SKU VID-1508
Kat Silvia
In this video you will learn how to do a circular brick stitch around an open frame pendant and how to add a beaded fringe with Czech Glass Etched Dagger beads. Complete the look with a finished chain to create a beautiful focal necklace.
Audio Transcript
Note: This audio transcript is auto-generated and may not be completely accurate.
Hi, this is Kat with nuki round seed beads here for you to choose from beautiful colors everything from gold and silver we have some beautiful pinks and greens and blues but today because I'm using the Czech glass dagger beads I'm using these little fairy wings these are a beautiful etched little dagger bead and they have one hole drilled on the side I wanted to pull out a couple of colors from these beads that could really bring it together so you can kind of see a little example of what we're gonna be making right here so for today I'm gonna be using the semi matte black seed beads I also have the silver lined gold a B and then I also have the matte metallic patina iris so those are my sort of trio of colors that I'm going to use to pull out these beautiful dagger bead colors so the other components that I'm going to be using is I'm going to be using this Nunn design open frame hoop which has two little holes on the side we're going to use that to connect it to a necklace I also need two five millimeter 20 gauge jump rings I have a finished chain of 18 inches here and we're just gonna cut that in the center and add it to make a beautiful necklace at the end and then I have some naima size D thread and this is the beautiful gold color because as you can see I want it to kind of disappear on that gold ring I'm gonna be using a size twelve beading needle and then for tools you're just gonna need a pair of scissors or snips and then I have a pair of flush cutters a pair of bent nose chain pliers and a pair of chain pliers so those are the tools that we're going to need we have all of our beads set and ready to go so let's go ahead and dive into the technique of this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start by getting about maybe a wing span or so about five five feet I'd say of mine I'm oh yeah let me just go ahead and trim that off and we're gonna start right in with this brick stitch so what we're gonna do with this one is we're just gonna kind of work our way all the way around that frame so that you can see how it just sort of builds on it all right so I'm just threading my needle there and there we go all right so I'm gonna move to the end without my needle on it and take it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sort of thread it through now this is an open hoop so it's a little bit different so we want to make sure not doesn't slide off there so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna tie and overhand knot and I want it to sit up close to that edge but not too close just yet I want to tie another one just to give it nice there we go and now I'm gonna just give it a nice little tug and then I'm gonna scoot it up towards the top there all right so what you're gonna see is that we're gonna have that be a little bit loose so we're just gonna kind of scooch it as we go so this is a really quick intro to circular brick stitch but if you haven't done it before we have a full video showing you how to do it around a forum that'll walk you through a little bit slower but I'm gonna move just a little bit quicker today just so that we can really get into creating that fringe so I'm gonna use the silver lined gold a B bead so I'm gonna pick up two on my needle and slide them down and what we're looking for is we want them to kind of sit right next to each other there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my needle and sort of go through my hoop there and I want to keep those beads right on top so what I'm looking for is I'm looking for them to kind of sit just on top just like that so now keeping them up there I'm gonna take my needle and I'm gonna go back through that second bead right there at the top and you'll notice that it'll create a nice little sort of loop now you can see that I have to kind of scooch them back to the front there there we go and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down through that first bead and I'm gonna go back up through that second bead there just to give it a little stability in the beginning all right so now that we have that all set and ready to go we're gonna start adding more beads as we go all the way around here we're gonna add a total of 13 so I'll show you how that looks so we're gonna again just sort of slide that down and I like to kind of fold it over just to make sure that my bead is sitting on there nicely I try to get my hand out of the way there so you want to kind of you know see how it's gonna sit so we're gonna just sort of put our needle through there and pull through and now we're gonna come up the back with our needle and go up through that right there and now we don't need to take that extra step to go all the way back so what I'm gonna do is you can see that I'm kind of just holding that tail just to kind of keep it out of the way there we're gonna tie that off later but I'll do that one more time for you so taking our seed bead sliding it down kind of putting it towards the front putting my needle through that little hoop there and that's why you want to keep that seed bead on top there we go play nice and then we're gonna go up through the back all right so I've added four beads we're gonna add a total of 13 to get down to about here and then we're gonna start adding our fringe so I'm gonna do that really quickly off-camera and then I'll be right back to show you how we're gonna start adding on that fringe alright so I am just adding my last bead my thirteenth bead here and now I'm coming out the top alright so what I want to point out to you is that sometimes it might be it depending on your beads it might not be 13 it might be 12 or 14 so all you want to do is make sure that you kind of align the edge with that top loop there so that you kind of get you