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Czech Glass Kite Beads, 2-Hole Diamond Shape 9x5mm, Turquoise Green (24 Grams) SKU: BCK-007 $12.99 |
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Toho Round Seed Beads 15/0 #PF551 - Permanent Finish Galvanized Rose Gold (8g) SKU: JSO-0354 $5.25 |
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Earring Findings, Ear Wire 21mm Long 20 Gauge Thick, Rose Gold Filled (2 Pairs) SKU: FEA-1218 $6.99 |
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FireLine Braided Beading Thread, 6lb Test and 0.006" Thick, Crystal Clear (15 Yard Mini Spool) SKU: XCR-1288 $6.65 |
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The Beadsmith English Beading Needles Size 12 (4 pcs) SKU: XTL-3006 $3.99 |
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The Beadsmith Ultra Thread Zap, Battery Operated Thread Trimmer (1 Piece) SKU: XTL-0117 $19.99 |
Hi, this is Kat with beadaholique.com earrings using the to hold Czech glass kite beads now I have some of those beads right here on my table so I just want to start by kind of giving you a little background on what these beads are so I have a couple of needles here and I'm just gonna show you where there are two holes are oriented you'll sort of see that as we make our project here in just a moment but just to give you a little overview so you're gonna get those two holes running right through there and the kite beads it sort of becomes an oblong diamond shape so they're really fun and they have a nice thickness to them which makes them great to make a beautiful pair of statement earrings so we're gonna do that here in just a moment and I want to show you that I made a couple of different colors here and in this video I'm going to be doing the purple and rose gold but I did start this other pair here that has a beautiful bronze and teal and then I just want to draw your attention up to the beautiful colors that we have up top here so just choose your favorite color of kite bead and your favorite color of toho size 15/0 and you can create these beautiful earrings so for today I'm going to be using a size twelve beading needle and then I have some crystal fireline in the 6-pound and then you're probably going to need a pair of chain nose pliers and a pair of snips or you can use a thread zap which I'll show you how to use in this video so if you have all of your supplies ready to go and of course I chose these earring hooks here you can choose any earring hooks and I'll show you how easy that is to adapt but if you have all of your supplies we'll go ahead and get started alright so I actually already have threaded my needle with about three and a half feet or so of my crystal fireline so I'm just ready to go so what I want to start by doing here is I'm gonna kind of kick some of my kite beads down here and you're gonna need nine to start that center circle so go ahead and pick up on the short side there and you're gonna pick up nine of those beads let's see six seven eight and nine and I'm gonna slide them all the way down towards the end of my thread and I don't need a very long tail maybe about six inches or so and I'm just gonna take them and tie an overhand knot bringing them together here and you'll see that they'll need to kind of flip around before we tie our second knot there there we go so just kind of bringing those together and you don't want to make it too tight you don't want to crowd them too much but go ahead and then a tie a second overhand knot so that I'll anchor our first Center piece of work all right and just because I want to get my original tail out of the way right away what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna thread a second needle onto that side and I'm just gonna weave this through a couple of the adjacent beads all right and you're just gonna want to go through one at a time and because you want your beadwork to be taut but not too tight you might have a little trouble initially kind of getting your needle through there but that's why I recommend just going through just that one bead at a time there we go all right and I just need to go through a couple of beads there no need to go all the way around you'll be all right and now I'm just going to take my thread zap here take my safety off and I'm just going to zap that tail there we go alright so now my beadwork is nice and clean and ready to go reattach my safety and we're ready alright so I'm just gonna go through one bead going the other direction just to kind of secure that knot there alright so now our first thing is we're gonna go from that second hole and we got to be coming out that I'm sorry coming out that first hole and we want to be coming out that second hole so I'm just turning my thread around and you're gonna create a little tiny thread bridge but that'll kind of sit right nicely into your beadwork just like that all right I tend to kind of flip around my work as I as I weave so just do what is comfortable for you all right so now we're going to pick up one seed bead and let me put some closer down here there we go so I have one seed bead and now I'm going to pick up on the large side of the kite bead and then one more seed bead and I'm gonna go through the next hole there and string that down so there we are and I'm just gonna repeat that one seed bead one kite beat on the large side and one seed bead going through am i repeating again one seed bead one large side and one seed bead and one more final time so you have four total all right there we go and now this is what our beadwork looks like so now I'm gonna continue to go all the way up and around the top but instead of adding additional kite beads I'm just going to be adding three seed beads in between so just picking up three seed beads and going into the next kite bead there area picking up three seed beads going into the next KP and just all the way around until you get back to the other side and I love using these 50 no beads because it just adds that little metallic Sparkle but they're so tiny that you can sort of manipulate them as you need in your beadwork okay so I'm coming to the other side here so you can see that I'm going through that kite bead and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go through the next seed bead through the kite bead and you can do this one bead at a time if it's if it's not working again don't force it these are glass beads so you don't want to go too far all right yes and don't take it out of your fingers all right so now I am coming out the side of my kite bead right there so what I'm gonna want to do is turn my thread around so that I'm coming out the second hole of my kite bead so let me just kind of lay my work down so you can sort of see so we added our kite beads along the bottom and then added three coming up and over the top and then came down through here and around through that kite bead now you'll notice I did not pick up this particular seed bead right here so we're gonna leave him just where he is so now we're coming out this direction alright so the first thing I want to do is I want to pick up a kite bead on the large side and go ahead and slide that all the way down so that it sits nice and flush like that so it's sort of jutting out all right and now what I want to do is I want to pick up one seed bead and I want to go right back through that hole I just strung because what I'm gonna do is I'm going to capture that seed bead so make sure that is nice and taut alright and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pick up another kite bead here on the large side and now I'm gonna pick up three seed beads pick up another kite bead on the large side and I'm going to go into that second hole on that next kite bead right there and I'm just gonna repeat so pick up another kite beat three of my seed beads another kite bead and I'm gonna go into the next one there we go and picking up a kite bead three seed beads that other kite bead there and I'm going to go into that last hole all right so let me show you where our work is at this point we've just strung at