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Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Sweet Orchid - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-SP-065EL $24.99 |
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Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Calm Seas - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-065HS $24.99 |
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Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Tropical Cove - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KB-GP-065KR $24.99 |
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Refill - Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Sweet Orchid - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-SP-065EL $12.99 |
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Refill - Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Orange Dream - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-SP-065RS $12.99 |
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Refill - Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet - Calm Seas - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-GP-065HS $12.99 |
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Refill - Spiral 12 Warp Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet -Tropical Cove - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: XB-GP-065KR $12.99 |
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Fiskars 5 Precision Tip Scissors - Super Sharp SKU: XTL-5700 $7.45 |
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Gator Weight For Kumihimo Braiding - 1.6 Ounces (1 pcs) SKU: XTL-6063 $12.99 |
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com hemo kits by beadaholique now you can get all of these kits and all of these supplies by heading over to beadaholique.com so in this tutorial I'm going to walk you through the basic steps from start to finish on how to do this beautiful kit but before I dive in I want to show you the four different colorways which we offer here at beadaholique teal and coral and it has a nice little spiral effect so if you're familiar with twelve excuse me if you're familiar with eight warp kumihimo twelve warp is a little bit different so you can see that that gold spiral there that kind of pops out from the big spiral that's happening so it kind of creates a really cool little effect there so this is the twelve warp so that's what we're gonna be teaching you here today so I'm going to be doing the coral and teal and gold version but we do also have a beautiful kind of nautical style where it is white blue and gold and then I have this fun orange blue and white and then we also have a pink purple and white and these are both silver so you can choose all of these you can mix and match feel free to do so you'll get your coordinated color seed beads and your cord and you'll also get your clasp now one thing that you know that we do here at beadaholique it's so we have the full kit which is everything that you see here we have our bobbins are super new glue and our discs now if you wanted to let's say you really bought this one and you loved it so you needed the disk and the bobbins and the glue and all that jazz but then you wanted to go back and make this kit well what we've done is we've broken it down for you so what you actually get is you'll just get the cord at the clasp and the coordinated beads so you'll still be able to make the kit because you'll still have plenty of glue left over and you'll still have your disc and your bobbins these are definitely reusable and we encourage you to do that so if you already have some of this stuff you don't need to buy the full kit you can just purchase refill kit but I must warn you if you've bought an eight warp kit in the past please be aware that you'll need four extra bobbins so you can always buy one of these full kits and then head on to the refill kits and you know you can never have too many bobbins so if you get a few extra no biggie alright so what you won't get with this kit is you won't get a wait so today I'm going to be using a gator weight and we do sell these at beadaholique.com but you can also use a binder clip with like a little bag of pennies you just need something to give a little tension to that braid and then you'll just need a pair of scissors or snips just to help us out with that cord all right so we're going to go ahead and begin and I'm gonna take a ruler here and this is another really helpful tool and what we're gonna do is we're going to measure out ten feet of our s LAN cord here so there's one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and you can see I'm being very generous with that measurement because it is easier to add the beads and it's extremely difficult to add a cord so we're not going to do that here so if you're unsure about the link that you want go ahead and add a little extra here you can do twelve feet if you want you clearly have enough of the S lon left over so we're gonna be doing six lengths of ten feet each and I'm just gonna go ahead and measure it against the one that I have already gotten here right at my cord go there we go he's hiding from me all right so now we're gonna go ahead and measure out our next length and I'm gonna do all six and I'll meet you back here in just a moment okay so I have both ends here so I'm just gonna hold those with my fingers and just find the midpoint all the way down here so this is the midpoint of all of those links together so I'm just gonna do a really simple