Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and i'm naming it after these beads right here which are called dable beads let me show you what they look like here we have them and they were actually a two hole czech glass bead so they're a really fun shape they're not quite round they're a little bit irregular which i think has an interesting look to them and then these beads here are another inspiration and these are lily petal beads so you can see they look like flower petals so here's the bracelet up close that we're gonna make and this is going to be a longer video so just kind of be warned fast forward wherever you want to fast-forward that we're gonna take our time to go through this bracelet step-by-step in terms of the supplies you're going to need you're going to need some beading thread so I've got wildfire hero point zero zero eight and for this project you're going to need eight feet of it you're going to need some jump rings and also a lobster clasp so this bracelet here I like the actual beaded part of it I would recommend if you want to make it longer you just add extra jump rings which is what we did here we made a little chain of jump rings and then you're gonna need these lily petal beads a four millimeter Czech glass round bead bobble beads and then two different colors of 1100 hoes and one of the eight ohto hoes so if you notice in this design here you'll see various places that we put the a dough and that's because in those spots we end up doing a lot of passes of our threads so it's nice to have that larger hole in terms of tools you're going to need two needles we're going to be doing a double needle method for this project a pair of scissors and two pairs of chain nose pliers now we're not going to be needing these to begin with so I'm going to put them aside and actually I went ahead and I pre-cut my thread so I've got eight feet and that is a lot of thread as you can see here but I really don't want you to have to add more thread to this project as you go so we want to start out with as much as we really are going to need like I mentioned we're going to do a double needle method so go ahead and put a needle on each end and if it's a little bit hard to get that thread through pinch it with your finger and just flatten that tip because this is so much thread to start with go ahead and pull the tail down a little bit so that it's not quite as overwhelming and go ahead and do that on the other side as well now I really prefer a double needle method whenever I am working with two whole beads I just find it a lot easier to do and that's how this design came about was because I was using two needles and I just can kind of be like almost like a figure eight is what's gonna happen so you want to make sure that you have pretty much even thread on both sides so let me see where my tails are this one here is a little bit shorter so I'm going to pull it there a week ago so now I need to spread out my beads and to start we're just going to need the dable beads the a toes and one of the colors of the 11 nose put this here as a reminder of what we're making and we're going to start down at this end right here to start our bead weaving we're going to start by placing one 800 ho on one of the needles and we're going to slide it down to the base of our thread and this is at the beginning right here so now take your needles and onto each of them place two of the eleven o seed beads okay so we got two on each needle now take a dobble bead stick a needle through each hole inside all of that down to meet that original bead that's at the base now what's nice about the Eidos is that you can fit a jump ring through it at the end which is really nice so here we've got our start okay on to one needle place an eight eleven oh and a NATO and on to the other needle so that was on the right needle and then on to the left needle place one eleven Oh slide down the eleven OHS and the eight oh but go ahead and crisscross your left needle through that a toe and pull and I'm gonna do several different segments of this so that you're gonna be able to see it multiple times so this is what we have to begin with so now you've got your right needle again onto it place two of the eleven O's and an 802 more lemon O's and one more a doe and then onto your left needle place to eleven O's one a toe and two more eleven O's and I think I'm going to just start referring to these as blue and purple I think you'll just be a little easier so here's what we've got slide the beads a little ways down and take your left needle and criss cross through that purple one which is the ADA and then pull all of these down to meet your other beads and now this is what you've got let me show you so essentially what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a whole row like this and I'll keep showing you and then we're gonna go back and do these little lily petals and these other beads and then we're gonna go back again and add our centers so now we're ready to add another double bead and what we want to do to get to the double bead is add one of these blue beads on each needle and then run each needle through one of the holes in the dobble beads and pull that down that is what you have now so now we're going to repeat so we need a blue on each needle and a purple on the right needle pull these down crisscross through that purple bead with your left needle and pull and now we're gonna repeat this segment here so on the right needle you want to go ahead and do one two blue a purple two more blue and another purple on the left needle you want to do two blue a purple and two blue pull these down and crisscross that left needle through that last purple bead to make your little segment here now we need another dable bead so we need a blue bead on each needle and then the double bead of course each needle going through a different hole which is so nice that's got two holes very convenient for us and pull down and there we go so you're gonna keep doing this I'm going to do one more for you please fast-forward through this part if this is a little too much that you've already kind of got the hang of it but it can be a little confusing with the two needles so I just want to show you enough before I go off camera and do a little bit longer segment and then come back and show you the next step so I've got blue bead on each needle and a purple bead crisscross that left needle through that purple bead now we're going to another little segment so we're going to go to blue beads one to a purple to blue a purple and then on the left one to blue that purple to blue slide them down and crisscross the left needle through the purple and pull I'm just going to add one more double bead and then I'm going to do some bead weaving off-camera I'll tell you how much to do and then I'll come back when it's another new step here so a blue bead on each and a double bead and pull that down and then let me show you what we've got thus far so if you look at our finished piece here is the start so what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to keep bead weaving until you get up to this point which is why I'm into off-camera here but we're gonna need a total of one two three four five six seven eight nine dable beads and then once we have that ninth dable bead on I'll show you how to do this part up here and then we're gonna start adding our lily petal beads so I've done a little bit more beading and I've added all my dable beads let me do a side-by-side comparison to the finished sample so you see all the doubles and now we're ready to add this last little bit and start our first row with the lily petals so