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Silver Plated Curved Noodle Tube Beads 2mm x 10mm (50 pcs) SKU: BMB-4064 $4.69 |
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Open Eye Pins, 2 Inches Long and 21 Gauge Thick, Gunmetal (50 Pieces) SKU: FHP-6270 $2.89 |
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TierraCast Pewter Beads, Lotus Flower Design 7x11.5mm, Antiqued Silver Plated (2 Pieces) SKU: BMB-011 $2.20 |
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TierraCast Hook & Eye Clasps, Vine 20mm, Antiqued Silver Plated (1 Set) SKU: FCL-7015 $2.10 |
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The Beadsmith Wire Looping Pliers - Concave And Round Nose SKU: XTL-5032 $14.99 |
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Xuron Jeweler's Super Fine Pliers Chain Nose Flat Nose SKU: XTL-5450 $25.99 |
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Sharp Flush Cutter Pliers - For Cutting Beading Wire (1 Piece) SKU: XTL-5600 $23.99 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and therapy necklace so i'm gonna be using this beautiful Lotus pendant it's actually to lock it as my focal so I'm gonna tell you everything you need to make this project and then I'm going to show you how to actually construct it from start to finish so this locket here you see there's a little area that you can open it is made of stainless steel with a magnetic clasp and you're gonna add a little pad to the center of it here and then it is open there's no glass here so what is going to do is allow you to take your aromatherapy sense on the go with you as you're out and about throughout the day you're gonna be able to smell the wonderful oils so this does come in other styles I pulled some of them here so you can see them there's this wonderful tree a beautiful flower little paw prints an ohm symbol it's just some great designs as well you're also going to be using for this particular project a bead link chain is already pre-made for you so these already are strung together with their little simple loops and I have 24 inches of it I'm using this little itty-bitty noodle bead you'll see what I'm gonna do with it in just a minute I have six lotus beads these are by tierracast I'm gonna be using some gunmetal findings so I have some eye pins and some open oval jump rings and then this great little tier a clasp antique silver clasp and I'm liking this project because I'm able to mix gunmetal antique silver and stainless steel and I think it all looks really good together for the essential oils I'm going to be using jewel drops which are exclusive to betta Halik we've got lemongrass eucalyptus lavender peppermint sweet orange and tea tree and these do come in a really nice gift box as well you'll see that they are 100% pure essential oil so that's key a little goes a very very long ways now in terms of the tools we're gonna be using two pairs of chain nose pliers a cutter and a wire looping plier you could also use a round nose plier I'm going to start by adding my essential oil so I've already put that pad in there like so and I'm just gonna add one to two drops and I think gonna add lavender this time and there are other pads you can buy it by replacement pads you can have a pad for each scent so a lot of choices there so just open this up and add it directly to the pad and we're just gonna add a little it's just going to be one two drops just like that and that's gonna last one to two days and then you can just reapply if you want a stronger scent definitely you can add more as well so that is ready to go now I'm going to take my bead link chain and I'm gonna turn this into a finished necklace I'm gonna add a few little details too I'm gonna find the halfway point which is right here and I am going to separate out this link so I just want to take it off now these are little open loops so I'm just gonna open that up with my chain nose plier I'm gonna do the same for this one here and I'm not gonna need this again I'm gonna save that for another project never toss beads you always find a use for them now I want to show you what I'm gonna do with this little noodle bead so my challenge in making this was okay I've got these lovely little beads already put together how do I add this pendant now I could if I wanted to just go like this I could loop them and it could sit right there which actually looks pretty good I want to show you another option especially if you're doing another stringing project where you might not have these little loops so this is a petite little noodle bead and I've got my pin I'm gonna curve my eye pin just a little bit with my fingers and now this takes some wiggling but I am gonna put it through this noodle bead and wiggle wiggle wiggle till it comes out the other side I'm gonna take my chain nose and pull it down to the end like so and now I'm just gonna make a little simple loop on the other side so if you were doing a strung necklace with a pendant like this you would just put your beading wire straight through that noodle bead you wouldn't make loops of course but it would give you something substantial a nice focal to do this to anchor your pendant on to so now I'm just going to open up this loop that I just made and slide on my chain close it back up I'm gonna do that on the other side as well open that up put that on there you go so now it's got something to rest on and as you're wearing it gravity will keep that in the center so now I wanted to add a few other little shinier elements because this is a rather dark chain when you're doing your design work is sometimes fun to keep in mind like okay I've got something kind of bright and shiny and silver down here I'm gonna have something up top at the clasp why don't I add a little bit of extra of that metal elements throughout so I'm going to do that I'm gonna create these little segments so I want to put one lotus bead facing down onto an eye pin and one face to up so cases cute little flowery type design around a simple wire loop up top just with my wire looping pliers and by using simple wire loops we don't have to use jump rings because the simple wire loops essentially become the jump rings and make another one of these little guys so I'm just grabbing it where it exits the bead rotating my pliers up top and pulling it around to make a loop and where it Criss crosses that is where I cut it alright so I got two of those I'm not worrying about securing my loops and make them all neat and tidy right at this moment because I'm going to know that I need to open and close them to attach them to my chain so on this one I'm just going to do a single one same process up top though to turn it into a little link and again I'm gonna do that here okay so I've got my components ready and what I'm going to now do is decide where I want to put them so I think these guys here would be really pretty maybe right right here a little further down so when you're wearing it they're quite visible so I'm gonna open this guy up slide him off and then this one the one that was already closed I'm gonna slide on close it up go to this side and remember this is the one that I wasn't too worried about making sure it was closed to begin with and that's because I knew I was gonna add this here okay and then I'm gonna go to the other side do the exact same thing so that was right like that okay so I'm gonna open this guy up slide this guy on close it go to this side it's already partially open for me close it now up towards the clasp I also wanted to add an element like that now this was already opened from where I cut it okay so I think I'm gonna add the clasp first so I can see where I want to add these last two little bits and bits where's the other one here it is okay so let's see and these are open jump rings and they're oval oval jump rings are great they give you a little extra length which is nice and these particular ones come open already okay just close it do the same on the other side now of course if you wanted to you could definitely not add these little extra elements you could just use a chain as is instead of the extra links but it's a fun way of incorporating an added design element okay so close that up alright so technically this is a finished design but I do want to add up top maybe let's see maybe right here I'm going to put one okay so open slide off slow you'll be going down you could do it up or down close it go to the other side like that going down I think that works let me see what it'll look like going up it's just a preference yeah I think I think going down is fine I'd love your feedback on this video if you want to leave a comment letting me know which way you would like it always love to hear that okay the other side all right we are done this is our final element all right so here we have that clasp up top okay we got a little extra elements evenly spaced is key you can do it opposite or you could do it a little bit staggered but I think for symmetry on this because your beads are already a little bit different it's kind of fun to have some anchor points that are the same and then we've got this clasp up here and our aromatherapy diffuser lock it down as the focal point so this was not hard to do this was really quite quick and easy if you do want something even quicker and easier there are pre-made stainless steel necklace chain so I wanted to bring that out and we do have another video that's showing you how quick that is to do a project like that but here's another idea where you can add some more beads show a little bit more of more of your personality here with it which is always fun and then if you want other ideas of what to do with this Roma therapy line and aromatherapy jewelry which is such a popular trend that we're seeing in boutiques and in magazines do check out our other videos at beadaholique.com we'll show you all types of other jewelry to create with them thanks so much for watching
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