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Beadalon Beading Mats - Prevent Bead Rolling 12 x 9 Inch (Set of 3) SKU: XTL-9930 $3.99 |
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Wildfire Thermal Bonded Beading Thread .006 Inch - Frost / White- 50 Yd SKU: XCR-8933 $12.99 |
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Miyuki Tila 2 Hole Square Beads 5mm 'Matte Opaque Turquoise AB' 7.2 Grams SKU: DBT-4123 $5.99 |
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Miyuki Tila 2 Hole Square Beads Dark Bronze 7.2 Grams SKU: DBT-457 $8.79 |
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Filigree Box Clasps, 4 Strand Rectangle with Crosshatch Design 10x25mm, 23K Gold Plated (1 Piece) SKU: FCL-4808 $13.99 |
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The Beadsmith English Beading Needles Size 12 (4 pcs) SKU: XTL-3006 $3.99 |
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Miyuki Delica Seed Beads, 11/0 Size, Metallic Bronze DB022 (7.2 Grams) SKU: DB-022 $8.95 |
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The Beadsmith Cordless Thread Zap II Thread Burner Tool SKU: XTL-0106 $16.49 |
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Fiskars 5 Precision Tip Scissors - Super Sharp SKU: XTL-5700 $7.45 |
Hi this Julie with Beadaholique.com Today I'm going to show you how to make this bracelet using tila beads and seed beads and then a millimeter bead in the middle. here I've used czech glass for the demo. Here I'll be using Swarovski Crystal and it's a really easy stitch and for me this pattern is all about contrast. You can see we've got the matte tila beads against a super shiny bright ones which creates a really interesting dimension to the bracelet. So what you're going to need is a size twelve beading needle. You can see mine are well loved and bent You're going to need a pair of scissors a Thread Zap You need some wildfire thread. This is size .006 two different contrasting Tila beads. I have a shiny one and a matte one You're gonna need a three millimeter, a four millimeter would also work for a center bead which is gonna be the strip right here and I'd like to have it in the same color as my matte tila beads so they're going to be turquoise You need size 11/0 seed beads for these middle sections and then you'll need a size a 15/0 which is going to give a delicate edge To begin go ahead and cut yourself a length of your beading thread I'm going to cut about five to six feet to start There's no way you're going to be able to create this entire based on a single piece of thread expect you're going to have to at some point tie it off and start again. I think for this bracelet I had to tie off and start again about three times So just be aware of that and don't worry about it too much so my beading needle is really a bit tiny for this thickness of thread, so what I'm going to do is take the tip of the thread between my fingernail and my thumb and my index finger here and I'm just going to flattened that tip out and that's gonna make it so I can go ahead and actually get the needle onto to this thread the reason I'm having a size twelve needle instead of a little larger one is just because I want to do multiple passes through my beads and I wanna make sure that I don't have any problems with the thickness So I'm gonna go ahead pull my thread down I'm going to almost double it here just so that I don't have quite as long of a length to work with I have a stopper bead right here. It's just another spare bead I had on my table that's a different color than the beads and working with pull it up all the way down to the bottom leaving the tail a good six, seven inches because I going to have to thread that tail later and work it into my beadwork to get rid of it so just a simple knot. I'm going to be able to pull that out easily So to begin what you do is do the outer edge first. It might be a little easier if you see this pattern like so so first placed on a tila bead and you'll notice with tila beads they have two holes in them I'm just going through one of the side holes and place on a contracting tila bead Now I'm going to pickup two of my bronze colored beads one of my three millimeter beads, again for millimeters would be fine you can do a round, you could do a bicone, whatever shape you like I'm going to do two more of my size 11/0 and place on another tila bead you see I'm just going to that side hole and another two bronze color another three millimeter two more bronze slide those down so I have room to work place on another tila bead and another shiny tila pull these all the way down to the base of the thread and see what I have here You see the pattern starting to take form here. I've got the shiny tila, the matte one, two size 11/0, a three millimeter two size 11/0s another tila two size 11/0s, a three millimeter two size 11/0s a tila and a tila You can see this is going to be my stripes See how that will work So now what I want to do is I wanna go ahead have these all the way down at the bottom take my needle and go through the other hole in the tila bead I'm going to do that on the second tila bead as well pull that down, make sure that snug against your stopper bead and now I'm going to pickup two more of my bronze color and I'm going to go through my three millimeter I don't want to go through any other beads pull that down place on another two of my bronze color there's a tile bead hole there if you can see that going to go through that one it's like you're making little x's with the three millimeter in the middle do the same thing for the next segment two more of the bronze