overhand knot so I'm just gonna take that loop and take it over at the top and put it through the center and don't worry if this gets a little messy it is just to secure are not there at the end this is not all gonna be cut off all right so I'm just gonna give it a nice little tug there at the bottom and if you want you can do an extra knot I think mine's okay though all right so now the next step we're gonna do is because we are using our 11 OC beads these are gonna be nice and tiny which is gonna be great to use because it's gonna create that nice tight little spiral effect however I find it that it can be sometimes difficult to string on the S line now this is a step that you can skip if you desire but I recommend doing it so what I have here over here is I have some just plain kind of printer paper and they also have some post-it notes I think these are just gonna be really helpful here so what I'm gonna do is i'm just gonna separate out my cords here and what i want to do is we're gonna be adding a little bit of glue to each end so I just want to separate them out and I'm gonna use the sticky side of the post-it note to help me do that so let's just separate out a couple here and since you have 12 you can go ahead and kind of just make sure they all have their own little space here and this doesn't have to be pretty this is just again just to kind of help secure it to the to the table there all right now like I said you don't have to do this step I find it to be a little bit easier the super new glue actually helps to create a little needle-like effect and since you are going to be stringing a lot of beads this part I know it seems tedious but it just makes the whole thing just that much easier alright so this is what we have so far here so now I'm going to take the super new glue here and this is not as thick as like an e 6000 it's really kind of watery so what we want to do is we just want to take a little dab to one of the ends and you'll see that it just comes out there and just kind of slide it along the end there and you don't want too much so you just want to do about the last inch inch and a half or so and just kind of smooth it out so you can just see that the cord just gets a little dark and shiny so that is one all right now I'm gonna repeat this for all of them and you can see why we use the computer paper there and you just want to kind of just get a little bit on there and this is just creating a hard needle-like surface for that s lon alright so I'm gonna do all 12 and then I'm gonna let it dry for about 20 minutes or so you'll be able to see when it gets hard and is no longer tacky because that's what we want to do and then I'll be back here to show you how to string up the beads and then we're gonna get to some braiding of our kumihimo braid so we have all of our cords here and these are the ends with all those glued tips so what you can see is you can see that it creates a nice little stiff needle-like point that's gonna be easier to help us string on our beads so before we string our beads I want to show you how to set up the kumihimo disk so go ahead and find that end with the knot on it and what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our Gator weight and we're just gonna clip it right on to that knot and this is the same with that binder clip but this is also why it's nice to have that loop there at the bottom so if you needed to hang something from that you could do that as well alright so let's bring in our disc and we're just gonna drop this down into the center there so we have 12 cords so we need to position them accordingly so before we do our colors here all you need to know is that you take one cord and put it on either side of the two up here and then we're going to take another cord and put it on either side of our eight and then moving down here we're gonna go on either side of our 14 and just getting some those out of the way okay and now we're gonna go on either side of the 18 here and either side of the 24 and either side of the 30 alright so now we're just gonna I'm just gonna kind of adjust these guys and make sure that my little Gator weight is in the center all right and the reason we use the weight is that we have good tension because you want this to be nice and taut because it's gonna create that nice spiral braid so that's why we want to add some weight to there whether it's a bag of pennies or the Gator weight but if you end up doing a lot of kumihimo this is a great investment okay so this is how our disc looks now we have all the same color cord but we're going to coordinate our beads so as we string on our beads I'm gonna tell you that the ones surrounding the 8 and the 24 these are gonna be our gold beads now the ones surrounding the 2 and the ones surrounding the 14 these are going to be our coral beads and our remaining ones on the 30 and the 18 these are going to be our teal beads so I'm gonna start and I'm gonna grab the cord that is between the 7 and the 8 and I'm just gonna kind of snake that out of the pile here and let's just kind of set all of the other stuff aside and I'm gonna come in and you'll notice that the end of this is really stiff but just as a little extra tip I'm gonna take my snips and come in and kind of cut it at a little bit of an angle and that's gonna give me an even easier point to pick up those beads all right so I have my gold beads here now approximately depending on how tight your braid is gonna be you're gonna want to do at least 55 beads to get about a six and a half seven