I'm gonna pull the little petals over here so I have them to work with and what we're gonna do is take our double needles and we're gonna add two of the blue beads to each of the needles and one of the purple pull that down and crisscross the left needle through the purple 8'o pull that all the way down to the base and that now is gonna be our end that will eventually attach a jump ring to so now we're gonna go back through the beads so here's my needle sticking out on the side so on this side I'm going to trace back through my thread path and come back out over here and then also pass through that purple bead remember I mentioned we're going to be going through those larger a toes quite a bit well this is the start of that and that's why we need it that larger hole so I'm going to put that need the side and I'm going to do the same thing on the other side so go back down through my beadwork come back out and go through that blue bead okay and then I want to criss cross through that big purple one again so I've got a thread and needle coming out on either side and pull so now we're two here and we've just actually reinforced that structure over on this end which is really nice too so at this point we're actually only going to be using one needle and going across one side of our beadwork to begin with and then we're going to come back and do the other side it's a little bit easier if you do one side at a time so I'm going to start here and I'm going to pick up three of these darker blue beads so from this point on I'm not going to be using any more of these guys so they are done you can see you have quite a few left so you've got a lot to work with for another project so pick up three and go through that 8'o bead on it corner here so it kind of is a corner I guess you could say pull now you're gonna pick up one more little 11o and you're gonna pick up one of the lily petals now I'm gonna have to do a little experimenting to see which side I pick these guys up on because I want them to all face the same direction here you feel notice that one would be facing the same direction and that one would be essentially upside down but I you know it takes a little experimenting I'm not sure which way I need to pick this up to begin with so I'm gonna pay close attention to how I pick it up and see if it ends up upside down or right side up so here it is it's facing this way I'm going through the hole that's okay there we go facing that way coming through the hole and then let's see I slide it down and then I need to pick up one more blue bead if I go through this so I'm gonna essentially go through here again so I'm making a big loop and going back through that but before I do it I want to see what's gonna happen when I pull it down and it's gonna be facing the wrong direction so before I go any further I'm gonna pull this off and now I'm gonna know that I have to pick it up upside down so that's gonna end up right side up okay I know that sounds confusing but it'll make sense when you do this so coming out of my big 8 oh I'm going to pick up one blue bead I'm gonna pick up my little pedal essentially upside down and another blue bead and now I'm gonna go through this a toe again I'm gonna pull it down and when it loops around see we made a nice little loop when it loops around it's gonna be facing the correct way so now I'm gonna go ahead and pick up three more of these seed beads kind of a blue-green mix actually and now I'm going to go through the eight oh the purple this is what we've got it's gonna end up kind of getting a little bit kinky which I like so it ends up a little bit uneven which creates a really pretty almost petal design so now we're exiting that purple 8o we're gonna go through eleven Oh down through our topple bead and out through that little blue eleven Oh pull your thread and now make sure you go through the eight Oh again and now we're gonna repeat our exact same process that we just did so this is what we've got we're going to go down the entire side here doing this so let me do another two of these for you just so you get a good idea before I finish the rest off camera and then come back and do this side so we now know that for this side we need to pick up our little petals in the upside down position which we're going to do here in a minute but first we're going to go ahead and do three seed beads and go through that purple eight oh and then we need to pick up one seed bead one upside down lily pedal and one seed bead and then we want to go back through that purple a dough making a nice loop and then we need three seed beads right go through that nice big a dough and now we're gonna go through you have Jason beads and our Doppel bead come back out through that eight oh and now we're going to pick up three more seed beads oops there we go I just got caught my might be to work there we are now one seed bead one upside down Lily petal and another seed bead through that a toe again to make a loop three more seed beads through that a toe next little 11 Oh next to it shoot through the doll bead through that 11 oh and go through the purple eight oh there we go and we're ready to do another one so this is what we have thus far so let me do another comparison so we're just going down this side to begin with so you're just going to keep doing that until you get to the end right here and then I'm going to show you how to go back and do the other side which is going to be the exact same process but it'll just be on the other side but I'm gonna still show you a few clusters of that as well so I'm gonna do some beating off-camera here until I get to here then I will come back and I'll show you how to start the second side and we'll just go from there so as you can see I've completed one side and I'm actually Xing out the dable bead on the end so now this needle that I was working with I don't have to worry about this one anymore for the time being so I'm not gonna tie it off or anything I'm just gonna set it aside and it's still connected and I'm gonna go back to where I started doing this edging on this side where my other needle was left behind I just say needle and thread cuz it's still attached and now I'm gonna start working on this side so I'm going to pick up three seed beads you'll notice where I'm exiting is that nice big 8'o purple and then I'm gonna go through what I'm calling in the corner a toe purple that's really just the one that's kind of in the middle of this loop this round so I got three seed beads going through it looks like my tail got a little knotted here that ever happens to you just use your needle kind of untangle it there you go now I need to add my lily petal bead so I'm gonna pick up one 11:01 lily pedal and this time you know I think it's gonna end up being the opposite direction that should be facing cuz I'm working on the other side so we're gonna test that theory so I'm picking up the lily petal with it actually facing the correct way so it's facing I guess you'd say down and then another eleven oh and now we need to make this loop and go through our Big Eight oh and I can tell this is gonna be correct so that's good so pull that loop and there goes our little little little lily petal that's a hard one to say um if it is facing the right direction great so I'll know for future segments I'm gonna pick it up facing the correct side so now I need to add three more seed beads and go through that a toe so we've made one segment on this side and now we're gonna go through that eleven oh shoot through our dable bead and the eleven Oh next to it pull now we need to go through that purple aid oh so we're back on the correct side so now pick