know a third of the way around because we want to Center our fringe right there in the center there so yeah so mine is 13 it depending on your seed beads it might be a little bit different so just use that as a guide because we're gonna kind of have our nice fringe nice and centered there alright so 13 beads now we're ready to add the fringe so we're coming out up there and what we're gonna do is we're gonna graduate our French that we get a nice little sort of Chevron that's happening there so first we're gonna pick up five of our green beads here three four and five and then we're gonna pick up one gold and three black one gold and five more five more of our green beads four and five all right let me just double-check that we go and we're going to slide that down and now we're gonna pick up four two three and four slide those down and now we're gonna add one of our little dagger beads we're going to slide that all the way down all right so next what we want to do is we want to pick up three gold beads two and three only three and slide that down and in order to create that little cap there I'm gonna take and I'm gonna turn my thread around and I'm gonna go in between the third and fourth on the other side so I want to take my needle and I'm gonna go all the way back up through all these beads here so I'm just skipping over those first gold beads and see if I can get my needle all the way there there we go alright so now I'm just gonna pull that thread all the way through and if yours gets a little loose here just kind of wiggle it you know you want to make sure it's it's taut there we go alright so now basically what's happening is that I just went down and did a little fringe but I'm still gonna have that thread bridge so now we're just gonna go ahead and go and pick up another gold bead slide that down and we're just gonna keep continuing on with our circular brick stitch there we go and again just kind of scooch everybody nice and close together so that we have a nice little fringe there so now we're coming out that fourteenth bead so we're ready to add an another piece of fringe so for this one we're gonna pick up seven of our green beads three four five six wait four five six and seven make sure that's right there we go and then one gold bead three black one gold and again seven of our green beads two three four five six seven and we're gonna slide that down and because we want the caps to be the same on both those aren't going to change so we're gonna pick up one two three and four slide that down and then while we're here let's go ahead and pick up that dagger bead and slide that down all right and next picking up one two and three gold beads and it's the same process too now just go back through we're gonna skip over the first three gold beads there and run our needle all the way up through that other piece of Fringe now if you want your fringe longer you can absolutely add longer lengths of beads it's entirely up to you this is where it gets really fun and you can have a lot of fun designing all right and again just want to make sure that I get my thread nice and scooch it up there and we're ready to add our other bead now you can see that my thread isn't going around after I've added my fringe I'm leaving it out and open so that way I can pick up another bead string it down there we go and because I have the open hoop I'm just gonna kind of bring it around through there to the back and go up through that little seed bead now again here's an opportunity to just judge your tension see how stiff you want those to lay there we go and make sure everyone is nice and happy alright so for our Center one we're gonna pick up nine of the green one two three four five six seven eight and nine I'm just double check and then one gold three of our black seed beads one gold and you can do any pattern you like here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 and again picking up four of our gold beads three and four one of our dagger beads and sliding all that down picking up three gold beads and you can see how fast this is starting to go cuz it's really just the same process there alright so this one you might need to take a second run with your needle through because we're getting a little longer but again the same things just going through that last little gold bead there and running your needle all the way up I'm gonna stop halfway there and continue all right and again just sort of making sure my tension is good I'm gonna pick up another of our gold beads just one sliding it down bringing it around and coming up through the back here all right so now you can see that that's the basic pattern there all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do one more of seven and one more of five and I'll meet you on the other side there to show you how to kind of finish it off and keep going all right so now I'm just checking my tension there and we finished our fringe so now we're ready to kind of continue creating our circular brick stitch so again I'll just show you this one more time you just kind of take it and you know I'm using the fact that it's an open hoop to go around there and we're gonna pull that and now we're gonna do so that will be sort of the first of our next thirteen that we're gonna create there so we're gonna go all the way around until we meet up on this other side here so I'm gonna do that and then I'll show you how to tie it off all right so I just added my last bead up here on the side so you can see that we're almost done the last thing we need to do is just tie off and weave in our thread so what you could do is you could create a thread bridge just by going on the outside there but what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to double back and go through the second-to-last bead there and create a little thread bridge over the top making sure to not get everybody tangled up there hold my tail out of the way here we go and now I'm just gonna go back up through here and create that and then I'm gonna double back just one more time here you can kind of see from the top view and I'm gonna