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Silver Plated Closed Jump Rings 6mm 18 Gauge (20 pcs) SKU: FJR-4121 $2.69 |
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Lobster Clasps, Curved 10mm, Silver Plated (10 Pieces) SKU: FCL-2507 $5.89 |
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The Beadsmith Crimp Beads, Tube 2.5x2.5mm, Silver Plated (100 Pieces) SKU: FCR-1720 $2.25 |
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Crimp Bead Covers, 5mm, Silver Tone (144 Pieces) SKU: FCR-1055 $10.29 |
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The Beadsmith Beading Needles, Flexible Twisted Wire FINE (50 Pack) SKU: XTL-3251 $7.99 |
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Knot Covers, Clamshell with Closed Loop 3.7mm, Silver Plated (50 Pieces) SKU: FCR-2089 $2.99 |
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Dakota Stones Gemstone Beads, White Howlite, Round 4mm, 8 Inch Strand SKU: SPHO-101 $5.69 |
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Double Notch Crimping Pliers - Works on 2mm And 3mm Crimps SKU: XTL-5230 $14.49 |
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The Beadsmith Bead And Pearl Knotting Fine Point Steel Awl SKU: XTL-4003 $3.49 |
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Baby Wubbers Quality Fine Chain Nose Jeweller's Pliers SKU: XTL-0020 $32.99 |
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The Beadsmith Bent Fine Point Tweezers For Bead And Pearl Knotting SKU: XTL-4001 $4.99 |
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The Beadsmith Extra-Fine Thread Snips - Cuts Textiles, Yarn, And More! SKU: XTL-0109 $6.65 |
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com Ince tassels and i want to show you how to finish them off to incorporate them into some jewelry designs I'm gonna show you a couple different techniques here but first off I want to really show you these tassels they are so plush and soft and they just sway beautifully you can see how nice and thick they are as well so in terms of their length they measure a little bit over three inches including this top bead but what's nice is are not overwhelmingly heavy so you can definitely still make a pair of earrings out of them and when you go to beadaholique.com to buy them you actually get a set of two so you can use them for two separate projects or for a wonderful statement earring so you can see that they come in a nice range of colors and really rich tones like I love this red and you can just see how that how soft that is and how wonderful that is in terms of how it moves now I also want to show you this multi color one this is a really fun one as well we keep commenting here at beautiful week how much we love this one so it's got all the other wonderful colors in it these great primary colors now if you look at this one you see that has this style of bead cap and it is nice all the way around so any which way this turns it's going to look great so this one has almost like a lotus petal design and then the other style is this one here that's got these really nice swirls and then almost some little petals up here as well so two different styles of toppers available and then you'll also notice with all of these they have these strings coming out the top so that's what I'm going to show you what to do with these strings here in this video so that you can easily incorporate these tassels into your jewelry creations so let me go ahead and show you the two different methods I'm going to teach you and then I'll start teaching so if we look at this sample here this is a necklace I made and it has this tassel as the focal and if you look up here I did some pearl knotting so I actually kept both strands that exited the tassel intact and I pearl knot at some little howlite gemstone beads onto it and then I finished it with these little clam shell not covers so I'm going to show you the basics of doing that too that's one option one thing I do like about this option is you keep that tassel color in your design and it really brings that up to the top which is nice makes for a very cohesive look and then the other example and this one I think you'll be able to use a lot in your designs we just look at this - a chain it's just adding a simple jump ring up to the top so that's going to make it where you can then add a clasp you can add another jump ring you can add another piece of filigree or a finding or whatever you want and here I made a purse charm out of it so I just have a little chain with a piece of lobster with a lobster clasp another little charm and we have a fun purse arm so let me show you first the pearl knotting method both methods are really not that hard to do which is nice we always like it when we find something that is fairly easy and simple to accomplish and looks neat and professional so for pearl knotting if you've never done it before your basic tool is going to be a pair of tweezers and I really like this pair of tweezers with that bent nose and then to get your beads onto the Strand here you're gonna want a twisted wire needle okay so it's gonna be a little hard to see here on camera maybe trying to think where I can show you better this is a really fine thin needle it's made of twisted wire it's very flexible has a little loop up at the top so what you're going to do is you are going to go ahead and start by trimming your tail so you have a nice little edge you are then going to thread it through the twisted wire needle like so and then you're gonna string on one of your beads and you can use whatever beads you like I like these little Dakota stone 4 millimeter gemstone beads because I like it because their holes are very uniform which is nice okay so now that we've done this your needle will most likely fall off during this next process I'm just gonna pull it off you are gonna do a purl knot so to do this wrap the little strand here around your fingers pull it through like you're making an now go in with your tweezers go through your knot and grab the area right above your bead and then all you have to do is pull your end and it's gonna slide that knot right down to your bead you just take your fingers and you push that not against the bead and you've got one knotted on there and now what you can do you go back rethread your twisted while your needle let me show that to you one more time put on another bead again loop around your fingers go through that loop you can hold it like this at this point okay so now you go through the loop with your tweezers so you can see it a little bit better my hands aren't in the way okay so I'm grabbing that area if you look I'm grabbing it right where it exits the bead and my tweezers are through the loop and I just pull and then I pulled my tweezers away and I take my fingers and I just pushed that knot down all right so now you've got your beads on there you can do as many as you like but you still have the problem of well how do you attach this to chain or other beads or whatever you want to do with it and you're gonna need something that has a loop on it whether it's a jump ring or in this case it is one of these little clam shell not covers so if you look at this has a nice loop up atop that's what we are wanting we want that loop and then it has little two sides of 1/2 and then in the middle see if I can poke it it has a hole and that's the hole we're gonna go through with our strand ok so again you're