through just the three millimeter again another two go through the other hole in the tila bead make sure we go through both of the holes in the tila beads the turquoise which is matte and shiny one which is bronze pull We've got that first segment. Now we need to build on a row. A lot of people have a hard time connecting tila beads. You see that they have the two holes and you think it should be really easy to connect but sometimes it's hard to figure it out just because of the orientation of the holes. So the way we're going to connect these is we're first gonna pick up a bronze shiny one and a matte turquoise pull those down to the bottom they're just hanging out here and now that we have to connect them. So we're gonna up under the other turquoise and the matte one my needles going all the way through it's like you're creating a big loop pull that and there's your stripes you see it's starting to form I have a little decorative edging on this bracelet so at this time I'm going to add three of my size 15/0. They're smaller Go back through that same hole both those tila beads that I went through previously they're gonna have a hole right now with nothing going through it and a hole with a couple pass throughs and I wanna start beginning my next segment. So I'm going to pick up two of my size 11/0 three millimeter two of the bronze and a tila bead turquoise if you get confused about what you're supposed to be picking up just look at the pattern you're creating once you've strung on your middle tila you're going to want to anchor your previous tila go up through the hole on the side of your tila again we don't want to go through any other beads pull it through go back through just kind of hold these in place. Keep pulling your thread. Make sure it's snug and we don't want to go through any of those metallic bronze ones. Just go through the hole in the tila again and that's going to anchor it now keep going so just pick up two metallic bronze three millimeter two more bronze turquoise tila and a bronze tila pull those all the way down Now on this one you can see where our thread comes out coming out of the top want to go back down through the side hole with the tilas next to it pull all the way through we're going to go back through these two tilas on the side Now that's anchored but again we have that little decorative edge so go ahead and pick up three of the size 15/0 put those on the needle we're going to go down through it again Now those are secured but our thread is not in the right position so we need to now go back up when working with tilas just keep in mind where you want your thread to be and how can you get it there so I want to be creating this row here now so I need to get my thread there are so I'm gonna go through the other hole in my tilas and pull through and now I'm where I wanna be now I can see from my pattern I need to create this X so I'm going to need to just pick up two more bronze size 11/0 and I'm going to go through my center three millimeter bead pull through crate that x I need two more size 11/0 and go right through that other tila bead hole which is really waiting for me and your pattern develops really just be able to go with the flow and not really have to think about it. You'll see what you need I need to repeat that now on this top section two more 11/0s through that three millimeter two more 11/0s and then go through both of them and now we need to start another row pick up a metallic bronze tila and a turquoise tila and hopefully your starting how to anchor these. We're going to back up under through the turquoise tila and the metallic along the side create a big giant loop essentially see how this is pulling Now we need to create the little decorative edge so I'm going to put onto my needle three of my size 15/0s go back down through my tila and pull so we've got a nice little loops happening Now we need to start another section so it's gonna be two of the bronze one three millimeter two of the bronze and a center turquoise tila and we have to anchor it because right now it's just hanging out right there do that by going back under and through the side tila you see again I'm creating nice loop go back through this hole we just went through and keep working with it make sure that your threads are nice and tight. You don't want them so tight that they're distorting the pattern but you want them to be snug So now we need to make the start at our next X which is gonna be two of the bronze center three millimeter two of the bronze a matte turqouise tila and a shiny bronze one pull that down you need to anchor that to the side we need to anchor it some more go back up make sure that it's snug I need to make my little loop I will admit I have forgotten to make this loop had to pull out my beading which was very frustrating so just check your work as you go three little ones on there back through that hole Now I need to just get my thread to where I need it to be which is right here so I'm going to go up through the side holes pull go through two side holes which have no thread in it yet and now my thread is where I needed to be and I'm just gonna continue doing this all the way along the length of my bracelet until it's the desire length and then I'm going to work on attaching the clasp. I've done a little bit more bead weaving here. You can see I did a few more rows. I've gotten to the point where I basically run out of thread. I have a tail of about eight inches and I don't want to go much shorter than that because I'm I need to go ahead and weave this back into my bead work which means I'll