to melt. Allow it to look shiny but not to bubble. If the crystal gets stuck, just take a pair of tweezers set it. As this product gets extremely hot, it is not recommended for children under the age of twelve. Set the crystal straight up and down. If you place the crystal in the wrong spot, you can actually go back, place the Bejeweler Pro on top of the jewel and side it into place. You can use the Bejeweler Pro for many porous surfaces and some nonporous surfaces. As you can see here, I'm applying it to my mug. You can Bejewel anything. Look at that. Isn't that cool. It is not recommended to use any of the Bejeweled items in the dishwasher, washer or dryer. I hope you have as much fun as I do with this Bejeweler because you'll want to Bejewel everything in your house! Go to for all of your beading supplies needs!

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