up three seed beads so one two three go through the eight Oh we're gonna pick up one 11:01 lilly pedal and now we know which side to pick it up on so it's facing down it's actually facing the correct way and an 11 oh and then we're gonna make that nice little loop so we're going through that same a toe that we just exited in the opposite direction so that it makes a loop pull it down three more seed beads through that nice purple a toe sometimes you have to fiddle with these so they lay right so now we're exiting on this side but we need to get back to the side we're working on so we have to go through the 11 o dable and the 11 o and now we still need to get to the right side so we're gonna go through that nice big purple 8 o come out on the other side and now we're ready to do our next segment so I'm gonna do that off camera because I know this is a very long video as it is so I'm going to end up working all the way down here until I once again exit the dable bead and then I'm going to show you how to go back and add these Center beads so we're gonna shoot through with the center beads again and that is going to end up completing the main part of our bracelet and then I will show you how to attach the clasp how to make the little chain of jump rings and how to make this little fancy decorative element which i think is pretty cute hope you do too alright so let me go ahead and finish this and then we'll go ahead and show you how to do those middle beads so this is where we are at now we have both our threads exiting the last double bead and now we're ready to add our centers and for our centers we're gonna use these really sparkly Czech fire polish round beads size four millimeter and we're just gonna need one needle to add those so go ahead at this point and see which needle has the longest length of thread left on it mine are pretty even and I know I've got enough but it could be a circumstance where you have one that has a lot one that has a little take the one that has a lot at this point you don't need much but you're going to need it enough to go all the way through so go ahead take the one you want to use and we're going to go up through our beadwork again all the way around back through the dobble bead whoops Here I am back through the dobble bead now I just went over my other needle and thread so I'm just gonna take that shoot it through that little loop that I accidentally made there we go and then pull so this one we're gonna end up tying off here shortly but I'm not gonna worry about it right now okay so we've exited our Doppel bead and now we want to go through the little blue jason bead and through that purple eight oh one more time and pull now we're gonna add on to our thread one Center bead so take note which side you are exiting that 8'o purple bead so I'm exiting on this end so what I'm gonna do is I have to thread it on my check fire polish it's gonna sit in the center there now I don't want to just go across to this side so I exited over here so I want to enter this purple bead this direction so it's going to almost create a little bit like a diagonal thread path right there so I don't want to go straight across I want to go a little bit of a diagonal and I'm gonna do all of them on this bracelet in this video so you can see what I mean so pull it across diagonal go through that purple a toe and pull and there you go and now what I actually like to do is I like to pull it a little bit tighter so that my beads scrunch up a little so you can see here you kind of end up on top of each other and they've got a little bit of a loop and a flow to them you could do whatever you like you can keep it a little bit loose or you can scrunch it up all right so I'm exiting this side I'll have that purple a toe so I'm gonna go through the blue bead through the Doppel bead through the next blue bead and pull my thread through and now I'm exiting again on what is the left side of that a toe purple bead I'm going to pick up another one of my pretty sparkly Center beads and go at a diagonal path so then I need to go from right to left and then place it in the center and pull there's two of them through the dobble and the two dilemma knows okay so now I'm exiting the right I'm gonna pick up another center bead and now I'm gonna go from left to right cuz I want to always keep at that diagonal path mmm what did I just do there looks like a thread got a little tangled there we go okay that one's now in the center shoot through go through that purple Hado okay so I'm exiting on the left pick up a center bead and now go from right to left so it's diagonal and I'm just going through all these purple beads there's a lot of texture to your bracelet so it's kind of easy to snag your thread on some of the little lily petals or some of the other beadwork so just kind of be patient and pay attention to what's happening with your thread okay we're going shot through the two eleven O's now I need to go through that purple eight oh there we go so now I'm exiting right add my Center remount go from left to right here's what we got so far we just have three more centers to go exiting left pick up the center bead go from right to left make sure your thread doesn't snag on any of your loops mine is attempting to there you go so I didn't make it through the blue bead when I went through so I just go through it now through the purple and now you can probably see why we started with eight feet of thread felt like a lot to begin with but by the time you get to this point you're actually pretty thankful that you had a lot to work with okay exiting right so now we go from left to right since we exited it right and we'll admit this pattern would be a lot more difficult if all your beads were the same color it really helps to be using different colored beads because you can kind of see like oh I want to go through this bead here which is a nice light blue whereas if they were all the dark blue it'd be a little bit more confusing alright last one so I exited left pick up the center bead go from right to left sure it doesn't snag there we go and before I go any further I want to take a look at what I've done to make sure everything looks right and it does okay so now we are almost ready it's tie this guy off so to start what I'm going to do I'm gonna go through that blue bead and now I'd feel comfortable anywhere along this wood line making knots so I'm going to do a knot it's just a simple knot so I just caught under my thread made a loop going through the loop with my needle pull now I'm going to go up through the dable be now I'm gonna make another knot I do one more right there okay now I want to go up through some of my beadwork to hide my tail and we've done a lot of passes through these threads so it can get to be a little bit difficult at this point to push your needle through if you remember how many times we've gone up and over and around and through quite a few okay I'm going to do one more knot just to be sure because we've done a lot of effort here we wouldn't want our beadwork to come undone we go through that blue bead if it will let me at this point that's three whatever beads I can you and I'm gonna trim that tail so just gonna cut it right where it exits the bead so now we're going to go back to the other side and tie off this thread as well this side was pretty tight over here there's not a lot of wiggle room I'm just going to do it go ahead do a knot let's see if I can push up through these beads through this purple one down if you're not familiar with how to tie off your beadwork for bead weaving you always want to just make sure that you follow your original thread path