need to thread a needle onto. I have to make sure I have enough to do that and so this is how much width I was able to get with approximately six to seven feet of my beading thread. You see you will need to go ahead and string a new thread incorporate in your bead work tie off this one We actually have another video on Beadaholique.com showing exactly how to do that essentially I'm not going to show the whole process here but you will thread another length of beading thread you will start somewhere around here Go in and over your actual beading that you've already done and then you just weave it back in here so that it comes out the same area where your tail is coming out and then you'll just progress as if it was one long continuous stand when you're done you'll go back put a needle on the end of this thread and weave it into your bead work a tying knots periodically and then just use a thread zap or a fine pair of scissors to cut it off so we have another video showing you exactly how to do that but right now I'm going to show you how to attach a clasp when you're working with tila beads it's really important to use the right clasp just because you do you have areas where you don't have any holes to work with which makes it difficult So I have this little clasp right here. It's a multi strand clasp. You can see I got four little loops on each side now I've actually done it here in silver You wan to make sure those loops lineup with areas where you can actually sew it on to the bead work So with this clasp you can see that it just happens that they line up perfectly with the bead work so I don't have a loop right here where I don't have a hole it actually goes right there where I can go ahead and put my thread in weave it around the loop back in and continue until my clasp is secure so I'm going to show you how to do that right now so I have a length of thread. I've gone ahead and put a needle on so I'm just going to put my needle in here come out but I don't want to come out through that little bead we're gonna use my nail to push it aside pull down again. I need to leave a tail that I can put a needle back on and incorporate it back in go down through this hole here come out to the bottom of the tila Now if you're not using this particular clasp you're gonna need to line it up and see where those holes are to make sure you exit your needle where a hole is and take my clasp apart. I'm only working with half of it Take your needle and go through the hole and now I'm gonna go through the next bead through my bead work as if I hadn't gone outside of it at all and find the same path my needle already took continue I line this up already so I know that I need to exit again right here go through another hole to me it doesn't really matter if you go down this way or up this way whatever you can to secure it I'm going to actually go back through this again in a moment so you'll see that it's very secure. Now continue along my bead work exit that tila go up through here back down through the next bead I know that hole is not where one I want it. I want to up next to the tila so again go through the bead work back through the tilas pull that snug So you've got that actually on there now but I'm not very happy with how secure that is. I want it to be doubled exit my tila Now I have a decision to make I need to be on the other side. I need to be over here So now I gotta work my needle so that it's coming in the same direction here. I don't want to cross over. I don't want the thread going like that. So I'm going to go all the way back down through my bead work and backup and this is why wanna make sure you have a bead smaller needle to do this project and not a thicker needle because they're going to be a lot of threads in there at this point I'm back to my starting position and I'm going up through it again same way through the hole in the clasp through the bead work sometimes you have to turn it around so you can see what your doing make sure you keep any of the tails that you have going here out of the way At an exit point go through it again just continue on That is on there. It is secure. It's not going anywhere and all that is required now is to go back weave this thread back into your bead work, tie a knot, keep weaving it and tie off your thread and remove the excess one quick tip here before I sign off is if you're doing a project like this we have a lot of bead working that we've invested a lot of time make sure that you tie off your bead work as a solid piece go back cut another piece of thread, thread another needle, incorporate that thread into your bead work and attach the clasp just because if you do make a mistake with the clasp it's gonna be a lot easier to pull out that thread and then you'll have your bead work attached and you can start again and you don't have to re-do any of the actual bead work and another thing is if you're doing a clasp like this where you need to make sure it lines up properly if I had this all the way done I would go ahead put the clasp on this end double it, make sure, I saw which way this clasp had to go pull it out and lay it down so I know which way I'm gonna need to sew it on there's nothing more frustrating than having all this work and then having a clasp where it won't actually attach because you have it upside down or part of it is upside down So I hope you had fun with this tutorial it's a great cuff bracelet to make. It's a lot of fun and it's a great way to use tila beads Go to Beadaholique.com for all of your beading supply needs!
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