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Deluxe Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Forest Meadow - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-GP-008NX $28.99 |
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Deluxe Beaded Kumihimo Necklace - Black Tie - Exclusive Beadaholique Jewelry Kit SKU: KN-GP-008JZ $26.99 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com hemo necklace which is an exclusive kit by peta Halik and we have four color variations we've got midnight blue which is this really pretty blue you see that spiral focal with black and gold accents got black tie which has the black jet focal with silver and gold accents rose garden which is a pretty combination of different colors and then down here the one i'm going to actually build is forest meadow got nice green Czech glass beads accented by gold and copper tones and a brown cord like I mentioned it's an exclusive kit by beadaholique so when you order it you're going to get everything you need to make this necklace so you're going to get the disc the bobbins the beads you're going to get these czech focal beads a whole tube of union seed beads East 6th ousand glue your end caps your jump rings your clasp your chain as well as your s LAN for your braiding and with this kit you're also going to get this little wire needle it's really hard to see here but it's something that's going to help you a lot so what you'll need to provide are your tools besides the disc and the bobbins which will come with the kit that includes some toothpicks a post-it a pair of cutters couple pairs of chain nose pliers just a regular pair of scissors and I'm going to be using painters tape but you can use any type of tape you want and we're going to be using that just as a little added measure security when we wind our bobbins and then over here I have a couple little variations on the design that I'm going to show you at the end of this video of ways you can just very easily alter the design a little bit so let's go ahead and begin I'm going to go ahead and clear these necklaces out just a little bit so I have a little bit more room maybe before I do that I'll show you the actual construction that we're going to be doing so we're going to be creating the actual kumihimo braid first and that consists of basically three different panels so you have a nice length here which is we measure it out for you which is about three and a half inches of the union seedbead kumihimo braid then you have a spiral focal which is going to be about five inches and then you're going to do another three and a half inches of just the seed beads and then you'll see that this is finished off with chain so all told this necklace is 15 inches and another about eleven so it's going to be about 25 26 inches depending on how tight your braiding is and you can of course cut your chain shorter so it can be a shorter necklace as well so that is what we're going to be doing and we're going to be starting with the braid itself so you're going to need a little bit of space on your work table and you are going to be cutting eight equal links of s lon and you want them to be forty inches long each so I'm going to go ahead and do one right here to show you what you're going to be doing and you'll need to make a total of eight of them so there's my 40 inches and what we're going to do is we're going to pop open our bobbin it's really easy to do you just press down in the center and pop it open and this is where the painters tape comes in again use whatever type of tape you want packaging tape might be a little hard to get off of your bobbin but masking tape or scotch tape or painters tape should be fine so I'm just going to tape the tail end in here and I'm doing that just to hold it in place because we're going to be stringing on seventy-five beads and if it was to come undone that'd be a lot of beads to pick up off the floor so we're going to start with our unions of course you'll get whatever color of kit you pick out and here's this little wire needle now it has a little loop on the end and you're going to put your s l-- on through it and we're going to go ahead and string on 25 of the unions so one two three four okay we've got our 25 Czech glass and now we're going to do another 25 of the unions all right so this is a complete strand I'm going to take my needle off so I've got 75 beads on there of 25 of the unions 25 of the Czech and 25 of the unions and you have 8 strands you're going to make total and on four of them you're going to do this exact sequence so 25 25 25 and then on the other four you're going to do 75 of the unions and none of the Czech and that's because when we come time to when it comes time to braid you need to have the unions interspersed with the Czech glass to create the spiral so I'm going to take my needle off I'm gonna show you a little tip to help you out with your needle so as it might be really hard to see but as you are using your needle the little loop gets kind of squished and depressed it's because the beads are sliding over it so you'll just take your toothpick or an awl or whatever maybe you have that has a little point to it and just twist it in that loop and suddenly is nice and big again and easy to slide your SL on through so we're going to do a little bit a cooking show magic here so I've