you just don't want to create any diagonal stitches where it wasn't something that you did originally where you're gonna see your thread so just trace back through your steps all you need to do you always want to after you tie a knot see if you can go ahead and weave your tail in a little and when we say weave your tail in it just means to go back through your thread path so you're hiding some of that tail okay so I tied a couple knots I feel like that's really secure trace a little bit more no no I'm just going to trim it so our bead work is now done and let me show you what it measures so this here is our original sample and this is our new sample and the beadwork itself measures about six and three-quarters inches almost and I think I mentioned in the beginning of this video that this is a nice segment you could try to do additional segments if you want but I think it's easier just if you want to make this a longer bracelet to add more jump rings at the end because we're gonna have an adjustable clasp by creating a chain of jump rings so to attach your clasp and the jump rings let's first attach our lobster clasp so we're going to take a jump ring and we're gonna open it so you grab two pairs of chain nose pliers and you grab the jump ring with the slit up towards the top and you twist it open and I'm gonna feed this jump ring through that end bead like so now I'm gonna link onto it the clasp and close it up so the clasp the lobster clasp is now attached alright so now on the other side my beadwork is pretty tight over here I'm gonna see if I can feed the jump ring through that end bead I am kind of doubting it but I'm going to see yeah that's really tight but thankfully we can just feed our jump ring through like so now ideally you'd be able to put it through that bead but because the speed work is so tight I don't have to worry about there being a gaps in the beadwork that would allow my open jump ring to slip through because this is really tight so go ahead and add a second jump ring to it before you close it and then close it now we're going to create a little chain of jump rings to do that open a jump ring pick up another one and then attach it to the last one that was attached close it do the same thing pick up a close well a closed one is still in open jump rings just in the closed position and attach it and close it you can create as long of a chain as you want okay I'm gonna call that good for my chain so this is what we have so you'll notice there's one little element missing it is an optional element but I think is kind of pretty this little decorative detailing at the end so we're gonna make that right now so let's see I think I probably had enough from what I cut off if not cut yourself another piece of 1820 inches of beading wire you're gonna need your two needles again actually once already on this piece I'll just keep that okay so two needles we're gonna pick up one of our little lily petals don't worry about which way you pick it up and slide it down to the bottom and make sure that your ends are pretty even okay there we go now we're going to pick up one of the dark blue beads on each needle one light blue bead on each needle and then on your right needle string on one of your Center beads and then we're going to criss cross the left needle through that Center bead and only the center bead okay so then pull all of that down to the base and there's the start of our little decorative element now we're going to go ahead and add another light blue bead to each needle another dark blue bead to each needle and then to the right needle we're going to add a purple bead so that's what we've got slide it down and crisscross your left needle through that purple bead and slide all of those down so now this is what we've got so you're going to take your right needle go back through the dark blue and the light blue bead pick up a purple bead which is your a dough and then go through the other light blue bead and the dark blue bead as well as the lily petal so you come out the other side I leave that on the table so you can see what we've got all right so we're gonna do the same on the other side so we came out on this purple bead we're going to go through the dark blue and the light blue bead pick up an eighth purple and then go through the light blue the dark blue and as well as the lily petal and then pull there we go so we've got our little cluster so now we just have to tie off these threads now because I want to put a jump ring through this top purple bead I'm actually going to do that right now just because it will end up maybe being too tight again if I pull my tension a little bit too strongly so I'm going to put a jump ring through this bead right now now I don't have to worry about that all right so pull and now we're going to do the same as what we did with the bracelet we're going to tie a knot and retrace our thread path tie another knot trace someone go to the other side do the same so I just picked up the other needle Tai not retrace by another not see if there's a room to pass through here and there's not that's fine I've tied a couple knots I've tucked my tail in now I can just trim off my thread no ready to add that little element to our chain of jump rings and then we will be done jump ring through the existing jump ring connected onto our chain and close it back up okay so we've got our two bracelets and very different colors here now if you've made it all the way through this video which is a long one I thank you I want to give you a quick design tip if you're choosing colors at home they're different from these colors of course you can find all these supplies at beadaholique and we'll list what the exact colors are that I've used but in say you want to do your own color palette the trick to kind of making this look very like blended and everything matches really nicely is match the dable bead to the 8'o bead so you'll see that the dable bead is this purple and we've got a really complimentary nice purple tone for that a toe so that kind of brings that purple throughout or whatever color you might be choosing throughout your design then for the lily petal beads match those two here we go what's going to be the outer beads and that creates a really nice design look for them as well so you can choose whatever colors you want of course but that's one little design tip to kind of help you pick some colors at home if you want to create a similar feel to this but in a different color scheme now I chose antique brass for both of the findings here just because I really wanted the emphasis to be on the beadwork not necessarily the findings but take this one here for instance silver-plated would have been a beautiful choice for the jump rings and the clasp it would have gave it a little bit more of a brighter look if that's something you want it and then on this one you could have definitely done a shiny gold I just particularly wanted to kind of make sure that the emphasis was on the beadwork not necessarily the findings but feel free to play around it is nice to match whatever your Center bead is to your findings so although this is not an antique brass Center bead it's still kind of that nice subdued look but I would recommend making sure shiny I think it really helps to have a pop of sparkle and shine in the centers so just a couple design tips I know it's really fun to pick out your own colors that can be a little overwhelming so those hopefully will help you you can find the exact ingredients for this project along with a lot of other bead weaving tutorials and of course all the supplies at beadaholique.com you