that bottom row they're going through each of the three so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start to connect but instead of going and adding one more kite bead and adding that extra bead you're gonna see how it's a little bit different so I just need one more kite beat down here because we want to finish off our look so now what you're going to do is you're going to add a little tug we're gonna add five of our seed beads here alright and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down to the next hole there all right and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a six seed beads let me just kind of kick some out here one two three four five and six and I'm gonna go into the next kite bead and now because the spaces are uneven what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna only add three seed beads go and just continuing so now again because we're in that big space we're gonna add six there we go and now add three and just continuing again six seed beads how long five and six six yep I always double-check before you move on one two and three and last one six seed beads one two three four five and six and going through that kite bead it looks like I found a little seed bead that has a smaller hole so what this can sometimes happen all right he's the culprit so I'm just gonna set him aside so I have a one seed bead two three four five and pick up a fresh one and just a guidance like that over many times this one too or maybe that was the one just set him aside sometimes this can happen with Toho seed beads it can happen with actually a lot of seed beads so don't get frustrated it just you know sometimes they're just not perfectly coated there we go but in this whole time I've been doing it I've only found one so that's actually pretty good alright so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add four seed beads two three and four and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna catch and go through the seed bead that is already there to complete those five just like so alright and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pick up let's see one two three four and five and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through and I'm actually gonna catch all three of these seed beads coming up the side there so I'm just connecting this all together there you go so you have that nice little bridge and that nice little connection now just continue your thread pass and again we're getting a little tight with our thread so just be gentle and just kind of wiggle your work around you can go through one or you can see I just caught one of my seed beads there but we're gonna go all the way up and through and when we get to our top portion here we're going to be adding on that loop to create that nice little loop for our earring hook so you're gonna go through you can see I'm at the top one right here so I'm going through one seed bead here and now I'm going to pick up five seed beads four and five skipping over that Center seed bead and I'm going to go into that third seed bead there and I'm actually gonna try to go down through that kite beat as well all in one step there we go so I create that nice little loop at the top alright so now we're just gonna continue to get all the way around here and to connect up the rest of our beadwork and we are almost finished there's gonna be one more embellishment that we're going to add to the bottom here alright and one two three four and five go ahead and go through all of those seed beads you might not be able to catch them all at once and down through those two alright and now what we're gonna want to do is go down through that kite bead and again we're getting a little thick but don't worry about it you'll just work your way through all right so now I'm coming out that kite bead right there and what I want to do is I want to go into only the first two seed beads because what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna pick up three seed beads I'm going to skip over to don't knock them off your needle though one two three okay three seed beads skipping over to so then I'll you're just gonna kind of wiggle your needle in to go through the last two seed beads right there and this is just gonna create that nice little extra touch of embellishment at the bottom so now we're gonna continue going through kite beat and go through all three of those seed beads trying to do this all at once but definitely be patient going through that kite bead there and you're only going to do that little embellishment on the places where we have those six seed beads so here again we're just going through two picking up three seed beads one two three skipping over two and going into the next two there I'm trying to get greedy by going through my kite beetle at the same time there we go you can always kind of bend your work the idea with this earring is that it's going to be a little a little loose a little it's gonna have a little bit of movement to it but you do want to keep your tension fairly tight just make sure that you're not so tight that you're going to be cracking those beads we get a lot of questions here at beadaholique it's just it's kind of a personal thing but also you have to understand that you're providing structure with all of these thread passes so sometimes we use a four-pound thread for this one I'm using a 6-pound because I want to give it that extra structure because believe it or not I'm not doing that many thread passes where it would actually affect my beadwork so just kind of a little tip if you're you know just new to this or kind of starting out and wanting to explore different weights of thread that is why that is done is just to kind of see there are some things where you're going to want that extra structure so all right so we are coming towards the end here we have one more embellishment and then I'm going to show you how to tie off your beadwork here and then how to just add that earring hook and then you'll be all set to go but this is such a fun little project and I hope you decide to you know choose your favorite colors and really make something fun with this and these are great to whole seed beads to incorporate into other designs as well alright one two three go looks like I was just gonna get one on that pass all right now I'm going through that second seed beat there and I know these are tiny but I hope I've done a good job of explaining for you here today and now I'm just gonna kind of go up through the next few seed beads here and follow my thread pass and when you feel that you're in a comfortable spot just take your needle and you can see that I've caught my thread under there and I'm just gonna loop it around take my needle through and just tie a little knot give it a nice little tug make sure that is nice and tight and now I'm just gonna kind of wiggle my needle through a few more here and I'm just gonna go up the side just to give it a little extra security all right and I'm just gonna do one more little knot and go through one more bead I just want one more bead just for security all right there we go all right so that is our earring so now I'm going to zap off that thread and you can see that I have at least a good foot left over so you know I always say better safe than sorry with the amount of thread that you're gonna use so but it's up to you I used about three three and a half feet or so but you can probably get away with to just I like to have a little bit extra all right so the last step is to take those chain nose pliers and take our earring hook here and you're just going to gently bend it open slip it on to our earring here and bend it close and this is the same technique you would do is if you were opening and closing a jump ring so there you are that is how to make the polynesian Palms earrings I hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to hit the subscribe button below and as always you can find all of these supplies and even more videos at beadaholique.com you
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