try to get it towards going towards the back of my piece because what I want to do is I now want to I've sort of flipped my work around you can see so I'm on the other side here and this is just to kind of show you you like a little front aback because you might see your little not so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go through and I'm gonna catch that little thread bridge that is on that second bead and I'm gonna pull it through but before I'm finished pulling it through I'm gonna take my needle and go back through that loop so that I can form a nice little knot that will sort it sort of sit right beneath there and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come up the back of the third bead there and pull that through and go down one more time through the fourth bead on the other coming down this way through the back all right so now I'm gonna take our little snips and we're gonna try to get as tight as we can in there kind of pulling that thread out of the way there we go and we've tied that side off so I'm gonna basically just go back and do the exact same thing on this other side and then I'll show you how we finish it off with a finished chain necklace all right so now that we've finished our bead weaving here I'm gonna add a finished chain necklace using just a couple of jump rings but I just wanted to bring over my initial piece here to show you that you can actually turn these into really beautiful statement earrings as well by sort of adding either wire or you could add a little wire hook there an earring hook so just to kind of show you the nice scale of these these could be very beautiful statement earrings as well but what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this finished chain necklace and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna line it up and find the center point there and I'm just gonna come in with my flush cutters and cut the center so that I kind of create a nice little halfway point there there we go and now I'm just gonna separate that all I need to do now is to grab my jump ring here with my chain nose pliers and my bent cheese nose pliers give it a little gentle twist to open it up I'm gonna slide it on to the end of one of the chain sides here into that last of the link there we go and slide it on to my piece close that up and just simply repeat on the other side nice little gentle twist then we'll open it just a little bit more there we go I find it's easier to slide it on to the chain first because the chain is a little a little smaller a little tighter so we just want to get it on there and as you can see I'm struggling just a little bit come on play nice there we go mm-hmm and slide that on close all right so now we have a beautiful finished necklace here and it was so easy and fun to create and we have so many different more styles of these Czech glass dagger beads so choose your favorite dagger beads and coordinate the beautiful colors of Miu key rounds to create a lovely circular brick stitch fringe necklace I hope you enjoyed this video you can get all of these supplies and even more by heading over to and hey if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button below
Hi, this is Kat with nuki round seed beads here for you to choose from beautiful colors everything from gold and silver we have some beautiful pinks and greens and blues but today because I'm using the Czech glass dagger beads I'm using these little fairy wings these are a beautiful etched little dagger bead and they have one hole drilled on the side I wanted to pull out a couple of colors from these beads that could really bring it together so you can kind of see a little example of what we're gonna be making right here so for today I'm gonna be using the semi matte black seed beads I also have the silver lined gold a B and then I also have the matte metallic patina iris so those are my sort of trio of colors that I'm going to use to pull out these beautiful dagger bead colors so the other components that I'm going to be using is I'm going to be using this Nunn design open frame hoop which has two little holes on the side we're going to use that to connect it to a necklace I also need two five millimeter 20 gauge jump rings I have a finished chain of 18 inches here and we're just gonna cut that in the center and add it to make a beautiful necklace at the end and then I have some naima size D thread and this is the beautiful gold color because as you can see I want it to kind of disappear on that gold ring I'm gonna be using a size twelve beading needle and then for tools you're just gonna need a pair of scissors or snips and then I have a pair of flush cutters a pair of bent nose chain pliers and a pair of chain pliers so those are the tools that we're going to need we have all of our beads set and ready to go so let's go ahead and dive into the technique of this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start by getting about maybe a wing span or so about five five feet I'd say of mine I'm oh yeah let me just go ahead and trim that off and we're gonna start right in with this brick stitch so what we're gonna do with this one is we're just gonna kind of work our way all the way around that frame so that you can see how it just sort of builds on it all right so I'm just threading my needle there and there we go all right so I'm gonna move to the end without my needle on it and take it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sort of thread it through now this is an open hoop so it's a little bit different so we want to make sure not doesn't slide off there so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna tie and overhand knot and I want it to sit up close to that edge but not too close just yet I want to tie another one just to give it nice there we go and now I'm gonna just give it a nice little tug and then I'm gonna scoot it up towards the top there all right so what you're gonna see is that we're gonna have that be a little bit loose so we're just gonna kind of scooch it as we go so this is a really quick intro to circular brick stitch