got one strand right here and to wind your Bob and you just go like this and snap it shut so I've already got my strands done so I want to show you what they look like when you have all eight done all right so when all eight are done and grab them over here this is what you've got so you can see we've got the four strands with the 25 25 25 combo and four strands with the 75 of the unions and then here at the end what I've done is I've wound a little bit of the cord in it so it's not quite as long snap to shut and put another little piece of tape right over the end to stop it just so that the strand of the s long doesn't pull out so now what you're going to do make sure you have a good 10 11 inches of just the plain cord beyond where the beads extend from the bobbin and you're going to take all your cords and pull their ends together line them all up so this is what you've got tie an overhand knot just at the very end now here we're going to grab our Kumi disc now we're going to feed that knot through the end and now you're going to need to anchor it to something now there are such things as Kumi weights on the market they work great but I want to show you something you can just make it home to make a Cooney weight if you don't have one so you're just going to need a binder clip some of your s LAN from your kit and then just an object that has some weight to it I just have a spool of wire right here you can use a bag of pennies you can use a dapping dowel whatever maybe has a little bit of weight to it and you can tie to your binder clip so you're just going to take that binder clip and clip it to your knot and just make sure it's nice and secure so now we're going to flip this over so the disc is facing us and we want the dots lined up so the 32 is above you the 16 is closest to you and now it is important how we line up our do our strands so the strands that have the 75 unions put one to the left of the eight you're sorting out your strands okay and then put one to the right I guess I already put the one to the right so the left and right and then same thing with the twenty-four one to the left and one to the right and I'm going to stand as I do this because I've got some lengths to this normally I would sit in a chair and just have it drop to the side of me okay so it doesn't matter if these are too tangled to the beginning because we're going to do some extra braiding they'll get cut off in the end so then up here at the 32 left and right of 32 left and right of the 16 and just double check that you've got the strands with the Czech beads on them on the 32 and the 16 and the ones with just the unions now this is a lot of length right here if you can see what we've got going I'm going to tie this up a little bit more so to do that go ahead and undo this and wind it up and you can even tuck some beads in there if you don't want so many beads hanging off to begin with you can just tuck some beads in there and close it shut and it will hold I just do the painters tape because this is an awful lot of beads I would hate to have slip out so it's just an extra measure and I'm going to do that on all my strands so that they're not quite as long so I've shortened them and I wasn't too particular about how I did it is I'm going to be able to easily scoot more beads up as I need to so we're going to start by creating a non beaded portion and the reason that we're doing that I'll show you in a sample is we're going to end up sticking the non beaded portion into this end cap and the beads would be too thick to fit in there so we're going to go ahead and take the Strand that is to the left side of the 16 when it's when you're facing the disc and pull it up to the left of the two strands you have up here next to the 32 and then you're going to take those strand that's to the right of the 32 and pull it down to the right of your remaining strand here so left up right down rotate same exact thing take the left strand at the bottom and put it to the left at the top take the right strand at the top and put it down to the right of the Strand at the bottom and rotate one degree counterclockwise so left up right down left up right down left up right down and rotate and so if you ever need to stop your kumihimo work maybe you need to go to dinner maybe you want to put it down for a while make sure that you end so left up to the left with three strands at top that way you can put it down you can walk away you can move it around whatever happens to it you'll at least know that when you come back and you look at it you need to look at it with the three strands up top and that's exactly where you left off and you're ready to just take the right strand down to the right and rotate so this is really all there is to it for non beaded kumihimo which is what we're doing right now and we're going to do an inch of non beaded kumihimo it doesn't have to be an exact inch it can be a little shy or a little more that's the beauty of this it's a really relaxing jewelry making method so I'm just going to do this until I have my inch and then we're going to start adding our beads so I want to show you something so I'm stopping here with my three up top my B's are getting pretty close to the disc as getting a little bit hard for me to go ahead and do my beading my braiding I should say so I'm just going to pull my