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The Beadsmith Wire Looping Pliers - Concave And Round Nose SKU: XTL-5032 $14.99 |
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Sharp Flush Cutter Pliers - For Cutting Beading Wire (1 Piece) SKU: XTL-5600 $23.99 |
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Hi, this is Julie meet Holly can din this video I'm going to teach you how to wire wrap a spider web and create a really fun pair of spider web and spider earrings so this will be the finished piece when we're done and you can see we've wire wrapped the spider web and then we've hung a little spider charm from it and attached an earring hook now both sides actually look really cool and I had a hard time deciding which should be the front and which should be the back so you can decide but you see here you can see more of the actual wrappings and like what I'm gonna call this spokes whereas on this side you don't see that as much we see the really cool grid-like pattern that emerged so i'm going to show you how to create this in terms of the supplies that you're going to need you need two different gauges of wire you're going to need a heavier gauge and I'm using 22 gauge artistic wire plated wire in black and then you're going to need a thinner gauge to do your actual wrappings I'm using artistic wire gunmetal 26 gauge you see they just vary ever so slightly in color now you could also do silver if you wanted to do that you could do whatever color you want and then for our spider we have a little sterling silver charm and then to match the Sterling of the charm I'm using a sterling silver hook as well but you could do plated if you want it too then in terms of tools you'll need a ruler to measure your wire a pair of wire looping pliers and you'll notice something's a little different with these I've actually covered the concave tip in painters tape and that's so that it doesn't scratch the plated wire plated wire is I want to say it's easily scratched but it can scratch if you are using a tool such as this and so I went ahead and I covered it in painters tape and then you're gonna need a pair of cutters and a chain nose plier let me show you how to do this we're going to start by measuring out three pieces of the heavier gauge wire four inches long each there's one two and then three and you don't have to be exact and make sure that they're at least four inches but this is not the type of project where you need it to be right on the nose so we're actually done with the heavier gauge wire and now we're going to need fifty inches up the 26 gauge wire so this is a 15 inch ruler so we got 15 inches 30 inches 45 inches and 50 so that is all the wire we're going to need for this project so you can see you have quite a bit left over and I've actually already coded this one out of these spools as well you make a lot of spider webs or you can make them much bigger if you wanted to let's make the spider web so you're going to grab your three pieces of cut wire and you're gonna hold them so that their tips are even and then you're gonna find the middle point and you can just eyeball this you can measure it if you want but it also works to eyeball it then you're going to take your long length of wire and hold it perpendicular to your short links like so and you want to have a tail of anywhere between maybe three quarters of an inch and an inch just enough to really hold on to and then we're gonna wrap the long wire around our short wires we're gonna to create a band here so we're just connecting them together and I'm gonna do four wraps you see I'm just holding my short wires in place and I'm just wrapping the wire around it okay so now this is what we have they're banded together I'm gonna now cut off the little short tail I just needed enough to hold on to there we go and now take your wires and I'm gonna call these spokes because that's the easiest way for me to refer to them and we're gonna spread them out so take one spread it to the left and take a second one and spread it to the right and then have one going straight up now repeat that step on the bottom so one out to the left one out to the right and one straight so we've got six spokes now now what we're going to do is around take our long wire and we're going to do an over-under method here so we're gonna go under a spoke over a spoke an you see I'm using my fingernail to push the wire down towards the middle now under and rotate and I'm keeping this wire pretty stationary and I'm rotating the little spokes of smaller pieces of wire so under over under over under over under try to pull this as tight as you can without forcing these wires to bend so over and when I say under I'm just going to be high in the wire when I say over I'm going on top of the wire okay so then under okay and I've done that for two full rounds you see I've got two wires here now go back make sure your wires are sticking out straight okay so I pulled one of my wires out I'm just gonna push it back in at this stage ah it can be a little bit slippery I just want to work with them okay now we're gonna start wrapping them so they won't pull out so you see how the wire is coming under at this point we're gonna wire wrap around this spokes I'm going to take this wire just coming from behind under wrap it around and push it down with my fingernail towards the base towards that center so rotate now