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Beadalon Crimp Beads, Tube 1.3mm, Gold Plated (75 Pieces) SKU: FCR-1205 $3.79 |
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Crimp Bead Covers, 3mm, Gold Tone (144 Pieces) SKU: FCR-1056 $7.59 |
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Wire & Thread Protectors, 144 Pieces, Gold Color (.019 Inch Loops) SKU: FCR-4142 $7.55 |
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Beadalon Beading Wire Gold Color 19 Strand .015 Inch / 15 Feet SKU: XCR-69593 $11.99 |
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Nunn Design Antiqued Gold Plated Faceted Round Bead 3.4x4mm (4 Pieces) SKU: BMB-9083 $3.99 |
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TierraCast Antiqued Gold Plated Pewter Talavera Star Bead Caps 5mm (6 Pieces) SKU: BMB-3874 $3.59 |
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Gemstone Beads, Pyrite, Round 16mm, Bronze Gold (4 Pieces) SKU: SPPY-26 $4.99 |
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Nunn Design Antiqued Gold Plated Textured Cable Chain 9mm, by the Foot SKU: CHA-9802 $6.75 |
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Eurotool Pocket Crimper Smallest Size Crimping Pliers-for 1x1mm & 1x2mm Crimps SKU: XTL-5100 $14.49 |
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Xuron Jeweler's Super Fine Pliers Chain Nose Flat Nose SKU: XTL-5450 $25.99 |
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Sharp Flush Cutter Pliers - For Cutting Beading Wire (1 Piece) SKU: XTL-5600 $23.99 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com beads apply crimp bead covers thread and wire protectors how to combine chain with a strong necklace attach a clasp and also try to impart upon you some just different design tips if your perhaps new to beading just getting started and want to have some tips and words of advice so what we're going to need for this particular project is we're gonna need some beading wire now beading wire you always want to cut with a pair of cutters you never want to cut it with your scissors and we're gonna use a 19 strand beading wire and this is point zero one five inch so that's a really good basic nice quality beading wire to start with you'll see different beading wires have different numbers of strands and different thicknesses as well so this is a good one that works with a lot of different projects now we're going to be using a whole combination of beads so we're gonna be using some gemstone beads this is pyrite some wood beads bead caps little metal beads and then these beads here are called UFO beads they are Czech glass and I have some over here so I'm gonna recreate the same necklace but with a different color of UFO just so you can also see how a design changes when you change one element of it so that's a good thing to keep in mind if maybe you're making jewelry to sell you don't always have to come up with a new piece you can just change the colors around a little bit now because I really wanted to make this an all-in-one video showing every aspect of making a strong necklace I'm also going to show you not only how to crimp your crimp bead but how to apply a crimp bead cover to be able to cover that crimp bead and thread and wire protectors which are super handy if you're going to be doing something like this where you're attaching the beading wire to chain and these chains are actually open link chains which I'll explain to you a little bit later what that means and why you would then really want a thread and wire protector and in terms of tools we're gonna be using bead Stoppers a pair of crimping pliers I have the pocket krumpers which are really cute and adorable I have a pair of cutters and I have two pairs of chain nose pliers I'm going to set these tools aside for a moment I'm going to pick my other color of UFO bead to do the variation on this necklace so there's a whole bunch to choose from I'm gonna hold up a couple so you can see there's purple which would be really pretty you could do a white which would be interesting did I think though for this one I want to do the black and here's just a design tip you can do black and brown together that's totally fine it goes with a lot of different outfits I know it's kind of an old-fashioned wisdom that you don't ever want to combine in a black and a brown but you can and I'll show you how it's gonna look in this project so I'm going to clear the UFOs to the side and I'm going to cut the strand that these guys came on with my cutters and I'm gonna cut myself some beading wire so you'll want to have an idea of how much beading wire you're gonna want to start with and I base that idea upon how long you want your necklace to be so let's say you want to make a 24 inch long necklace well you wouldn't just cut 24 inches of beading wire you would cut at least 28 30 because you need a couple inches on either side to be able to crimp your crimp bead so for this one because I've already done this before I am just going to lay this necklace out and use it as a guide so here would be the base length but I do want to extend it a little bit on each side to make sure I have enough to work with and I'm just cutting it you can see you have lots of beading with wire leftover for another project now I'm going to take a bead stopper and to open it you just pull the together to squish them and you're going to put it on the end just like so and that holds it so you can string on your beads and they won't fall off like I mentioned I'm just going to recreate this project so we are going to start with a crimp bead that's gonna be our very first bead and I'm using a crimp tube I very much prefer crimp tubes to crimp beads I finally just work a lot um work a lot better for me so some people like crimp beads I love crimp tubes and I am going to make a little slight variation in my design so if you look here under that crimp bead cover is my crimp tube and then I went right to one of these brown wood beads I'm not going to do this in this one and I'm going to show you why because I didn't realize it till the very end look at the hole size of this wood bead when you string it on look what happens the crimp tube slides inside of it and it can be actually pretty tricky to get it out and then when you're trying to crimp it it's actually really hard so I'm going to add a little bead cap and now I won't have that problem so I'll be really easy to get to my crimp tube now I'm just recreating this design so I'm going to string on 18 of these wood beads okay I've got 18 on here and now I'm gonna add my ufo's and one thing I do want to point out if you are designing jewelry one tip is to vary not only the size of your beads but the shape it makes it really interesting so I've got more of a flat rondell I've got this UFO which is a really kind of asymmetrical bead I've got this nugget bead which is quite a bit smaller and then I've got these perfectly round beads so that adds some interest I'm also making sure that I pick up my gold chain throughout the necklace so it's not just the chain at the top so it looks really cohesive or at least I hope that looks cohesive so after I put on my wood beads I'm going to add my UFOs and I'm going to do the black ones and here's this shape if you look at it from the top down it's very much like an oval but the hole is not in the center and you can see that it does look like its name looks like a little UFO I