inch bracelet so as we're picking up our beads here you can just count now if you're off you'll know it towards the end but you can also unwind your bobbins as you get towards the end if you find that you need to add more beads so don't get too hung up and oh no how many beads is in the very beginning that's okay just add about 55 because you can do less than that if you get to a length or you're like oh no that's that's the length I want you can just stop adding the beads you can also like I said unwind the bobbins and add more beads to each cord as well all right so I'm just gonna continue to string these on so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do 55 beads on each strand in the colorway that I mentioned we're gonna do the gold the coral and the teal so once I have all of my beads strung on here I'm gonna wind up my bobbins and let's say this is all 55 there but just to show you ahead we have our bobbins so you just slide that in there and just wind it around all the way around and you want to leave I'd say about a foot out and what you can do is you can also slide some of those beads in there and wrap those inside the bobbin and just leave a few of them outside the bobbin so you want maybe just about eight inches or a foot or so so that's what it'll look like and you can have your beads out and some of them in because you're gonna have quite a few beads on here so that is how you want the bobbins so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do 55 beads wide my bobbins and I'll be back and we're gonna actually start doing the braid okay so our disc is all set up and ready to go and I just kind of splayed it out here so you could see the pattern just one more time so I have my coral up here my gold to the side and my teal on the other side alright so we have everything ready to go and we have our nice little Gator clip in the center so let's go ahead and pick it up and we're gonna start our braiding alright to begin we're gonna take the cord that is between 18 and 19 right down here and we're gonna go ahead and lift that out of the notch and I'm gonna bring it up and over and put it between the 28 and the 29 and go ahead and set that in and make sure it's nice and secure and then since I'm already up here I'm gonna take the cord that's between the 30 and the 31 and I'm gonna bring that down and I'm gonna bring it over and put it between the 16 and the 17 and just slide that right in there and then I'm going to take the one between the 14 and the 15 go ahead and pop that out and I'm gonna lift it up and over and I'm gonna go to the 32 and the 1 and then I'm going to move to the one that is between the 2 and the 3 go ahead and lift that out and I'm going to bring that down here to the 1 between the 12 and the 13 and go ahead and set that in so that's one little section there so now we're going to rotate about 90 degrees counterclockwise so just like that and now I'm going to take the one between the 24 and the 25 and bring it up and over between the 6 and the 7 and take the 1 between the 8 and the 9 bring that up and over and bring it down to the 22 and 23 and then rotate 90 degrees so that is considered one full rotation so now we're just going to repeat so it's very simple of course our numbers are gonna change but you're always taking the one that is farthest to the left down here and bringing it up just to the left of the top ones and then you take the one that is towards the center there and bring it down and across and then we lift this one and bring it up and lift this one and bring it down and then we rotate 90 degrees lift this one up and over and up and over and rotate 90 degrees so just remember that you're doing your X here without rotating that tends to trip some people up so we want to do our little X here rotate and then we do our cross here and you can see that that braid is just barely starting to form I'm gonna do a few more rotations here just so we can see that all come together now you'll notice that I'm doing this without adding any beads and the reason that we do that is because we want to build up a little bit of the end chord that we're gonna actually tuck into our clasp so I say go ahead and do about an inch or so you don't need that much but an interest though is safe to just clip off the ends when we go to do our clasp so this also is really great it helps you get used to the braid before you get to the a little bit more advanced technique of adding the beads all right I'm just keep rotating now if at any point you need to pause go ahead and stop when you're doing the crossways one so we have our X going this way and we have our cross this way if you leave three up and one down here like I have it you can go ahead and set this down and then when you pick it back up you know exactly where you're starting from because if you put this one down and you rotate it you might not remember that you're starting from the same point here but you'll always know that last little move so that's just a little tip as you're as you're doing this this is a great little project if you're traveling if you're on the road because once you have your kumihimo disk set up there's no scissors or anything else needed so you can at least do all the braiding while you're you know on a road trip so really fun little thing all right so off-camera here I'm gonna continue to do about an inch of the braid because I want you to see what that looks like and then I'll be back to show you what it's gonna look like when we start to add our beads okay