How to Make Creative Bails, Enlarge Loops, and Create a Double-sided Pendant with Vintaj

SKU VID-0527
Designer: Mackie Mullane
In this video tutorial for Beadaholique, Mackie Mullane, designer and educational instructor with Vintaj, teaches various jewelry making techniques including how to make creative bails, how to enlarge loops, and how to create a double sided pendant. The end result is the lovely Robed Maze Necklace. Instructions and ingredients for this project can be found on
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi I'm Mackie Mullane, I'm a designer and educator for Vintaj and I'm here today with to show you the Robed Maze Necklace using our creative bail Some of my supplies I have here are two chain nose pliers for opening and closing jump rings I also have two large jump rings, one medium-sized and four small jump rings For the main part of this we're going to be creating these bails so what I have here is this five tiered connector and to start I'm actually going to just bend with my hands each side of that centerpiece. So once you're at about a 90 degree angle I go ahead and turn the last sides out push those together and I'm kinda go in and just work with your pliers and tighten and you have your bail so then I'm going to go in and going to connect these two triangular pieces together so we have a front and a back. Take one of my small jump rings and open and close one towards me and one away. Slide those on one and the next and then I'm going to attach it through those two holes on the bail close it up and you have your pendant. You can go through with a ribbon or chain I like ribbon for this one because the bail is nice and big and it has lots of space for a big necklace space so string that through you have your necklace. So here I have shown that we've done some patina on this one so you can see how this is double sided one has patina and one has none so you could wear it either way So for the second necklace using the creative bail I'm going to show you a second technique and we're going to use this patina so this is just a single color what we're going to do here make sure you shake up your bottle and when I'm working with the patina I like to just put it off to the side of my piece and here I've laid down some wax paper so you'll need wax paper, a dry brush and a little cup of water pour your patina off to the side and you wanna make sure that your brushes are nice and dry because the patinas are water-soluble and if you mix them with the water it will start to bubble so you want to make sure that that's nice and go ahead and paint it right over the top of the whole piece okay so while you're patina is still tacky to the touch take the dark grey side of the reliefing block. That's the heaviest grit you have the dark grey, the white side, that's the lighter grit and then this light grey side is the polishing side so going with the dark grey side and just reliefing those raised area you can go in with the grey side and polish it up and there's you're patina piece okay so then I'm going to go ahead and just assemble this necklace all together. So I have the two large rings a medium-size and a small size and for this one I'm going to attach the small size through the two holes on the bail that we created earlier. Use your two chain nose pliers attach a jump ring and this one is actually featuring the bail used upside down as opposed to this necklace earlier so go ahead and slide your large jump ring through, close it up then we're going to use another one and kind of create a layered effect put that through close and then take a medium-sized, open that up put it through the top of your leaf and through the two large size jump rings close and then here you have your pendant with your bail. Then you can go ahead and attach a chain. Slip it right through the top like that and attach a clasp and then your done. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!

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