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com and i'm naming it after these beads right here which are called dable beads let me show you what they look like here we have them and they were actually a two hole czech glass bead so they're a really fun shape they're not quite round they're a little bit irregular which i think has an interesting look to them and then these beads here are another inspiration and these are lily petal beads so you can see they look like flower petals so here's the bracelet up close that we're gonna make and this is going to be a longer video so just kind of be warned fast forward wherever you want to fast-forward that we're gonna take our time to go through this bracelet step-by-step in terms of the supplies you're going to need you're going to need some beading thread so I've got wildfire hero point zero zero eight and for this project you're going to need eight feet of it you're going to need some jump rings and also a lobster clasp so this bracelet here I like the actual beaded part of it I would recommend if you want to make it longer you just add extra jump rings which is what we did here we made a little chain of jump rings and then you're gonna need these lily petal beads a four millimeter Czech glass round bead bobble beads and then two different colors of 1100 hoes and one of the eight ohto hoes so if you notice in this design here you'll see various places that we put the a dough and that's because in those spots we end up doing a lot of passes of our threads so it's nice to have that larger hole in terms of tools you're going to need two needles we're going to be doing a double needle method for this project a pair of scissors and two pairs of chain nose pliers now we're not going to be needing these to begin with so I'm going to put them aside and actually I went ahead and I pre-cut my thread so I've got eight feet and that is a lot of thread as you can see here but I really don't want you to have to add more thread to this project as you go so we want to start out with as much as we really are going to need like I mentioned we're going to do a double needle method so go ahead and put a needle on each end and if it's a little bit hard to get that thread through pinch it with your finger and just flatten that tip because this is so much thread to start with go ahead and pull the tail down a little bit so that it's not quite as overwhelming and go ahead and do that on the other side as well now I really prefer a double needle method whenever I am working with two whole beads I just find it a lot easier to do and that's how this design came about was because I was using two needles and I just can kind of be like almost like a figure eight is what's gonna happen so you want to make sure that you have pretty much even thread on both sides so let me see where my tails are this one here is a little bit shorter so I'm going to pull it there a week ago so now I need to spread out my beads and to start we're just going to need the dable beads the a toes and one of the colors of the 11 nose put this here as a reminder of what we're making and we're going to start down at this end right here to start our bead weaving we're going to start by placing one 800 ho on one of the needles and we're going to slide it down to the base of our thread and this is at the beginning right here so now take your needles and onto each of them place two of the eleven o seed beads okay so we got two on each needle now take a dobble bead stick a needle through each hole inside all of that down to meet that original bead that's at the base now what's nice about the Eidos is that you can fit a jump ring through it at the end which is really nice so here we've got our start okay on to one needle place an eight eleven oh and a NATO and on to the other needle so that was on the right needle and then on to the left needle place one eleven Oh slide down the eleven OHS and the eight oh but go ahead and crisscross your left needle through that a toe and pull and I'm gonna do several different segments of this so that you're gonna be able to see it multiple times so this is what we have to begin with so now you've got your right needle again onto it place two of the eleven O's and an 802 more lemon O's and one more a doe and then onto your left needle place to eleven O's one a toe and two more eleven O's and I think I'm going to just start referring to these as blue and purple I think you'll just be a little easier so here's what we've got slide the beads a little ways down and take your left needle and criss cross through that purple one which is the ADA and then pull all of these down to meet your other beads and now this is what you've got let me show you so essentially what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a whole row like this and I'll keep showing you and then we're gonna go back and do these little lily petals and these other beads and then we're gonna go back again and add our centers so now we're ready to add another double bead and what we want to do to get to the double bead is add one of these blue beads on each needle and then run each needle through one of the holes in the dobble beads and pull that down that is what you have now so now we're going to repeat so we need a blue on each needle and a purple on the right needle pull these down crisscross through that purple bead with your left needle and pull and now we're gonna repeat this segment here so on the right needle you want to go ahead and do one two blue a purple two more blue and another purple on the left needle you want to do two blue a purple and two blue pull these down and crisscross that left needle through that last purple bead to make your little segment here now we need another dable bead so we need a blue bead on each needle and then the double bead of course each needle going through a different hole which is so nice that's got two holes very convenient for us and pull down and there we go so you're gonna keep doing this I'm going to do one more for you please fast-forward through this part if this is a little too much that you've already kind of got the hang of it but it can be a little confusing with the two needles so I just want to show you enough before I go off camera and do a little bit longer segment and then come back and show you the next step so I've got blue bead on each needle and a purple bead crisscross that left needle through that purple bead now we're going to another little segment so we're going to go to blue beads one to a purple to blue a purple and then on the left one to blue that purple to blue slide them down and crisscross the left needle through the purple and pull I'm just going to add one more double bead and then I'm going to do some bead weaving off-camera I'll tell you how much to do and then I'll come back when it's another new step here so a blue bead on each and a double bead and pull that down and then let me show you what we've got thus far so if you look at our finished piece here is the start so what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to keep bead weaving until you get up to this point which is why I'm into off-camera here but we're gonna need a total of one two three four five six seven eight nine dable beads and then once we have that ninth dable bead on I'll show you how to do this part up here and then we're gonna start adding our lily petal beads so I've done a little bit more beading and I've added all my dable beads let me do a side-by-side comparison to the finished sample so you see all the doubles and now we're ready to add this last little bit and start our first row with the lily petals so I'm gonna pull the little