tape off add a little extra room for my cord and put my tape back on so really really easy to do so work with whatever length of cords you're comfortable with in terms of how much you want to have a dangling below the disc I know some people are fine with a lot and I just find it easier flow shorter amounts so now I want to show you what our braid is starting to look like so there's our braid in there it's not quite an inch yet I'm going to keep doing it and then we're going to add our beads which is when it starts to really take shape okay I'm going to call that close enough to an inch for me it might be a little bit less but I'm feeling pretty good about it so I'm going to go ahead and complete my full just the full pattern right here I don't want to end with just three so go ahead and pull down and now on this one I'm going to add my first bead so your technique is going to be exactly the same technique as the non beaded portion the only difference is is you're going to go here you're going to pull up one of your beads and let it just pop down into that well and then you want it to catch under the thread bridge next to it and then just pull your thread your warp thread these are called warp threads pull your warp thread just up to the notch that it was originally destined to be in so the technique isn't any different you're just adding that bead so now you're going to do that each time so you're going to take a bead pop it up let it slide on down make sure it catches under the cord next to it and so it's anchored in there and continue just with your braid as normal and then rotate pop it under and continue placing it in its notch this is all there is to it so it's really a very nice easy calming very zen-like technique that you can do I like it because I can do it while I'm talking or watching TV or just doing other stuff which is nice so here we go popping it under and it was the original placement on the disk of where we lined up our chords the ones with the Czech beads and the ones without that's going to create this spiral here in a little bit so you won't change your technique at all to create that spiral it was just the original placement of your strands so here I'm just popping it under pulling it up and I'm going to do a little bit here so you can then see what it looks like and you'll notice occasion I go like this I just tug it and I'm tugging in just a little bit to keep my beadwork in the center okay let's see what I've got and again I'm gonna want to end with my three strands up top okay there we go you see how that's starting to look which is what this part here of the necklace is going to be and so I'm going to continue doing my braiding I'm gonna do it off camera here to save a little bit of time for this video otherwise would be way too long I'll come back on video when I hit my very first Czech glass bead the technique won't change but I do want to just show you how it starts to look when you start to create that spiral so I'll be back in a few I'm going to finish this last sequence with the my unions and when I rotate I'm going to hit my very first Czech bead so what you're going to do it's got a little piece of painters tape right there okay you're just going to pull it up and do the exact same thing the only thing to be cautious of is it's a bigger bead in that well so you just wanna make sure it's really nicely tucked under that thread bridge next to it and then we're gonna do the same thing so you'll notice here we've got another Czech bead and then when we rotate we're no longer going to check bead because remember this strand had all the unions so you just pull it up and over and this one down and now we have another check pull it up let it fall down catchin that well and continue with your beating the way you would normally do it I'm going to do a little bit here so you can start to see the spiral again if it gets too close to the edge you just pull on your string so you keep that beadwork centered and let me see if we can see the spiral at this point so flip it around and there we go you see how that's starting to spiral up along the edge here and you see we got that Center spiral of the unions so you're just going to continue beating now the rest of your beads and it's the exact same method and then when you finish you're going to do another segment of one inch of non beaded kumihimo so continue beating I'm going to do the same thing off-camera and then when I come back I'll show you how to actually then take it off the disk how to secure the end and then how to go ahead and add your findings and finish your necklace so we're getting there our braid is now done so I'll show you what it looks like now it's still on the bobbin we're going to take it off in just one minute so we've got the beginning here which is that inch or so of non beaded and then we've got the three distinct segments and we've ended with about an inch of non beaded again so now we're ready to pull it off of our disc and to do that what you can do is just go ahead pop the bobbins and the strands out from their notches pull this through and just cut it and we are done with our disks and our bobbins as well as our Kumi way now what's nice is this end started with a knot and since this one is not knotted what you can do to keep it from unraveling just take your Kumi weight and stick it