so I'm just gonna take this last one here and bring it down and then I'm gonna do my rotation there we go alright so now I'm sort of back to the beginning so I'm gonna start to add my beads so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna pick up in the same order as I have been take that bead and just sort of slide it down into the bead weaving there and then I'm just gonna catch it underneath that cord and bring it across so all we're doing is we're doing the same braiding pattern but we're just dropping a little bead into the center there and you just sort of do the same with every cord so just sort of pick up one bead make sure you're only getting one bead at a time and just sort of making sure it gets nice and snug down there and we just bring it across and again let's just continue and these will be easier to see so I have those beautiful coral beads so what kind of notch that in there so you can see that kind of staying underneath that little cord so now you're just doing the same braiding pattern and you're just adding beads to our little rotation and going down and I'm just sort of using my nails to kind of just make sure that he sits underneath there so you can just sort of see that your purpose there is to kind of trap the beads underneath those cords because that is how they're going to lay a little right so you can see that I'm just kind of using my finger underneath the board to just kind of help guide it into place and then we rotate so this is the same thing with the beads so all we're gonna do now is we're just gonna continue to do our braid and like I said you can do all 55 beads to get to about six and a half seven inches or you can just stop whenever you've reached your desired size so you can just kind of peek underneath and see and just kind of measure the braid with the beaded portion to see how long you want to get it and don't forget that that clasp is gonna be about an inch just just under an inch actually all right so I'm going to leave it within my three up and one down so I'm just gonna kind of flip it over here so you can sort of see what's happening so we have our unbraided portion here and then you can start to see that we're adding our beads there now they're gonna start to sit a little flat but what could happen is you could actually get a bead stuck and if that does happen you can come in with a little pair of pliers so I recommend kind of checking underneath occasionally just to see if you need to pop one down or rotate anything at this stage because it's easier to do it when your braid is still a little bit loose on top than it is at the very very end when you see that a braid or excuse me that a bead sort of got entrapped in the braid so that's just something to kind of keep in mind all right so I'm gonna keep doing my braid with my beads and then I'll show you how to finish it off with that great magnetic clasp so as you get to working on your braid you'll notice that I have five beads left on each of my bobbins but before I kind of continue I just want to take my ruler and see if this is enough so I've done about 50 beads so I strung 55 and you know what that's gonna be good enough for me so I'm gonna take it to about six and a quarter inches there and I'm gonna stop adding beads so in order to do that it's really simple all you do is just stop adding beads so I am going to add this last one because I left my 3 up and one down so this will be my last bead here and I'm just gonna drop that down in there and bring it across and then I'm just gonna continue you can just leave the beads on there as long as you just remember to not pick them up we're just gonna do our kumihimo again and we're gonna build up that area without the beads on it so that we can cover it with our clasp so I'm going to leave about an inch more without needs and then I'll be back to show you how to finish off the clasp so we have our defeated portion and our unfinished unbeaten portion here so we're ready to go ahead and cut this off so I'm gonna start by removing my little Gator weight from the other side and just set that aside and now we can flip all this over and just with your snips now be careful if you do still have some beads on there they might go flying but you can just go ahead and snip all of those cords off and set all of your bobbins aside and I'm just gonna snip these off real quick and I'm leaving them on the disk as I kind of work my way around all right I have some beads flying everywhere so I'm just gonna take a second to get all them out of the way there we go you don't need any of that anymore so we can just set that aside and you do see that you do have some extra beads there so if you did want a longer bracelet we are definitely giving you the opportunity to do that alright so now I'm just coming from underneath and I'm just gonna kind of pull them out of my disc just like so and we're gonna gather all those cords and just make one big overhand knot here just wrapping it around just a big nut don't worry it doesn't have to be pretty we're gonna cut it off anyway but we just don't want our cords to start unraveling before we have a chance to glue them all together all right here we go so we have our nice little knot there so now as you can see what we need to do is we're gonna build up a little bit of this extra cord here to fit inside of our clasp so here's my magnetic clip here's my magnetic clasp so you can go ahead and separate those two ends there so I'm gonna do one side and the video here for you so go ahead and take