petals over here so I have them to work with and what we're gonna do is take our double needles and we're gonna add two of the blue beads to each of the needles and one of the purple pull that down and crisscross the left needle through the purple 8'o pull that all the way down to the base and that now is gonna be our end that will eventually attach a jump ring to so now we're gonna go back through the beads so here's my needle sticking out on the side so on this side I'm going to trace back through my thread path and come back out over here and then also pass through that purple bead remember I mentioned we're going to be going through those larger a toes quite a bit well this is the start of that and that's why we need it that larger hole so I'm going to put that need the side and I'm going to do the same thing on the other side so go back down through my beadwork come back out and go through that blue bead okay and then I want to criss cross through that big purple one again so I've got a thread and needle coming out on either side and pull so now we're two here and we've just actually reinforced that structure over on this end which is really nice too so at this point we're actually only going to be using one needle and going across one side of our beadwork to begin with and then we're going to come back and do the other side it's a little bit easier if you do one side at a time so I'm going to start here and I'm going to pick up three of these darker blue beads so from this point on I'm not going to be using any more of these guys so they are done you can see you have quite a few left so you've got a lot to work with for another project so pick up three and go through that 8'o bead on it corner here so it kind of is a corner I guess you could say pull now you're gonna pick up one more little 11o and you're gonna pick up one of the lily petals now I'm gonna have to do a little experimenting to see which side I pick these guys up on because I want them to all face the same direction here you feel notice that one would be facing the same direction and that one would be essentially upside down but I you know it takes a little experimenting I'm not sure which way I need to pick this up to begin with so I'm gonna pay close attention to how I pick it up and see if it ends up upside down or right side up so here it is it's facing this way I'm going through the hole that's okay there we go facing that way coming through the hole and then let's see I slide it down and then I need to pick up one more blue bead if I go through this so I'm gonna essentially go through here again so I'm making a big loop and going back through that but before I do it I want to see what's gonna happen when I pull it down and it's gonna be facing the wrong direction so before I go any further I'm gonna pull this off and now I'm gonna know that I have to pick it up upside down so that's gonna end up right side up okay I know that sounds confusing but it'll make sense when you do this so coming out of my big 8 oh I'm going to pick up one blue bead I'm gonna pick up my little pedal essentially upside down and another blue bead and now I'm gonna go through this a toe again I'm gonna pull it down and when it loops around see we made a nice little loop when it loops around it's gonna be facing the correct way so now I'm gonna go ahead and pick up three more of these seed beads kind of a blue-green mix actually and now I'm going to go through the eight oh the purple this is what we've got it's gonna end up kind of getting a little bit kinky which I like so it ends up a little bit uneven which creates a really pretty almost petal design so now we're exiting that purple 8o we're gonna go through eleven Oh down through our topple bead and out through that little blue eleven Oh pull your thread and now make sure you go through the eight Oh again and now we're gonna repeat our exact same process that we just did so this is what we've got we're going to go down the entire side here doing this so let me do another two of these for you just so you get a good idea before I finish the rest off camera and then come back and do this side so we now know that for this side we need to pick up our little petals in the upside down position which we're going to do here in a minute but first we're going to go ahead and do three seed beads and go through that purple eight oh and then we need to pick up one seed bead one upside down lily pedal and one seed bead and then we want to go back through that purple a dough making a nice loop and then we need three seed beads right go through that nice big a dough and now we're gonna go through you have Jason beads and our Doppel bead come back out through that eight oh and now we're going to pick up three more seed beads oops there we go I just got caught my might be to work there we are now one seed bead one upside down Lily petal and another seed bead through that a toe again to make a loop three more seed beads through that a toe next little 11 Oh next to it shoot through the doll bead through that 11 oh and go through the purple eight oh there we go and we're ready to do another one so this is what we have thus far so let me do another comparison so we're just going down this side to begin with so you're just going to keep doing that until you get to the end right here and then I'm going to show you how to go back and do the other side which is going to be the exact same process but it'll just be on the other side but I'm gonna still show you a few clusters of that as well so I'm gonna do some beating off-camera here until I get to here then I will come back and I'll show you how to start the second side and we'll just go from there so as you can see I've completed one side and I'm actually Xing out the dable bead on the end so now this needle that I was working with I don't have to worry about this one anymore for the time being so I'm not gonna tie it off or anything I'm just gonna set it aside and it's still connected and I'm gonna go back to where I started doing this edging on this side where my other needle was left behind I just say needle and thread cuz it's still attached and now I'm gonna start working on this side so I'm going to pick up three seed beads you'll notice where I'm exiting is that nice big 8'o purple and then I'm gonna go through what I'm calling in the corner a toe purple that's really just the one that's kind of in the middle of this loop this round so I got three seed beads going through it looks like my tail got a little knotted here that ever happens to you just use your needle kind of untangle it there you go now I need to add my lily petal bead so I'm gonna pick up one 11:01 lily pedal and this time you know I think it's gonna end up being the opposite direction that should be facing cuz I'm working on the other side so we're gonna test that theory so I'm picking up the lily petal with it actually facing the correct way so it's facing I guess you'd say down and then another eleven oh and now we need to make this loop and go through our Big Eight oh and I can tell this is gonna be correct so that's good so pull that loop and there goes our little little little lily petal that's a hard one to say um if it is facing the right direction great so I'll know for future segments I'm gonna pick it up facing the correct side so now I need to add three more seed beads and go through that a toe so we've made one segment on this side and now we're gonna go through that eleven oh shoot through our dable bead and the eleven Oh next to it pull now we need to go through that purple aid oh so we're back on the correct side so now pick up three seed beads so