SKU VID-0573
Tracy Proctor
In this video, Tracy Gonzales from TierraCast shows you how to make the Braided Bouquet Bracelet. This adorable bracelet is made from braided Regaliz Flat Cork Cord, which is a fantastic alternative to leather and gives a similar look. This project features TierraCast eyelets, rivetables, sliders, and end bars.
Audio Transcript
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Hi this is Tracy Gonzales with TierraCast and I'm here at and we have a project to share with you. This is the Braided Bouquet bracelet. To make this bracelet you'll need an 8 inch strand, 5 millimeter cork in three different colors, six 5.3 millimeter TierraCast, eyelets eight 3.7 millimeter eyelets two TierraCast bamboo end bars 4 TierraCast 12x2 deco slides, three TierraCast flower rivetables one half inch Anna's clasp six 20 gauge round jump rings about five-millimeter internal dimension and three 20 gauge oval jump rings you'll also need six Clay River glazed porcelain tube beads 5x6 millimeter in two colors the ones here are deep teal and tangerine. The tools that you'll need are an TierraCast eyelet setter and an anvil hole punching pliers, scissors, a hammer, two pair of chain flat nose pliers and a pencil. The first step is to thread the end of one of the 5 millimeter straps through one of the end bars and fold it over about 5/8ths of an inch then you're going to take the hole punching pliers and make a hole on the smallest setting just about half inch or a little less from the folded edge of the strap. Then you're going to insert one 5.3 millimeter eyelet through the holes from the top down set that the eyelet flange side down onto the eyelet anvil set the eyelet setter on the top and set it with a hammer and then repeat that with the other two straps Begin to braid the straps together sliding one of the deco slide beads onto two straps every time they criss-cross adjust the length and the distance between the beads until you have the bracelet as long as you want it. You're going to allow about an inch and a half for the toggle clasp and attach the second end bar the same way you did the first one trim off the excess cord next you want to determine the placement of your flower rivetables decide where you want those and make a mark with a pencil or an awl where you're going to make your holes insert one of the 3.7 millimeter eyelets through one of the holes from the back. Put one of the flower rivetables onto the top set that onto the eyelet anvil and set it with the hammer and repeat that with the second two flower rivetables Next you're going to determine where you want to put random holes for attaching your ceramic beads so I'm just going to kind of line them up where I think I might like them I might hang one from one of the eyelets that are already set on the strap end one on the other side then I'll hang the last one from one of the other eyelets and then go ahead and punch holes where you're going to place all those eyelets Now I'm going to use the round jump rings to attach the porcelain beads to the the rivet holes, the eyelet holes finally use the oval 20 gauge jump rings to attach the clasp ring at one end of the bracelet and the clasp bar at the other end and there you go. Braided Bouquet bracelet Again I'm Tracy Gonzalez, guest designer here at and thanks for watching. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!
Hi this is Tracy Gonzales with TierraCast and I'm here at and we have a project to share with you. This is the Braided Bouquet bracelet. To make this bracelet you'll need an 8 inch strand, 5 millimeter cork in three different colors, six 5.3 millimeter TierraCast, eyelets eight 3.7 millimeter eyelets two TierraCast bamboo end bars 4 TierraCast 12x2 deco slides, three TierraCast flower rivetables one half inch Anna's clasp six 20 gauge round jump rings about five-millimeter internal dimension and three 20 gauge oval jump rings you'll also need six Clay River glazed porcelain tube beads 5x6 millimeter in two colors the ones here are deep teal and tangerine. The tools that you'll need are an TierraCast eyelet setter and an anvil hole punching pliers, scissors, a hammer, two pair of chain flat nose pliers and a pencil. The first step is to thread the end of one of the 5 millimeter straps through one of the end bars and fold it over about 5/8ths of an inch then you're going to take the hole punching pliers and make a hole on the smallest setting just about half inch or a little less from the folded edge of the strap. Then you're going to insert one 5.3 millimeter eyelet through the holes from the top down set that the eyelet flange side down onto the eyelet anvil set the eyelet setter on the top and set it with a hammer and then repeat that with the other two straps Begin to braid the straps together sliding one of the deco slide beads onto two straps every time they criss-cross adjust the length and the distance between the beads until you have the bracelet as long as you want it. You're going to allow about an inch and a half for the toggle clasp and attach the second end bar the same way you did the first one trim off the excess cord next you want to determine the placement of your flower rivetables decide where you want those and make a mark with a pencil or an awl where you're going to make your holes insert one of the 3.7 millimeter eyelets through one of the holes from the back. Put one of the flower rivetables onto the top set that onto the eyelet anvil and set it with the hammer and repeat that with the second two flower rivetables Next you're going to determine where you want to put random holes for attaching your ceramic beads so I'm just going to kind of line them up where I think I might like them I might hang one from one of the eyelets that are already set on the strap end one on the other side then I'll hang the last one from one of the other eyelets and then go ahead and punch holes where you're going to place all those eyelets Now I'm going to use the round jump rings to attach the porcelain beads to the the rivet holes, the eyelet holes finally use the oval 20 gauge jump rings to attach the clasp ring at one end of the bracelet and the clasp bar at the other end and there you go. Braided Bouquet bracelet Again I'm Tracy Gonzalez, guest designer here at and thanks for watching. Go to to purchase beading supplies and to get design ideas!
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