some of that extra esalaam that you have and cut off I'd say maybe give or take about 15 12 to 15 inches you don't need a whole lot we're just gonna snip that off and then I'm gonna come in underneath my braid here and just tie a little overhand knot and I want my knot to sit as close to the beaded portion as possible so this is just a little overhand knot here right over the needed portion just make sure that you haven't caught any of those beads in there all right we're gonna give it a nice little tug and then I'm just gonna repeat that again and just doing a nice little overhand knot and bringing that down together all right now I can take my short end and I'm gonna kind of fold it up my braid and what I'm gonna do with this long end here is I'm just gonna wrap it around to sort of bulk up that little braid that's there because we want it to fit nice and snugly into our little end cap there so I'm trying to keep a nice tight little wrap and what you want to do is you want to build up about a quarter to a half an inch of this little portion here I'm just kind of twisting it around and again don't worry this doesn't have to look pretty it'll all go into that clasp there but we just want to kind of take our time and see if we can hide a little bit of it so we get that nice sleek look to it all right and just as a visual reference what I'm gonna do is show you here so we have our little tube there and this is the open well but as you kind of look on the side you'll notice that the magnet only comes down about an eighth of an inch or so so we have all that space to kind of fill so I need to move up a little bit further just to make sure that it's gonna sit nice and flush with my braid there you see what I'm trying to do okay so now we're just gonna build up a little bit more at the top here okay all right so now I'm bringing the short end together with my long end and I'm just gonna tie an overhand knot I'm gonna try to do this one-handed so we don't lose that tension that I have there there we go and just bring that down nice and tight and again just securing that with one more little overhand knot oops alright and pull nice and tight there we go alright so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come in with my scissors or snips here and I'm just gonna trim off those ends just like so and now what we want to do is before we snip off this I want to get my glue ready so it's ready to go there and what we're gonna do is we're gonna drop a couple little drops into our well there I'm gonna cut this off and then we are going to sort of work it into the well now if you want to just kind of double-check what I recommend you do is go ahead and sort of you might need to saw this off this is a lot of cord here so I'm just kind of cutting it there we go so you can sort of just judge and just make sure that that's gonna fit in there and it looks like I have a pretty good fit so now I'm just gonna gently take that off let's go ahead and add our glue and you're gonna want to do about three drops or so of your super new glue and just make sure that it kind of gets all the way all along the sides there and you can just kind of roll it in your fingers just to get it a nice coating because we want it to be nice and secure for us make sure you close your glue back up real quick there we go and now we're going to slip that on and I like to kind of just twist it as I push it down that way you kind of get all that glue in there and it's taking all the cord with it so that is one end I'm gonna do the other end really quick and then I'm going to show you our finished product so this is the piece I just finished I did both ends there and you'll notice my last little tip for you today is that I want you to let it dry for 24 hours stretched out don't try to link it together because sometimes the glue can seep through around that little magnet there and you will end up with your bracelet completely fused and we don't want that to happen but this is the one I did earlier so you can see those Matt clasps are really nice and strong and that's why we love using this super new glue for this so these are the 12 warp kumihimo kits you can choose your favorite colors and then choose which one you want to do the refill for so these are our four beautiful colors that beautiful coral and teal our blue and white our orange and blue and our beautiful lavender so choose your favorite and enjoy thanks for watching you can get all of these supplies and even more beautiful beadaholique kits by heading over to beadaholique.com hi this is Alexandra at beadaholique to stone cabochon necklace with chain embellishments so here's a finished necklace that I made using some beautiful sodalite stone I've got a cabochon and some 4 millimeter round beads of the sodalite mixed with some smoky quartz on some textured Nunn design chain and for this project here we'll be doing a very similar necklace in an antique silver with malachite and also again with this beautiful smoky quartz that plays so well with lots of different gemstones so I'll also be using some chips and the textured chain I've got one 1-inch head pin so I've got a toggle clasp some 5 millimeter 20 gauge jump rings and for tools I'll be using round nose pliers chain nose pliers some flush cutters and also some e6000 glue now to begin what I've done is assembly line my project by creating a whole lot of little wrapped wire loops and I'm going to just demonstrate one of those here for you onto one of these chips I'm going to string on my head pin and