one two three go through the eight Oh we're gonna pick up one 11:01 lilly pedal and now we know which side to pick it up on so it's facing down it's actually facing the correct way and an 11 oh and then we're gonna make that nice little loop so we're going through that same a toe that we just exited in the opposite direction so that it makes a loop pull it down three more seed beads through that nice purple a toe sometimes you have to fiddle with these so they lay right so now we're exiting on this side but we need to get back to the side we're working on so we have to go through the 11 o dable and the 11 o and now we still need to get to the right side so we're gonna go through that nice big purple 8 o come out on the other side and now we're ready to do our next segment so I'm gonna do that off camera because I know this is a very long video as it is so I'm going to end up working all the way down here until I once again exit the dable bead and then I'm going to show you how to go back and add these Center beads so we're gonna shoot through with the center beads again and that is going to end up completing the main part of our bracelet and then I will show you how to attach the clasp how to make the little chain of jump rings and how to make this little fancy decorative element which i think is pretty cute hope you do too alright so let me go ahead and finish this and then we'll go ahead and show you how to do those middle beads so this is where we are at now we have both our threads exiting the last double bead and now we're ready to add our centers and for our centers we're gonna use these really sparkly Czech fire polish round beads size four millimeter and we're just gonna need one needle to add those so go ahead at this point and see which needle has the longest length of thread left on it mine are pretty even and I know I've got enough but it could be a circumstance where you have one that has a lot one that has a little take the one that has a lot at this point you don't need much but you're going to need it enough to go all the way through so go ahead take the one you want to use and we're going to go up through our beadwork again all the way around back through the dobble bead whoops Here I am back through the dobble bead now I just went over my other needle and thread so I'm just gonna take that shoot it through that little loop that I accidentally made there we go and then pull so this one we're gonna end up tying off here shortly but I'm not gonna worry about it right now okay so we've exited our Doppel bead and now we want to go through the little blue jason bead and through that purple eight oh one more time and pull now we're gonna add on to our thread one Center bead so take note which side you are exiting that 8'o purple bead so I'm exiting on this end so what I'm gonna do is I have to thread it on my check fire polish it's gonna sit in the center there now I don't want to just go across to this side so I exited over here so I want to enter this purple bead this direction so it's going to almost create a little bit like a diagonal thread path right there so I don't want to go straight across I want to go a little bit of a diagonal and I'm gonna do all of them on this bracelet in this video so you can see what I mean so pull it across diagonal go through that purple a toe and pull and there you go and now what I actually like to do is I like to pull it a little bit tighter so that my beads scrunch up a little so you can see here you kind of end up on top of each other and they've got a little bit of a loop and a flow to them you could do whatever you like you can keep it a little bit loose or you can scrunch it up all right so I'm exiting this side I'll have that purple a toe so I'm gonna go through the blue bead through the Doppel bead through the next blue bead and pull my thread through and now I'm exiting again on what is the left side of that a toe purple bead I'm going to pick up another one of my pretty sparkly Center beads and go at a diagonal path so then I need to go from right to left and then place it in the center and pull there's two of them through the dobble and the two dilemma knows okay so now I'm exiting the right I'm gonna pick up another center bead and now I'm gonna go from left to right cuz I want to always keep at that diagonal path mmm what did I just do there looks like a thread got a little tangled there we go okay that one's now in the center shoot through go through that purple Hado okay so I'm exiting on the left pick up a center bead and now go from right to left so it's diagonal and I'm just going through all these purple beads there's a lot of texture to your bracelet so it's kind of easy to snag your thread on some of the little lily petals or some of the other beadwork so just kind of be patient and pay attention to what's happening with your thread okay we're going shot through the two eleven O's now I need to go through that purple eight oh there we go so now I'm exiting right add my Center remount go from left to right here's what we got so far we just have three more centers to go exiting left pick up the center bead go from right to left make sure your thread doesn't snag on any of your loops mine is attempting to there you go so I didn't make it through the blue bead when I went through so I just go through it now through the purple and now you can probably see why we started with eight feet of thread felt like a lot to begin with but by the time you get to this point you're actually pretty thankful that you had a lot to work with okay exiting right so now we go from left to right since we exited it right and we'll admit this pattern would be a lot more difficult if all your beads were the same color it really helps to be using different colored beads because you can kind of see like oh I want to go through this bead here which is a nice light blue whereas if they were all the dark blue it'd be a little bit more confusing alright last one so I exited left pick up the center bead go from right to left sure it doesn't snag there we go and before I go any further I want to take a look at what I've done to make sure everything looks right and it does okay so now we are almost ready it's tie this guy off so to start what I'm going to do I'm gonna go through that blue bead and now I'd feel comfortable anywhere along this wood line making knots so I'm going to do a knot it's just a simple knot so I just caught under my thread made a loop going through the loop with my needle pull now I'm going to go up through the dable be now I'm gonna make another knot I do one more right there okay now I want to go up through some of my beadwork to hide my tail and we've done a lot of passes through these threads so it can get to be a little bit difficult at this point to push your needle through if you remember how many times we've gone up and over and around and through quite a few okay I'm going to do one more knot just to be sure because we've done a lot of effort here we wouldn't want our beadwork to come undone we go through that blue bead if it will let me at this point that's three whatever beads I can you and I'm gonna trim that tail so just gonna cut it right where it exits the bead so now we're going to go back to the other side and tie off this thread as well this side was pretty tight over here there's not a lot of wiggle room I'm just going to do it go ahead do a knot let's see if I can push up through these beads through this purple one down if you're not familiar with how to tie off your beadwork for bead weaving you always want to just make sure that you follow your original thread path you just don't want to