but if you haven't done it before we have a full video showing you how to do it around a forum that'll walk you through a little bit slower but I'm gonna move just a little bit quicker today just so that we can really get into creating that fringe so I'm gonna use the silver lined gold a B bead so I'm gonna pick up two on my needle and slide them down and what we're looking for is we want them to kind of sit right next to each other there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my needle and sort of go through my hoop there and I want to keep those beads right on top so what I'm looking for is I'm looking for them to kind of sit just on top just like that so now keeping them up there I'm gonna take my needle and I'm gonna go back through that second bead right there at the top and you'll notice that it'll create a nice little sort of loop now you can see that I have to kind of scooch them back to the front there there we go and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down through that first bead and I'm gonna go back up through that second bead there just to give it a little stability in the beginning all right so now that we have that all set and ready to go we're gonna start adding more beads as we go all the way around here we're gonna add a total of 13 so I'll show you how that looks so we're gonna again just sort of slide that down and I like to kind of fold it over just to make sure that my bead is sitting on there nicely I try to get my hand out of the way there so you want to kind of you know see how it's gonna sit so we're gonna just sort of put our needle through there and pull through and now we're gonna come up the back with our needle and go up through that right there and now we don't need to take that extra step to go all the way back so what I'm gonna do is you can see that I'm kind of just holding that tail just to kind of keep it out of the way there we're gonna tie that off later but I'll do that one more time for you so taking our seed bead sliding it down kind of putting it towards the front putting my needle through that little hoop there and that's why you want to keep that seed bead on top there we go play nice and then we're gonna go up through the back all right so I've added four beads we're gonna add a total of 13 to get down to about here and then we're gonna start adding our fringe so I'm gonna do that really quickly off-camera and then I'll be right back to show you how we're gonna start adding on that fringe alright so I am just adding my last bead my thirteenth bead here and now I'm coming out the top alright so what I want to point out to you is that sometimes it might be it depending on your beads it might not be 13 it might be 12 or 14 so all you want to do is make sure that you kind of align the edge with that top loop there so that you kind of get you know a third of the way around because we want to Center our fringe right there in the center there so yeah so mine is 13 it depending on your seed beads it might be a little bit different so just use that as a guide because we're gonna kind of have our nice fringe nice and centered there alright so 13 beads now we're ready to add the fringe so we're coming out up there and what we're gonna do is we're gonna graduate our French that we get a nice little sort of Chevron that's happening there so first we're gonna pick up five of our green beads here three four and five and then we're gonna pick up one gold and three black one gold and five more five more of our green beads four and five all right let me just double-check that we go and we're going to slide that down and now we're gonna pick up four two three and four slide those down and now we're gonna add one of our little dagger beads we're going to slide that all the way down all right so next what we want to do is we want to pick up three gold beads two and three only three and slide that down and in order to create that little cap there I'm gonna take and I'm gonna turn my thread around and I'm gonna go in between the third and fourth on the other side so I want to take my needle and I'm gonna go all the way back up through all these beads here so I'm just skipping over those first gold beads and see if I can get my needle all the way there there we go alright so now I'm just gonna pull that thread all the way through and if yours gets a little loose here just kind of wiggle it you know you want to make sure it's it's taut there we go alright so now basically what's happening is that I just went down and did a little fringe but I'm still gonna have that thread bridge so now we're just gonna go ahead and go and pick up another gold bead slide that down and we're just gonna keep continuing on with our circular brick stitch there we go and again just kind of scooch everybody nice and close together so that we have a nice little fringe there so now we're coming out that fourteenth bead so we're ready to add an another piece of fringe so for this one we're gonna pick up seven of our green beads three four five six wait four five six and seven make sure that's right there we go and then one gold bead three black one gold and again seven of our green beads two three four five six seven and we're gonna slide that down and because we want the caps to be the same on both those aren't going to change so we're gonna pick up one two three and four slide that down and then while we're here let's go ahead and pick up that dagger bead and slide that down all right and next picking up one two and three gold beads and it's the same process too now just go back through we're gonna skip over the first three gold beads there and run our needle all the way up through that other piece of Fringe now if you want your fringe longer you can absolutely add longer lengths of beads it's entirely up to you this is where it gets really fun and you can have a lot of fun designing all right and again just want to make sure that I get my thread nice and scooch it up there and we're ready to add our other bead now you can see that my thread isn't going around after I've added my fringe I'm leaving it