take my top of the head pin and angle it right off of the chip bring the head pin over the top of my plier into a loop clip that tail and tuck it tight so that's what I've done for all of these just to get us ready and it also created some simple wire loops on the smoky quartz these are star cut smoky quartz in 8 millimeter just love that cut and I've you see I've left the tails on and that's for the ease of putting them on the chain as you'll see so the next step that we want to do is glue in our cabochon so for that I'm going to take in my East 6000 glue and I'm just gonna squeeze out a dab of it not even the size of a dime just like so and with my toothpick I'm gonna spread that around in the base of the puzzle getting around toward the edges but not too close I don't want to see any of that glue on the outside of this stone this is very strong stuff so I'll just smear that around a bit get rid of my toothpick and bring in my stone set that in I'm just going to let that set for the duration of our assembly here we're gonna put the necklace together and by the time we're ready we'll hang it on at the end so that can be drying well we now get ready to assemble our piece so what I'm gonna do is lay my chain out and find the very center link and this is 24 inches of chain so I'm gonna find that Center link just by gripping and I'm gonna hold it up in front of my eye here I think I've actually got it now that the special thing about Nunn design chain which I really enjoy is that the links are actually open so you can open them up like a jump ring and even use that for a future project if you have other chain that's soldered you'll just use flush cutters like this so now that I have my two lengths of chain I'll set one aside and begin by taking up one of my five millimeter jump rings and what I'll do here is slide on three of my prepared loops get a grip there where I know it's ready for me to hang on to my chain and I'm going to count nine links up I'm gonna slide that ninth link on to my chain as well and close the jump ring next I'm going to do a similar thing with my smoky quartz I'm going to take one of these count and I'm links up and slide it on watch that and then I could do a wrapped wire loop but I think I'll elect to just keep the simple wire loop I'm going to clip that tail and tuck it closed and these are good sturdy head pins so that should hold well you'll notice here that I've decided to start with the malachite whereas over here I've started with the Smoky designers choice whichever order you'd like and again I'm going to take up another jump ring slide on three of my simple wire loops here and count it nine more links yes like that link on chips can be a bit of a challenge to decide how to work with and so this is a an alternative design idea you can also string them straight on to cord they give a really nice organic feel to a piece but they are irregularly shaped so it's fun to find new ways to use them I'm gonna again take a smoky quartz and count nine links up and latch that on and the tail leaving the tail on has helped me to get a grip there when I'm going in to hang the piece on again I'm gonna close that tight and continue up the length of this chain in this pattern just nine links up next I'm going to do my chips my smoking my chips and so forth I'm also gonna do that on this chain here once I've assembled all those pieces we'll come back and we'll put our cabochon on the base and the clasp at the top so I've completed adding on all of my stones onto my chain I've got them fully embellished here and I'm ready to connect my cabochon piece so for that I'm gonna take a jump ring open that up and in order to get my cabochon to be frontward facing it will take two jump rings I'm gonna be real gentle with this because I don't think it's fully dried yet so I'm gonna latch this jump ring on to my loop of my cabochon and close that up I'm going to take another jump ring just get that with my thumb nail and I'm going to take on the two and links of my chain and I'm also going to take on the jump ring on my cabochon close the jump ring lay my piece flat and I'm ready to attach the clasp as well so let me bring these ends in again I'm gonna leave my cabochon laying flat to dry and bring in my toggle clasp we have another couple of jump rings there's so many possibilities ways of putting together the different types of gemstones the natural beauty and organic feel of the stones is just really my favorite I love to work with semi-precious stones I open up this one there and slide on the other side of my toggle clasp close the jump ring and we're all finished so this is the malachite delight necklace and there's so delight delight necklace you can find all of these tools and supplies at beadaholique.com I hope you enjoyed this video please also subscribe to our YouTube channel for all the latest updates thanks for watching
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Clear recently viewedIf you switch to the smaller kumi disc, double thick, this saves you a lot of trouble. I never use the full size disc anymore, it’s so awkward. And, no weights are necessary, the smaller thicker disc holds perfect tension. You will find it easier to coax the 11/0 beads under the central braid. Good luck! Don’t give up, switch your disc.
Materials were excellent along with tutorial; but, I gave up on it. Beads were so small that I couldn't get them under the thread. Will switch to larger beads.
You are an excellent teacher. I’ve watched several Beadaholique videos.