need five of these and then I need three of my little gold beads another advantage to the stopper is say you are designing a necklace and you get halfway through and you decide you want to add something to the beginning you just take off the stopper and add it or perhaps you decide you don't like the design at all you just pull off the stopper slide off all your beads and start over as opposed to if you had already crimped this crimp bead to begin with you would then be losing some of your beading wire so it's a nice way of making sure that you have the design you want and it's easy to change it I'm using the wood beads as spacers at this point between the UFOs okay now I'm ready to add a bead cap so if you've not used bead caps before you want to string it on in the direction that ends up cupping the bead so we're gonna string it on like so pull it down and now it's going to cup this bead of course if you have a bead cap that you really like the shape of you want to face outward that's totally fine - that's the beauty of jewelry making you can really do whatever you want point is to have fun all right so now I'm going to use another little wood bead as a spacer these bead caps are by Nunn design so they're really nice quality I also like the antique gold finish so we've strung half of our necklace a little more than half and I'm just gonna repeat the same pattern on the other side so this will be a symmetrical necklace and they don't always have to be if you are beading and you want to do something asymmetrical that's wonderful too so don't feel like you're limited to making both sides match for this particular design that is what I wanted to do because I do have a lot of variation in my beads as it is we started with a crimp bead and we're going to end with a crimp bead and now you can take your other bead stopper and place it at the end and now you can walk away your beads aren't going to go anywhere so now the chain part so I mentioned before that this is an open link chain and what that means is that the links are not soldered together so you can open them and close them the same way you would open and close a jump ring so that's really him because it allows you to separate your chain links out and not lose any and we're also going to take advantage of that when it comes time to attach the clasp so I have a foot of chain and for this necklace I want to divide it in half so I'm going to use six inches on each side I'm just gonna find that middle chain link open it up and separate it out so now I've got my two links and save these little scraps for some other projects you'll be able to use them somehow just use as a nice big oval jump ring so red attach one side of our strong piece to one side of the chain and so what we're going to do at this point is we're gonna put on a little wire thread protector so this is horseshoe shaped and it's got to really complete cylinders you're gonna put your wire through it so one on each side you're gonna arch it over and put it down through the other side just like so now before you put this through the crimp bead again you're going to thread it through one of your chain links and you're going to make sure that that chain link catches on the top side of the thread and wire protector now you're going to go back down through your crimp tube I know I've been using the word crimp tube and be pretty interchangeably for this project I when I say crimp bead I'm meaning a crimp tube you want to thread it through the crimp tube and a few other beads and then you want to pull and the first side is always the easiest side to do so you're going to pull it nice and tight so the crimp tube is right up against the thread and wire protector and there's two notches on your crimp pliers there's one that's kind of being shaped and there's one that's a little bit more oval-shaped so the one closest to your handles is the one you're going to use first and you're going to slip your crimp tube into that notch and you're going to squeeze and so it makes it really like a crescent moon shape and then you're going to rotate it so it's standing on its end in the second notch the one closest to the end of your pliers and you're going to squeeze and that's going to fold the crimp bead or crimp tube over onto itself so you see that little line there so basically went like this and it folded it now what you can do is you can pick up one of your crimp bead covers and it's easiest to pick it up with a pair of chain nose pliers with the opening facing out and you're going to slide it over your crimp tube and then you're going to squeeze it shut with those pliers and that hides it now you can take your cutters and just trim off your tail so one side is finished so now what you want to do is you want to do the exact same thing on the other side so at this point slide all your beads down and you don't want to pull it so tight that they become rigid so here it's really rigid so you want to give it a little bit of slack and you're gonna do the exact same thing you're gonna take your thread and wire protector first and place it on to your beading wire loop it around so it goes back down through the other side grab your other piece of chain make sure it catches in the loop and now go back down through your crimp tube and a couple beads this point you're gonna pull and you see when you pull the tail it cinches up your beads so again at this point before you actually crimp it make sure that the beads are not too rigid make sure they have nice movement to them holding your tail so you want to hold both ends so you have nice easy access to your crimp tube you're just going to crimp it the same way you did the other one and we're gonna crimp so it makes that little crescent shape and then we're going to rotate so it's sitting in that top notch and squeeze it so it folds over onto itself grab your other cover and slide it over it and squeeze so it looks just like a bead at this point and trim your tail so we are almost done so we've got the bulk of our necklace done and now we need to attach the clasp two ways you can do this if you have jump rings at home you can definitely very easily just add a jump ring to the end here and then attach it like so I like this project because I don't need to add jump rings I can just open the chain link so I'm gonna use the end chain link like a jump ring so I'm just gonna open it attach it to my class and this is a toggle clasp so it's got a round circle shape and then it's got a bar that's going to go through it so let's do that on the other side as well I said three oh yeah now we can go ahead and latch it so the bar is gonna slide through the round and when you pull it it catches and we're done with our strong leg lifts so now I want to show you the two side by side so they do look similar but just a little bit of difference with that color variation on the UFO bead but there we have two strong necklaces and we've gone ahead and we've done all the little finishing touches with the crimp bead covers the thread and wire protectors the bead caps so those all make a difference when you're making stringing projects I hope you enjoyed this overview of how to make a strong necklace along with some tips along the way you can find all the supplies you've seen here as well as many other tutorial videos teaching you how to bead at beadaholique.com you
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