gonna string place your twisted wire needle onto your strand and this time you are just gonna go up through that hole in the middle of it and you're gonna slide this down so now this is acting as essentially like another bead basically but this bead has that handy Loup and now you're gonna do the same thing but on this one when you get to the point of the clamshell I like to go through it not once but twice okay so then you do the same thing you go through that loop and you grab it right in the middle of the clamshell and you pull it down and you can make another knot if you want if you want you can add a little bit of GS hypo cement and then you would just go ahead and either let your hypo cement dry if you do put a hypo cement if you just knot it a bunch of times and you don't you can just close up this clamshell so just bend it and you would close it over your knot like so and we do have a full video showing both pearl nodding and how to use these little clam shells so you could do that and then you could just trim it and I would recommend a little GS hypo cement and that is illustrated in the full video so there you've got your little knot and if you trim it your end first it will go ahead and get rid of that little tail so that is a very easy way to do it and you just do that on both sides I'll show you again what that looks like finished so there's the finished result and then just add a jump ring as a connector because this is a closed loop on the clam shell just add an open jump ring and then connect it to whatever you want to finish your design and what's nice is this strand is pretty long so you could do a nice amount of pearl knotting there with whatever type of beads you want to do so that is one technique and then really quickly I want to show you a quick tip if you are whoops if you are doing something with twisted wire needles overtime their little hole gets a little bit squished because you're pulling it repeatedly through a bead just take a toothpick or a little metal all like I have here put it into that hole and twist it and that will open it right back up and it's gonna be really hard to see here I know but that's a quick little tip in this so I have the little metal all here but when you buy the twisted wire needles you get quite a few in a pack so you can just use new ones too but it's always nice to get much life out of them as you can okay so technique one purl nodding with not with clamshell not covers technique number two is the jump ring so if you look here we've got that bead that is already on the tassel and then we have this nice new bead and we're gonna create that nice new bead with a crimp bead and it couldn't be covered and we have a six millimeter closed jump ring so you're gonna need a five millimeter not cover you are gonna I'm sorry a five millimeter crimp bead cover you're going to need a 2.5 by 2.5 crimp tube so I've got a couple here so you see what they look like we're only gonna use one and you're gonna need a six millimeter closed jump ring definitely closed jump ring as opposed to an open one here so for this okay let's trim these tails so we have a nice end to work with and we are gonna take our twisted wire needle again these are so handy place it onto one strand and put that strand and that needle up through your crimp tube and now the other end we're going to do the same thing gonna go up through the same crimp tube and you're just gonna pull that crimp tube down towards that black bead on your tassel and this technique is gonna work regardless of what type of tassel top you have so it's gonna be the same process now you're gonna take your jump ring put one of your strands through it pull this all the way down here and you're gonna tie a knot and then you're gonna tie another knot and we're gonna do a double knot on this one I'm gonna go through once go through twice pull pull them a nice and tight okay so this is what we've got thus far and now we're going to want one strand on each side I just am putting one of the strands through that jump ring so there is a strand on each side I'm gonna go find my twisted wire needle again and that might need to open up that little hole actually I was looking pretty good I do I've got my awl handy okay put that strand back on to the twisted wire needle and you're gonna go back down through that crimp tube you see where two exits you're just gonna pull whoops it came off my needle just put it back on your needle pull it through so one strand is done go back it's so soft the strand it can get a little bit slippery okay so now we're gonna do the same for the other one and this one can be a little bit more challenging because you have a lot happening in this one crimp tube oh but that did go through very nice and easily and just pull and really pull at this point so you've got that knot up at the jump ring you got both strands going back down towards the black bead really pull now we're going to crimp it so the crimping pliers I'm using are a double notch plier because these are good for crimping two millimeter as well as three millimeter crimp beads and tubes and since I'm using a 2.5 I'm going to jump up to the largest one which is good for the 3 millimeter ones and I'm gonna just go ahead and put it in that back notch and I'm gonna crimp so I'm just gonna squeeze give it a good squeeze you see how it kind of makes that kidney shape now and then we're going to rotate it so it's standing upright in the front notch and we're gonna squeeze now we've crimped our crimp tube and now we need to trim off our tails we're going to trim these nice and close and if you're okay with that look you can leave it like that if you want it a little bit more polished looking we're gonna add a crimp bead cover to it so grab your crimp bead cover in your chain nose pliers with the opening facing out slip it on top of your crimp tube and you can push it oops once it is covering the crimp tube and if you want try to make sure the seam is at the backside of your tassel at this point there's not a front or back so determine the front or the back and squeeze and carefully go from all angles to try to get it to look as much like a uniform bead as you can you're squeezing it together you're making a nice round bead up at the front so the point of a crimp bead cover is to hide your crimp bead but hide it in a way that looks like you just have a really nice round metallic bead there we go so there you have a really nice finished tassel now that you can easily hang from chain or whatever you want to do with it so those are two very different ways of finishing off these zola elements tassels and this is secure I did not add glue to this and I really tested it for a long time I did not feel I needed to add any glue to it if you want to of course you can but in case I has a question that someone has I did not and I really did test it and it is not going anywhere so of course feel free to if you want to but I don't feel like you need to so that is how you finish these guys off they're really fun they're super flowy we just have had such a blast playing with all of these here at beadaholique as well as projects using them so that we can give you a little bit of inspiration as well see how brief these all look together so super fun so if you enjoyed this video please do got our other ones at both beadaholique.com as well as YouTube you
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