we're going to wrap this spoke so it's coming from under go around it and push down straighten these as need be so under wrap it around and push it down rotate so you're stretching this wire across wrap it around push it down I'm just going to continue doing this until I actually run out of wire so I'm going to do quite a bit here on camera so you can really see it develop and a couple things you want to take note of stretch these out make sure they're straight and also try to keep this pretty flat these have a tendency of popping up so try to keep these as flat and even as you can under around push down with your fingernail pull it tight stretch it to the next one just keep going now one thing I do want to note is if you are doing this and the little cut piece of wire is poking you at all as you're going carefully just take your chain nose plier at this stage just press that rough end into your wrappings don't press too hard because you don't want to Mar your plated wire but you can go ahead and tuck that little end in and you can see the web is starting to develop we're starting to get that look of these web lines if anyone knows the technical term for that please comment on this video because I don't know the technical term for these parts of the web or the actual wedding but I'm calling it spokes and web lines I think it conveys the idea good enough okay so again just under wrap around use your nail to try to form it and push it down towards the middle and I'm just rotating the actual web itself versus the long length of wire let me show you what we've got so far and you can see that this is actually going to be the back side of my web and that's going to be the front but of course you can do whatever you like stretch these guys out I'm gonna show you a side profile so you can see what's lookin like from the side and I am trying to flatten this as I go by pinching it together you see the front in the back and then we're just going to keep going so this might not be the most entertaining thing to see on a video because it is just repetitive but it does make it actually pretty nice and easy and relatively quick for a wire wrapping project you can really see that this web is starting to develop now too okay one more are cheering okay so now we've got not quite enough to do one more what could stretch it but I'm not going to worry about it so when you get to the point where you basically run out of wire go ahead and we just made our wrap as if we were going to go to the next spoke wrap it a good two three times around this one and then trim it with your cutters and that was a nice tight trim so I don't need to tuck that wire so here is our web so far and now we need to go ahead and trim the spokes so I've got my wire looping pliers and like I mentioned earlier I did cover them in painters tape to prevent some scratching or potential scratching and I'm going to start by making a wrapped wire loop up at the top that will connect our earring hook too so I'm going to go ahead basically squeeze the wire looping pliers with the wire inside of it there resting just above my other wraps and that's what that looks like so it did half the work for me and then pull the wire down rotate your pliers up to the top and then take this piece of wire and wrap it around several times and this is a really nice soft wire to work with so trim that and tuck in your tail there we go and I'm gonna finish off these ends I'm going to hang my spider from this one so I'm just going to take my wire looping plier and I'm going to create a simple wire loop on each of the spokes just to finish it off so right above the last wrapping I'm just creating a loop and I'm just going to trim that and then tidy it up and go to the next one you could create wrapped wire loops at this stage too if you wanted to I think the simple wire loop is a little bit less intrusive so it blends a little bit marks there's less happening but if you want to do a wrapped wire loop go for it okay and now go back with your chain nose and just make sure that all your loops are nice and straight and even so we've got one more to do and that's when we're gonna hang our spider from so before we go any further I'm going to take off the jump ring that comes with the spider because I don't want to use it it's a little big and clunky for this project there we go now I thought it could be fun actually to hang the spider a little bit lower instead of up top here just so it looks like and this pair of earrings one is actually up towards the web and then one is hanging down below so you don't want it quite this long but I'm going to attempt to do this with it that long so I'm going to go ahead and create a loop actually I want this loop to be a little bit bigger so it can go through the hole that's part of the charm so I got my loop let me open it up and hang on my spider and close it back up yeah I think that's actually really fun and so now I'm going to put on the earring hook so it has a loop edit space so we're going to open up just like a jump ring and we're going to slide it onto that wrapped wire loop up top and close it and we now have a really fun pair of spiderweb earrings with sterling silver spiders hanging from them you can find all the supplies for this project as well as other videos and projects similar to this one at beadaholique.com you
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