out and open so that way I can pick up another bead string it down there we go and because I have the open hoop I'm just gonna kind of bring it around through there to the back and go up through that little seed bead now again here's an opportunity to just judge your tension see how stiff you want those to lay there we go and make sure everyone is nice and happy alright so for our Center one we're gonna pick up nine of the green one two three four five six seven eight and nine I'm just double check and then one gold three of our black seed beads one gold and you can do any pattern you like here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 and again picking up four of our gold beads three and four one of our dagger beads and sliding all that down picking up three gold beads and you can see how fast this is starting to go cuz it's really just the same process there alright so this one you might need to take a second run with your needle through because we're getting a little longer but again the same things just going through that last little gold bead there and running your needle all the way up I'm gonna stop halfway there and continue all right and again just sort of making sure my tension is good I'm gonna pick up another of our gold beads just one sliding it down bringing it around and coming up through the back here all right so now you can see that that's the basic pattern there all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do one more of seven and one more of five and I'll meet you on the other side there to show you how to kind of finish it off and keep going all right so now I'm just checking my tension there and we finished our fringe so now we're ready to kind of continue creating our circular brick stitch so again I'll just show you this one more time you just kind of take it and you know I'm using the fact that it's an open hoop to go around there and we're gonna pull that and now we're gonna do so that will be sort of the first of our next thirteen that we're gonna create there so we're gonna go all the way around until we meet up on this other side here so I'm gonna do that and then I'll show you how to tie it off all right so I just added my last bead up here on the side so you can see that we're almost done the last thing we need to do is just tie off and weave in our thread so what you could do is you could create a thread bridge just by going on the outside there but what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to double back and go through the second-to-last bead there and create a little thread bridge over the top making sure to not get everybody tangled up there hold my tail out of the way here we go and now I'm just gonna go back up through here and create that and then I'm gonna double back just one more time here you can kind of see from the top view and I'm gonna try to get it towards going towards the back of my piece because what I want to do is I now want to I've sort of flipped my work around you can see so I'm on the other side here and this is just to kind of show you you like a little front aback because you might see your little not so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go through and I'm gonna catch that little thread bridge that is on that second bead and I'm gonna pull it through but before I'm finished pulling it through I'm gonna take my needle and go back through that loop so that I can form a nice little knot that will sort it sort of sit right beneath there and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come up the back of the third bead there and pull that through and go down one more time through the fourth bead on the other coming down this way through the back all right so now I'm gonna take our little snips and we're gonna try to get as tight as we can in there kind of pulling that thread out of the way there we go and we've tied that side off so I'm gonna basically just go back and do the exact same thing on this other side and then I'll show you how we finish it off with a finished chain necklace all right so now that we've finished our bead weaving here I'm gonna add a finished chain necklace using just a couple of jump rings but I just wanted to bring over my initial piece here to show you that you can actually turn these into really beautiful statement earrings as well by sort of adding either wire or you could add a little wire hook there an earring hook so just to kind of show you the nice scale of these these could be very beautiful statement earrings as well but what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this finished chain necklace and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna line it up and find the center point there and I'm just gonna come in with my flush cutters and cut the center so that I kind of create a nice little halfway point there there we go and now I'm just gonna separate that all I need to do now is to grab my jump ring here with my chain nose pliers and my bent cheese nose pliers give it a little gentle twist to open it up I'm gonna slide it on to the end of one of the chain sides here into that last of the link there we go and slide it on to my piece close that up and just simply repeat on the other side nice little gentle twist then we'll open it just a little bit more there we go I find it's easier to slide it on to the chain first because the chain is a little a little smaller a little tighter so we just want to get it on there and as you can see I'm struggling just a little bit come on play nice there we go mm-hmm and slide that on close all right so now we have a beautiful finished necklace here and it was so easy and fun to create and we have so many different more styles of these Czech glass dagger beads so choose your favorite dagger beads and coordinate the beautiful colors of Miu key rounds to create a lovely circular brick stitch fringe necklace I hope you enjoyed this video you can get all of these supplies and even more by heading over to and hey if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button below
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