Show and Tell: Miyuki Round 11/0 Seed Beads

SKU VID-1337
Designer: Kat Silvia
In this video you will see the beautiful colors of the Miyuki 11/0 Round Seed Beads. You will also see how these beads differ from other similar seed beads. Miyuki Rounds are great to use in many styles of bead weaving including loom, peyote and brick.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Kat with copper's an orange-yellow we have lots of greens and we have some beautiful teals and we have a wide range of blues and purples and a lot of beautiful pinks and you can see in here that we have some nice matte and some nice metallic ones as well and to go with all these bright beautiful colors we of course have your neutrals so we have a lot of black and matte this is actually a matte gunmetal and we have a shiny gunmetal so lots of options here some beautiful Silver's and you can just see the variance in the color there so it will fit a lot of different designs and also to help your designs we have lots of crystal and even some lighter Silver's here as well and some of course some crystal lined and over here is some beautiful gold we even have a 24 karat gold which is really a gorgeous color and continue those neutrals we have some ivories as well as some bronze colors here if you want to get a little funky we have some color mixes and these are really fun to integrate especially into some bead weaving you can go really really crazy we have some fun iris colors here as well and this collection up here these are the Picasso colors so these are going to have that sort of natural earth sort of tone but you're still gonna get that great Miyuki round seed bead in this so it's just a really nice way to put into your sort of earthy boho designs now I just want to kind of talk a little bit about these particular seed beads especially in relation to another similar CD that you might be familiar with now this is a Toho size 11 oh and it's around but I have on my little needle here and I just wanted to kind of point them out so you can see them side by side this green one here these are me Yuki's and the teals are that Toho if you look at the me Yuki's they have a little bit more of a rondelle shape and the Toho's have a little bit more of a square shape now it's incredibly subtle especially when you're talking about such a small seed bead but it does have a little bit of an effect and if it were me designing I would recommend sticking with me yuuki for one particular design or sticking with Toho or simply understanding that they might not always fit exactly together but we do have plenty of colors of the toe hose and plenty of colors of the Miu key so hopefully you'll find something to suit your designs and the last thing I want to talk about here as you can see that for the Toho you're gonna get a much smaller tube and for the Miu Keys you're going to get a much larger - so you're going to get 20 3.5 grams with your large tubes of me Yuki's here so you're just getting a little bit more so in case you're looking at the price difference and that's a factor for you please just be aware that you're getting a lot more in the Miyuki - almost about double the size actually so just something to consider when you're looking on and shopping for Miyuki rounds or Toho rounds I hope you enjoyed this video you can find all of these supplies and even more videos at you

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