right there so now we're ready to start finishing our ends and we're going to do that with these little end caps and you're going to need to bring back in to play your s long cord as well so you're going to notice if you just do a simple size comparison the non beaded portion is quite a bit thinner than the inside well of your end cap here yet the beaded portion is actually thicker so what we need to do is we need to bulk up the section a little bit really easy to do go ahead and cut off a length 12 inches or so of s long cord and then you're going to place it underneath your braid and you're going to tie a knot you're going to rest it down towards the beads and then you're going to tie another knot you can tie a double knot if you want and then you can go ahead pull this under again and tie another knot and we are just going to tie knot until we vault up that section and does not have to be pretty so we don't want to go too much further beyond what is the length of this end cap so you can kind of just see where that's going to rest and what you're going to be hiding underneath it so keep your knots down towards your beads you'll notice I'm wrapping it around the braid periodically and I'm just doing that so that the knots don't all rest to the exact same spot okay so let's see what we've got so you see how that's considerably wider now and you can even take it and pull it down towards your beads too okay I'm gonna do one more knot and then I'm going to call it good okay there we go trim off your tails close to your knot and then what you're going to do grab your post-it grab a toothpick and grab your e6000 I'm going to trim this so I don't want to cut the knots I've just done by do you want to cut my braid and there we go now if you have a new bottle of e6000 it's going to be sealed there's a little point on the inside of the cap on the top side go ahead push that you're going to break the seal and your glue is going to pop up and take your toothpick and fill the inside of the well with glue you don't want it to be completely full but you do want to put enough in there that you can put it down at the base as well as the sides take that end cap and slip it over the knots you just made and you'll feel it really grips them and push it down so it's resting against your beads and you're going to repeat that exact same technique with the other side of your braid right here our end caps are on and they've dried for about an hour so I want to show you how long this portion is right here so it's about 13 inches and here we're going to now attach the chain the chain you're given is a foot of chain so you can put any amount you want on each side so if you just wanted to add a couple inches on each side you can have a 16 17 inch necklace and then if you wanted to you could add the full amount so for this kit I'm going to add the full amount I'm to find that middle point just divide your chain in half find that middle link you could use a ruler too if you want and just cut the middle link and now we got two lengths of chain that are equal and we're just going to attach it using jump rings so if you've never opened a jump ring before it's really easy there's a little slit in it you have that slit facing away from you you grip either side and you twist here we're going to link on to it our end chain link as well as the one end cap and then just twist it back shut we're going to go to the other side of that same chain link and we're going to attach our lobster clasp so open a jump ring and then link it on to the clasp as well close it back up okay now we're going to go to the other side and repeat so we've got two more jump rings left and the end jump ring here is going to serve as the other half of our clasp and the item that the lobster clasp is going to link on to so here we go and finish this necklace so now we've got our four color variations all together now so we've got the black tie force meadow the midnight blue and the rose garden so now I want to show you a couple variations you can do on this design so I'm going to move these guys just off to the side and here we have the rose garden so for this one here is the full kit now what you can do is you course shorten that chain very easily so that the actual braiding rests up higher along your neckline now what you can also do is make the focal a little shorter as well so you'll see in a side-by-side comparison we just did a little over an inch of the beads and that's what this looks like and then which you can also do and you would have to buy an extra 1 foot of chain to do this you can just do the focal with the actual Czech glass beads for this one and then you just need one extra footage Ain so you have a longer chain right here so actually the looks are quite different and they're all using basically the same materials again you'll just need to add that foot of chain if you want to do this one right here but a fun way to vary it so this again is the deluxe beaded kumihimo necklace is an exclusive kit by beadaholique and you can find the full kit as well as the refill kit which is just the items you need to make this necklace except for the kumihimo disk and bobbins and glue which you already have if you bought one of our other kits all of these are available at beadaholique.com you
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