Note: Components and tools listed within this INSTRUCTIONS box and the printer-friendly PDF, if available,
may have been discontinued since this project was published. Refer to the PURCHASE COMPONENTS and TOOLS AND
OTHER SUPPLIES sections for current availability.
Join the two silk ribbons together and trim off the two inches excess of the brown string so that the two pieces are the same length.About four and a half inches from the end of the strands, tie both strands together into a simple knot.Separate the two strands of ribbon and thread a round wood bead onto the brown strand only, so that the green fairy ribbon is on the outside of the bead.Tie both strands into a simple knot on the other side of the bead.Measure four inches down from the last knot and tie another simple knot with both strands. Repeat steps three and four.Measure four inches down from the last knot and tie another simple knot. Open a 7mm jump ring and thread it through the hole on the pendant, and through the hole on the bail. Gently close the jump ring again.Thread both strands of ribbon through the bail on the Celtic pendant and tie another simple knot on the other side of the bail, so that the bail fits snugly between the two knots.Four inches from the last knot, tie another simple knot and repeat steps three and four.Four inches from that knot tie another simple knot and repeat steps three and four. Measure four and a half inches from that last knot and trim off any ribbon beyond that.Take one end of your necklace, both strands together, and tightly roll about half an inch of material.Insert the rolled portion of the ribbon into the ribbon crimp and close the teeth using needle nose pliers. Do the same with the other end of the necklace. Tip: To make sure your ribbon is securely enclosed within the ribbon crimps, you may add a tiny dab of E6000 glue to the ribbon ends before you close the crimp.
Add a jump ring to each ribbon crimp end.To one of those jump rings add a lobster clasp.WHAT YOU'LL NEED: (scroll down for purchase options)
- FCR-1420 - Silver Plated Ribbon Pinch Crimps Cord Ends 10mm or 3/8 Inch (20)
Project uses 2 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- FCO-3030 - TierraCast Fine Silver Plated Pewter Nouveau Drop Bails 12.5mm (4)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- FCL-2507 - Silver Plated Curved Lobster Clasps 8mm (10)
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- FJR-5170 - Silver Plated Open Jump Rings 7mm 20 Gauge (x100)
Project uses 3 pieces. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-47098 -
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.
- XCR-46060 - Silk Fabric String, 2mm Diameter, 42 Inches Long, 1 Strand, Cinnamon Brown - Discontinued Color
Project uses 1 piece. You will need 1 package.