Hey this is Julie with beadaholique.com and today I'll show you how to make the Ashley multi-strand bracelet kit which is an exclusive kit from beadaholique.com I've got a couple different color variations I wanna show you. This one here is the pink burgundy indian green with gold plated findings this one here is blues and silvers and then we've got one which is purple and bronzy champagne color and this has an antique brass finish findings and I'll show you quickly how the two clasp works just pull it apart and push it together it's really easy to work with. So those are the kind color variations and now when you buy the kit you're gonna get everything you see right here we've got some beading wire, we got some crimped loops crimp covers, we have the tube clasp three different colors of beads We'll provide you with enough beads to make up to a nine and a half inch bracelet so in the video here I'm going to show you how to do a seven and a half inch bracelet but know that you'll get extra beads if you want to make it a little bit longer in terms of the tools you'll need a ruler, a pair of crimping pliers pair of cutters and pair of chain nose pliers so without further ado I wanna show you how to make this bracelet so remember I showed you how to open up the clasp but to actually construct the bracelet we want to leave the clasp in the closed position. I'm gonna start off by measuring ourselves some beading wire and we want 12 inches per strand. I'm going to pre-cut those right now got that cut take one strand, you're gonna put a crimp tube onto it, put it through the hole so that we have a long tail sticking out one end about 10 inches. You can actually see that little crimp tubes slipped right through that hole make sure it stays on the other side and then loop it around and back through the crimp bead so we make a loop. Slide that crimp bead down so it's resting up against the loop. Now we want one tail of a couple inches, you know this maybe a inch-and-a-half that's fine and then we want the longer tail. At this point I'm going to crimp my crimp bead and to do that you'll see you have your crimping pliers. You've got one notch that looks like a kidney bean and another which is more of an oval shape you going to put the crimp tube into the notch thats kidney bean shaped and see you don't wanna hurt the metal of the tube clasp. You want it to be right up against there but you don't want it to actually, you don't want to crimp the metal. So there we go, it's clear and we're just going to squeeze we've a made a nice indent in our crimp tube now. We're gonna rotate it into the oval notch it's little hard to see this on camera its upright in that oval notch and we're gonna squeeze and we just crimped my crimp tube. String our beads. Start with the green ones Like I mentioned before I'm going to do a seven and a half inch bracelet which is going to require 28 of each color of bead. I'm going to string them all on one by one I've got twenty-eight beads strung on here I'm going to carefully scoot them down my wire so I can take the short little tail that I have and feed it through at least two beads maybe three it's up to you it just makes that crimp bead a little bit more secure if you don't cut the wire right up against it those are all scooted down. I'll scoot the rest of the beads all the way down. You see that little tail is sticking out, that's okay we're gonna fix that up later so now we're going to put on another crimp tube and let that slide down and now are just going to go ahead and find the corresponding loop on the other side of the clasp and this is why we make this in the closed position because then you don't have any worry that you're using the right loop for each strand. So again we just loop it the back and this time we're gonna go through a couple other beads see that wire come out. We're gonna pull it and by creating this bracelet in a closed position it'll also help to make sure that all your beads are nice and spaced correctly. Sometimes if you were to make it in the flat position and then try to close it your beads might actually be too tight to make this nice arch so you eliminate that risk as well I've got that pulled and take my crimping pliers again and I'm going to repeat the same action I did on the other side. It goes into the kidney-shaped notch first. It's cleared the loop. I'm gonna squeeze now I'm going to rotate and squeeze again and we have a closed crimp. At this point I'll cut off my excess wire I'm going to apply my crimp covers take one crimp cover you can see it's open. That's what you'll fit around the crimped tube. Hold it in my pliers like so now I'm just going to fit it on top of that crimp tube and I'm gonna squeeze and now it looks like a pretty gold bead there instead of the crimp tube do that on the other side so the opening is facing away from my pliers go ahead slide it over the crimp tube squeeze. So one strand of my multi-strand bracelet is done and now you're just going to repeat that same action with your other two pieces of cut wire and your other colors of beads and the remaining tubes and covers and when you're done you'll have something that looks like this which is a really pretty piece of jewelry It's a little tricky doing this yourself with a tube clasp but it's doable and that is the Ashley multi-strand bracelet kit from beadaholique.com Go to www.beadaholique.com to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!
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Clear recently viewedJulie’s instruction on how to make the multi strand bracelet was so informative and made it so easy to replicate! I had only made single strand bracelets and am confident I can easily make multi strand bracelets now with the help of Julie’s presentation! Thanks so much on showing how to make a multi strand bracelet.