create any diagonal stitches where it wasn't something that you did originally where you're gonna see your thread so just trace back through your steps all you need to do you always want to after you tie a knot see if you can go ahead and weave your tail in a little and when we say weave your tail in it just means to go back through your thread path so you're hiding some of that tail okay so I tied a couple knots I feel like that's really secure trace a little bit more no no I'm just going to trim it so our bead work is now done and let me show you what it measures so this here is our original sample and this is our new sample and the beadwork itself measures about six and three-quarters inches almost and I think I mentioned in the beginning of this video that this is a nice segment you could try to do additional segments if you want but I think it's easier just if you want to make this a longer bracelet to add more jump rings at the end because we're gonna have an adjustable clasp by creating a chain of jump rings so to attach your clasp and the jump rings let's first attach our lobster clasp so we're going to take a jump ring and we're gonna open it so you grab two pairs of chain nose pliers and you grab the jump ring with the slit up towards the top and you twist it open and I'm gonna feed this jump ring through that end bead like so now I'm gonna link onto it the clasp and close it up so the clasp the lobster clasp is now attached alright so now on the other side my beadwork is pretty tight over here I'm gonna see if I can feed the jump ring through that end bead I am kind of doubting it but I'm going to see yeah that's really tight but thankfully we can just feed our jump ring through like so now ideally you'd be able to put it through that bead but because the speed work is so tight I don't have to worry about there being a gaps in the beadwork that would allow my open jump ring to slip through because this is really tight so go ahead and add a second jump ring to it before you close it and then close it now we're going to create a little chain of jump rings to do that open a jump ring pick up another one and then attach it to the last one that was attached close it do the same thing pick up a close well a closed one is still in open jump rings just in the closed position and attach it and close it you can create as long of a chain as you want okay I'm gonna call that good for my chain so this is what we have so you'll notice there's one little element missing it is an optional element but I think is kind of pretty this little decorative detailing at the end so we're gonna make that right now so let's see I think I probably had enough from what I cut off if not cut yourself another piece of 1820 inches of beading wire you're gonna need your two needles again actually once already on this piece I'll just keep that okay so two needles we're gonna pick up one of our little lily petals don't worry about which way you pick it up and slide it down to the bottom and make sure that your ends are pretty even okay there we go now we're going to pick up one of the dark blue beads on each needle one light blue bead on each needle and then on your right needle string on one of your Center beads and then we're going to criss cross the left needle through that Center bead and only the center bead okay so then pull all of that down to the base and there's the start of our little decorative element now we're going to go ahead and add another light blue bead to each needle another dark blue bead to each needle and then to the right needle we're going to add a purple bead so that's what we've got slide it down and crisscross your left needle through that purple bead and slide all of those down so now this is what we've got so you're going to take your right needle go back through the dark blue and the light blue bead pick up a purple bead which is your a dough and then go through the other light blue bead and the dark blue bead as well as the lily petal so you come out the other side I leave that on the table so you can see what we've got all right so we're gonna do the same on the other side so we came out on this purple bead we're going to go through the dark blue and the light blue bead pick up an eighth purple and then go through the light blue the dark blue and as well as the lily petal and then pull there we go so we've got our little cluster so now we just have to tie off these threads now because I want to put a jump ring through this top purple bead I'm actually going to do that right now just because it will end up maybe being too tight again if I pull my tension a little bit too strongly so I'm going to put a jump ring through this bead right now now I don't have to worry about that all right so pull and now we're going to do the same as what we did with the bracelet we're going to tie a knot and retrace our thread path tie another knot trace someone go to the other side do the same so I just picked up the other needle Tai not retrace by another not see if there's a room to pass through here and there's not that's fine I've tied a couple knots I've tucked my tail in now I can just trim off my thread no ready to add that little element to our chain of jump rings and then we will be done jump ring through the existing jump ring connected onto our chain and close it back up okay so we've got our two bracelets and very different colors here now if you've made it all the way through this video which is a long one I thank you I want to give you a quick design tip if you're choosing colors at home they're different from these colors of course you can find all these supplies at beadaholique and we'll list what the exact colors are that I've used but in say you want to do your own color palette the trick to kind of making this look very like blended and everything matches really nicely is match the dable bead to the 8'o bead so you'll see that the dable bead is this purple and we've got a really complimentary nice purple tone for that a toe so that kind of brings that purple throughout or whatever color you might be choosing throughout your design then for the lily petal beads match those two here we go what's going to be the outer beads and that creates a really nice design look for them as well so you can choose whatever colors you want of course but that's one little design tip to kind of help you pick some colors at home if you want to create a similar feel to this but in a different color scheme now I chose antique brass for both of the findings here just because I really wanted the emphasis to be on the beadwork not necessarily the findings but take this one here for instance silver-plated would have been a beautiful choice for the jump rings and the clasp it would have gave it a little bit more of a brighter look if that's something you want it and then on this one you could have definitely done a shiny gold I just particularly wanted to kind of make sure that the emphasis was on the beadwork not necessarily the findings but feel free to play around it is nice to match whatever your Center bead is to your findings so although this is not an antique brass Center bead it's still kind of that nice subdued look but I would recommend making sure shiny I think it really helps to have a pop of sparkle and shine in the centers so just a couple design tips I know it's really fun to pick out your own colors that can be a little overwhelming so those hopefully will help you you can find the exact ingredients for this project along with a lot of other bead weaving tutorials and of course all the supplies at beadaholique.com you
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